June 24, 2014

Attendance: Lou Rotter (Our Lady of Providence), Mariann Wedel (Annunciation), Aurelia Weil (St. Paul), Vicki Voss (Sacred Heart Valley Park), Tony Tallo (Holy Redeemer), Dave Mason (Holy Redeemer), Penny Hartley (St. Joseph). Parish Representative: John Behl (St. Peter), Barb Kendrick (St. Martin de Porres). New Board Members to be commissioned in July: Lois Kruessel (Annunciation), Carol Bernsen (St. Peter), Steve Brokaw (St. Simon).

Opening Prayer: Mariann

Previous Board Meeting: The minutes from 5/19/14 were approved.

Finance report: Unavailable at this time.

New Parishes, Recruitment

Regarding Immaculate Conception in Maplewood, Joe has scheduled a meeting with Alice Fenwick for July 11 at 4:30 pm. The Pastor will not be involved at this time.

Fr. Yates from St. Francis of Assisi had experience with ACTS at St. Simon and is very interested in bringing the retreat to St. Francis. Joe is working on scheduling a meeting with the parish.

Joe and Lou met with a group from Our Lady of Festus. The Pastor is ready to sign the YES agreement, and Audrey McElyea is seeking direction as to the next steps the parish should take.

St. Genevieve DuBois is on hold at the present time. Deacon Matt Witte is very enthusiastic about ACTS, but the Pastor is considering joining with another parish because of the size of St. Genevieve. Joe has spoken with Peggy McAuliffe from the parish.

Fr. Holbrook from St. Bridget in Pacific should be contacted to see about his seed team status and readiness to proceed.

At Sacred Heart in Florissant, the Deacon is attempting to schedule an ACTS Retreat to attend himself.

Leadership Workshop

The next Leadership Workshop in St. Louis is scheduled for July 26th at Immaculate Conception in Columbia, IL. The registration form is available on the St. Louis ACTS website. The cost has increased from $10 to $15. Assumption Parish on Mattis Road in South County will host the a Leadership Workshop on November 8, 2014.

October 25, 2014 has been tentatively set for thesecond ACTS Leadership Workshop in Toledo, OH.

Letter to Prospective Mission Directors

In order to update the list of ACTS brothers and sisters who are qualified to serve as Directors for Mission Teams, Penny and Steve will contact each parish and request a list of those people who have served as Directors of Parish Retreats as well as their contact information. Lou will draft an email to those persons listing the pre-requisites and qualifications for serving as a Mission Director and requesting that they respond to the Chapter Board if they are interested in having their names placed on the list from which the Chapter Board nominates those whose names will be placed in the Holy Bowl.

Spiritual Speaking Circles

Speaking Circle is not a mandatory ACTS activity. Many Directors feel that Speaking Circles helps team members learn to listen, to speak, and to bond with one another; consequently, some suggest that team members, especially speakers, attend the program. It is up to the discretion of the Director to require Speaking Circles.

Setting Up New Core Teams

During October, Core Teams need to be set up at Queen of All Saints and St. Gerard Majella.

ACTS Picnic

Jeanne Moore and Mariann Wedel will coordinate the Annual ACTS Picnic, which is scheduled for Sunday, Sept 21st at LaSalle. A priest is still needed to celebrate Mass.

Policy on E-mail Distributions to ACTS Community on Parish Events

The Chapter Board is struggling to discern what information is appropriate for the Chapter to disseminate to the Core Teams and Parish Communications Contacts. The Board has decided that information regarding Mission Retreats, Parish Retreats, and ACTS-sponsored activities at parishes should be forwarded. Aurelia will contact ACTSM in San Antonio and ask what their policy is regarding sending out email announcements of non-ACTS, parish spiritual activities.

Mission Board and Chapter Board Structure

Consistent with Church practice for all of its formally sanctioned ministries, ACTSM is generally directed and controlled by leadership that consists of ordained or religiously professed individuals.

At the request of the Bishops, very important changes have been made to the Hierarchical/ Organizational Chart of ACTSM. See pages 4 and 5. Any not-for-profit Catholic organization is accountable to the (Arch)Bishop of the (Arch)diocese in which it functions, as well as to its Board of Directors. Please note that the previous governing Board of Directors of ACTSM now functions as an advisory board, and the current governing Board of Directors includes the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, the Bishop of Amarillo, and Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, President of the Oblate School of Theology. Thus, ACTSM organizational structure nowconforms to Church Law and its operation is under the direct control of the Catholic Church through the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

In response to the Bishops’ requests, ACTSM has worked for the past two years to develop uniform policies, procedures, and structures which ensure the integrity of the ACTS Retreat. The St. Louis Chapter Board has agreed to conform to the Chapter structure which ACTSM has developed. As such, the Chapter will be executing the new Bylaws and Operating Agreements submitted by ACTSM. New and existing voting Board members were asked to study the positions/roles in the Responsibilities Chart on page 6, and discern the roles for which they are best qualified. At the July meeting new members will be inducted for a three year term. During the executive session of the meeting (voting members only), it will be decided who will fill each role. (Note: In the chart, positions in bold must be filled by voting Board members; positions in italics may be filled by qualified Subject Matter Experts -- SMEs.)

Aurelia will contact ACTSM and request a Chapter Orientation Workshop for voting Board members on the weekend of August 23 – 24.

Open Discussion:

The following question was raised: What is the Chapter’s role/responsibility when parishes with established Cores are floundering or not following ACTSM’s directives? This will be discussed further after our structural reorganization beginning in July.

Next month: Monday, July 14th.

