Mid-Hudson Hockey Officials Association, Inc.

Mid-Hudson Chapter of the National Ice Hockey

Officials Association, USA Hockey Affiliated

Mid-Hudson Hockey Officials Association, Inc.

Mid-Hudson Chapter of the

National Ice Hockey Officials Association (NIHOA)

USA Hockey Affiliated

Web Site-Under Construction

The Mid Hudson Ice Hockey Officials Association, Inc. was organized from a small group of parents in the late 1960’s that began officiating their children’s ice hockey games voluntarily. Fred Leahy and Dick Flint headed this group of six dedicated parents. As time went on, they affiliated themselves with the American Hockey Association of the United States, which is now known as USA Hockey.

In the late 1970’s an affiliation with the National Ice Hockey Officials Association (NIHOA) was secured by Dick Flint. The organization was incorporated in 1993 as The Mid Hudson Ice Hockey Officials Association, Inc.

Today we are one of the largest organized groups of ice hockey officials in New YorkState. We officiate for over 20 organizations ranging from mini-mite to college club hockey. Our organization has certified instructors and evaluators. Our most promising officials have continued their officiating careers in the ECAC, which has opened up other opportunities as well. We continue to grow and look for the most dedicated and promising officials demonstrating leadership ability.

Although few of the original 6 members are with us today, we are forever grateful for their dedication and commitment to provide an important and often overlooked aspect to the sport of ice hockey for the children, teenagers, men and women of our community.

The Mid Hudson Ice Hockey Officials Association, Inc. Doctor Allen Klein Memorial Scholarship has been established annually to provide a High School senior a $500.00 scholarship to offset the costs of attending college. The High School senior must play in the Hudson Valley High School Ice Hockey league and attend college in the fall of their freshman year.

"Through An Official's Eyes"

Please feel freeto share this with your local teams & officials. It's a great way to keep what we do in "perspective".

Donald Jensen was struck in the head while officiating a Youth Hockey League game in Terre Haute, Indiana. He continued to work the game, but later that evening was placed in the hospital by a doctor. While being kept overnight for observation, Jensen wrote the following letter:

Dear Parent of a Youth Hockey Player.

I'm a hockey referee. I don't do it for a living, but only on Saturdays and Sundays for fun. I've played the game, coachedit and watched it. But somehow, nothing takes the place of refereeing. Maybe it's because I feel that deep down I'm providing a fair chance for all the kids to play the game without disagreements and arguments.

With all the fun I've had, there is still something that bothers me about my job. Some of you folks don't understandwhy I'm here. Some of you feel I'm there to exert authority over your son. For that reason, you often yell at me when I make a mistake, or encourage your son to say things that hurt my feelings. How many of you really understand that I try to be perfect? I try not to make a mistake. I don't want your son to feel he got a bad deal from the referee. Yet no matter how hard I try, I can't be perfect. I tried keeping track of the number of calls I made in a game today. The total number of decisions, whether it is offsides or onsides, penalties or no penalties, goals or no goals, was over 200. I tried my best to get them all right, but I'm sure I missed some. When I figured out my percentage on paper, I could havemissed ten calls today and still gotten about 95 percent of the calls right. In most occupations that percentage would be considered excellent. If I were in school, that grade would receive an A for sure.

But your demands are higher than that. Let me tell you more about my game today. There was one real close call that ended the game. A player was on a breakaway and was trying to score. The defenseman chased him down and made a good play to prevent him from taking a shot that could have won the game. Some were yelling for a penalty, I thought the defensemen made a good play. As I was getting my equipment to leave, I overheard one of the parent’s comments,its too bad the kids have to lose games because of rotten referees. That was one of the lousiest calls I've ever seen." Later, at the concession stand, a couple of kids were telling their friends, "Boy, the referee’s were lousy today. They lost thegame for us." I felt just terrible when I got home. Here was a group of kids who had made a lot of mistakes and took a lot of penalties that had cost them a number of goals.

The purpose of Youth Hockey is to teach basic hockey skills to young men. Obviously, a team which does not play wellin a given game, yet is given the opportunity to blame that loss on a referee for one call or two, is being given thechance to take all responsibility for the loss from their shoulders. A parent or adult leader who permits the younger player to blame his failures on a referee, regardless of the quality of that referee, is doing the worst kind of injustice to that youngster. Rather than learning responsibility, such an attitude is fostering an improper outlook toward the ideals of the game itself. This irresponsibility is bound to carry over to future years.

