Which sections should I complete?

Application Form for:

·  Notification of a new cell(s)

·  Amendment of the instrument of incorporation

·  Notifications in relation to the intent to dissolve a cell and the subsequent dissolution of a cell

·  Other notifications required by the Risk Transformation Regulations 2017

Full name of Protected Cell Company

Which sections should I complete?

What is the applicant notifying us of?

Notification of new cell 4Complete Sections 1, 2 and 7

Amending the instrument of 4Complete Sections 1, 3 and 7

Intent to dissolve a cell 4Complete Sections 1, 4 and 7

Cell dissolution 4Complete Sections 1, 5 and 7

Other notifications required by the RTR 4Complete Sections 1, 6 and 7

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1 Registration details

1 / Registration details
Why we ask the questions in this section
We need to know this information to contact you during our assessment, to enable efficient processing of your application and so that we can update the Financial Services Register, the public record of registered firms.

1.1 You must confirm that the PCC is not in administration or liquidation

I confirm that the core of the PCC is not in administration or liquidation.

Contact for this application

1.2 Contact details of the person we will get in touch with about this application.

This must be someone who works for the applicant firm, and not a professional adviser.

First names
Job title
Firm name
Business address
Phone number (including STD code)
Mobile number (optional)
Fax number (including STD code)
Email address

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2 New Cell

Details of professional advisers

1.3 Have you used a professional adviser to help with this application?

No 4 Continue to Question 1.7

Yes 4 You must fill in the rest of this section

1.4 Name of professional adviser's firm

1.5 Name and contact details of professional adviser

First names
Business address
Phone number (including STD code)
Fax number (including STD code)
Mobile number (optional)
Email address

1.6 Do you want us to copy all correspondence to the professional adviser?



2 / New Cell notification

A protected cell company may not create a cell if the core of the protected cell company is in administration or liquidation (see regulation 59 of the RTR).

New Cell(s) [Regulation 59 of the RTR]

2.1 Registered number of PCC

2.2 Details of Cell

Name or number of Cell / Time and date Cell created

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3 Amendments to instruments of incorporation

3 / Amendment of the instrument of incorporation

Proposed amendment to the protected cell company’s instrument of incorporation [Regulation 27 of the RTR]

3.1 The notice must be accompanied by:

a)  the proposed amendment

b)  a draft of the protected cell company’s instrument of incorporation as amended by the proposed amendment.


3.2 You must select below how the proposed amendment has been approved [Regulation 95 of the RTR].

A PCC may only amend its instrument of incorporation if the proposed amendment is approved:

by written resolution of the persons holding voting shares issued on behalf of the core of the PCC

by a resolution passed in a general meeting by a simple majority of the total voting rights of those shareholders who are entitled to vote on the resolution at the meeting (or where the PCC’s instrument of incorporation so requires, a resolution passed by a higher majority or unanimously).

3.3 For the purposes of determining whether the proposed amendment will affect the protected cell company’s compliance with the requirements of regulation 19 of the RTR [Instrument of incorporation: requirements], the FCA will rely on a statement signed by the solicitor or counsel for the protected cell company confirming this.

Statement by the solicitor is attached

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4 Notification of intent to dissolve a cell

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4 Notification of intent to dissolve a cell

4 / Notification of intent to dissolve a cell
[Regulation 178]

A protected cell company’s instrument of incorporation may contain provision for the dissolution of a cell, but that provision is subject to Regulation 178 of the RTR.

A protected cell company must notify the FCA and the following persons of its intention to dissolve the cell:

(a)  any undertaking from whom the protected cell company has assumed a risk on behalf of a relevant cell

(b)  any investor who holds an investment issued on behalf of a relevant cell

(c)  any other creditor of the protected cell company in respect of a relevant cell

(d)  the PRA

4.4 Name or number of Cell(s) to be dissolved

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5 Notification of cell dissolution

5 / Notification of cell dissolution
[Regulation 178 of the RTR]

The cell may only be dissolved in the circumstances outlined in Regulation 178 of the RTR.

5.1 Please confirm that the following persons have been notified and there have been no objections within two months of notification

(a)  any undertaking from whom the protected cell company has assumed a risk on behalf of a relevant cell

(b)  any investor who holds an investment issued on behalf of a relevant cell

(c)  any other creditor of the protected cell company in respect of a relevant cell

(d)  the PRA


5.2 Please give details of how the dissolution complies with the Regulation 178 of the RTR

5.3 Please confirm that you comply with the requirements of Regulation 179 of the RTR [Dissolution of a cell: effect on property and liabilities]


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5 Notification of cell dissolution

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7 Declaration

6 / Other notifications to the FCA
Any notification made to the FCA should be cross referenced to the appropriate regulation as per the Risk Transformation Regulations 2017 (please include a copy in electronic media (e.g. memory stick))

Please submit any notifications, required by the Risk Transformation Regulations 2017, to the FCA (copied to PRA for information) at:

Financial Conduct Authority

25 The North Colonnade

Canary Wharf

London E14 5HS

The Prudential Regulation Authority

Authorisations Division

20 Moorgate



7 / Declaration
The declaration should be signed by a director or senior manager of the firm


It is a criminal offence to – knowingly or recklessly – give us information that is false, misleading or deceptive.

If any information is inaccurate or incomplete this application may take longer to be processed.

You must notify us immediately of any significant change to the information provided. If you do not, the application may take longer to be processed. It could also call into question the applicant firm's suitability to be registered.

I am authorised to make this application for registration on behalf of the applicant firm named on the front of this form.

I attach the documents required by the instrument of incorporation. I confirm that the documents provided have been prepared to an appropriate standard.

I confirm that the information in this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I authorise the FCA to make such enquiries and to seek such further information as it thinks appropriate to verify the information given on this form

Signature one Signature two

Date / (dd/mm/yy) / (dd/mm/yy)

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