Mission Retreats in Formation:

St. Theodore in Flint Hills and St. Joseph in Josephville Women #1 – Chris Merli (Sacred Heart – VP), (6/26 – 29/14) at Sojourn

St. Anthony High Ridge Women’s #1 – Jeanne Moore (Annunciation) (6/26-29/2014) at LaSalle

St. Anthony High Ridge Men’s #1 -- Dave Bozdeck (Our Lady of Providence)(9/4 – 7/14)at LaSalle.

St. Gerard Majella #2 -- Rick Wedel (Annunciation)(9/11 – 14/14) at LaSalle.

Epiphany (Normal, IL) Men’s #2 -- Bob Radley (St. Monica) 9/18/14 to 9/21/14 at East Bay Camp.

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Women’s #1 -- (10/2 – 5/14) at Mercy Retreat Center

Queen of All Saints Women #2 – Sally Cherre (St. Joseph) (10/16 – 19/14) at Marianist Retreat Center.

Little Flower Men’s #2 in Toledo, OH, -- Jim Moore (Annunciation) (11/20 – 23/14)

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Men’s #2 --Matt Sicking (Holy Spirit) (12/4 – 7/14) at Marianist Retreat Center

Parish Name & Location / Pastor Name & Phone Number / Letter of Agreement / Seed Team Attended Retreat
Women: / Seed Team Attended Leadership Workshop / Location / Scheduled Retreat Dates / Next
Steps/ Open Issues / Date Core Set Up
Contact Person & Email
Bloomington, IL / Signed / 3 Women to St Joes 2/14-17/13
and Men to St Paul 3/7-10/13 / East Bay
Camp / Men #1:
Women #1:
Men #2:
9/18 – 21/14 / Steve Litschgi
(St. Paul)
Mariann Wedel (Annunciation)
Bob Radley
(St. Monica) / Completed.
Queen of All Saints / LaSalle
Retreat Ctr / Men #1:
Women #1: 2/6-9/14
Men #2:
3/27 – 3/30
Women #2:
10/16-19/14 / Mike Marchi
(Our Lady of Prov.)
Kathleen Wayman
Jerry Willick
(St. Simon)
Sally Cherre (St. Joseph) / Completed
Little Flower
Toledo, OH / Fr David Nuss / Pastor signed agreement with SA; SA assigned to STL. / 3 or 4 Women & Pastor to St Simon 4/11-14/13 and 5 Men & Pastor to St Joseph 4/25-28/13 / Men #1:
Women #1:
Men #2:
11/20 – 11/23/14 / Bill Grant (St. Joseph)
Penny Hartley (St. Joseph)
Jim Moore (Annunciation) / Completed
Sacred Heart
Crystal City / Pastor agreed. Wants to join with other parish / 3 Men:
Pastor Name & Phone Number / Letter of Agreement / Seed Team Members / Seed to
LW ? / Location / Scheduled Retreat Dates / Next Steps /
Open Issues / Date Core Set Up
Contact Person & Email
St. Gerard Majella / Signed / LaSalle / Women #1:
Men #1:
1/2 --5/14
Women #2
Men #2:
9/11-14/14 / Jennifer Boyer
(St. Paul)
Tony Tallo
(Sacred Heart-VP/ Holy Redeemer)
Melinda Fuchs (Sacred Heart – VP)
Rick Wedel
(Annunciation) / Completed
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Florissant / Pastor Ready / Several / Decided on Emaus Way
Joe Vilmain will follow up
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne / Signed / Marianist Retreat
Retreat Center / Men #1: 2/27—3/2/2014
Women #1: 10/2 -5/14
Men #2: 12/4 – 7/14 / Gary Leiendecker
(Mary Mother of Church)
Names Drawn
Matt Sicking
(Holy Spirit) / Completed
St. Anthony
High Ridge / Fr Sebastian / Wants to start on their own / LaSalle
LaSalle / Women #1:
Men #1:
9/4 – 9/7/14 / Jeanne Moore (Annunciation)
Dave Bozdeck
(Our Lady of
St. Raymond
Maronite / Signed / Women: 7 or 8
Men: 1 / Siobhan McDonough (Sacred Heart-VP)
Bishop ready to go! / Will release Siobhan – Pastor not ready
St. Vincent de Paul / Pallottine / #2 Women: 1/30 – 2/2/14 / Cathy Griner (St. Catherine Laboure) / Completed
Core Team set up May 2014
St. Teresa
Belleville, IL
St. Elizabeth
Ann Seton / Bill & Joe will visit
Pastor Name & Phone Number / Letter of Agreement / Seed Team Members / Seed to
LW ? / Location / Scheduled Retreat Dates / Next Steps / Open Issues / Date Core Set Up
Contact Person & Email
St. Theodore in Flint Hill &
St. Joseph in Josephville / Fr. Gary Vollmer
Fr. Bob Samson / Signed / Sojourn / #1 Women: 6/26 – 6/29/14 / Chris Merli (Sacred Heart – VP) / Modify formation process
Our Lady of Festus / Fr. Maassen / Pastor ready and waiting to sign / 3 women going on SHVP Retreat in Feb 14 / Pastor ready to sign YES Agreement
Waiting for more direction
Sacred Heart
Florissant / 2 women went on QAS in Feb 14 / Deacon waiting to attend an ACTS Retreat
St. Paul
Louisville / #1 Men:
#1 Women:
March 2015 / Grover / Missioned by IN, KY parishes
Christ Prince of
Peace / 3 men went on St. Joe Retreat / Not ready now
Immaculate Conception Arnold / Pastor interested – Pursue in 2015 / Pursue in 2015
St. Genevieve du Bois / Pastor concerned about size – interested in joining with another parish / 12 men and women / Joe has spoken with Peggy McAuliffe
St. Francis of Assisi / Fr, Yates (nee St. Simon) / 1 man / Joe will arrange a meeting with the parish
Our Lady of Pillar / Fr. French / Canceled appt and has not rescheduled