As I sit here writing this letter, I am no longer as upset as I was this afternoon, I wanted to quit officiating but fortunately, my wife reminded me of another situation that occurred last week. I was referring a game, a player, a very skilled player, pantomimed his displeasure at practically every call or no call and always on anything borderline that was not in his team's favor. Onecould sense that he wanted the crowd to realize that he was a fine, talented player who was doing his best to getalong, but that I was a black-hearted villain who was working against him. The kid continued acting like this fortwo periods, while at the same time yelling at his own players, who dared to make a mistake. For two periods the coach watched this. When the

kid returned to the bench in between the second and third period, the coach called himaside. In a voice loud enough that I was able to overhear, the lecture went like this: "Listen son, it is time you makea decision.

You can be a referee, an actor, or a hockey player. But you can only be one at a time when you are playingfor me. Right now it is your job to be a hockey player. And, you are basically doing a lousy job. Leave the acting to actors and the officiating to the referee’s or you won't be a hockey player on my team any longer. Now what is it going to be?"

Needless to say, the kid chose to be a hockey player and went on to score the game winning goal. When the game was over the kid followed me to the locker room. Fighting his hardest to keep back the tears he apologized for his actions and thanked me for refereeing his game. He said he had learned a lesson that he would never forget.

I can't help but wonder how many more children are missing their chance to develop into hockey players and fine young men because their parents encourage them to spend time refereeing during a game.

The following morning Donald Jensen died of a brain concussion.

Table of Contents

  1. List of Meetings, dates and times (for clinic information visit the New York State Amateur Hockey Association website at
  1. Current Chapter Roster-good through November 30. (Final roster will be handed out at a later date)
  1. Scheduling of Games
  1. Per game fees and related information
  1. Game Cancellation Policy
  1. List of Officers
  1. Referee Game Reports
  1. Evaluation forms Basic and Advanced
  1. Charter (Not included)
  1. Disciplinary Policy
  1. Independent Contractor Agreement and W-9 Tax Form
  1. Code of Conduct


USA Hockey membership meeting dates and times:

All meetings will begin promptly at 630pm and are expected to last no longer than 1 hour.

September 19, 2007 at Ice Time, Newburgh (All)

October 23, 2007 at Brewster Ice Arena (level 1-2 and first year level 3)

November 15, 2007 at Ice Time, Newburgh (level 3 only)

January 17, 2008 at Ice Time, Newburgh (All)

March ??, 2008 at (TBD)

We have a limited number of meetings. It is important that you attend each of your specifically scheduled meetings. Attendance is mandatory as the issues discussed are of extreme importance to develop an understanding of rule interpretations and applying them consistently among officials.

Parents of referees less than 16 yr’s. old are required to attend the initial orientation meeting with their son or daughter.

Paychecks will be handed out at meetings.

Fines will be assessed for each missed meeting. You may also be subject to a loss of game assignments.

NIHOA membership meeting dates and times:

All meetings will begin promptly at 745pm on:


NIHOA skating test date and time

Must contact Lou Musella and let him know of your interest.

NIHOA written examination date and time-TBD

B. Chapter Roster- See attached

Any changes to the chapter roster should be brought to the attention of the chapter Secretary immediately.

Additionally please contact the individuals noted below for the following reasons:


-Problems encountered with players, coaches, parents, rink management, or other officials.


- Scheduling issues.


- Discrepancies with paychecks.

Independent contractor form and W-9 must be submitted to Mark D’Agostino prior to being paid for any games worked


- Administrative issues, (Game Misconduct Reports, Match Penalty forms, Injury Reports)

- Personal Information (phone numbers, emails, address, etc.)

- W-9

- Independent Contractor Agreement

- LIAHL Code of Conduct form

-Referee certification card for the current season must be submitted by Out-of-State and new officials prior to your being scheduled for any games.


- Rules and interpretations

  1. Scheduling of Games-You are required to travel to the rinks we assign.

Saugerties Youth Hockey-Saugerties, NY Marist College-Poughkeepsie, NY

Millbrook Youth Hockey-Millbrook, NY SUNY-New Paltz- Poughkeepsie, NY

Pawling Youth Hockey-Pawling, NY CCM-Mennen, New Jersey

Putnum Youth Hockey-Pawling, NY Montclair Univ.-Montclair, New Jersey

HudsonValleyHockey-Newburgh, NY St. Thomas Aquinas Col.-Somers, NY

HudsonValleyVikings-Poughkeepsie, NY HudsonValleyHigh School Hockey League

Bedford Youth Hockey-Bedford Katonah, NY

Long Island Hockey League-Brewster, NY

Long IslandEdge-Pelham, NY

  1. You must call Mark D’Agostino 718-447-5200 x216 between the 20th and the 25th of the month to receive your schedule for the upcoming month. I.e. Call October 20th for a November schedule, Call November 20, for a December schedule. Additional games will be available after the 25th of the month, please call.
  1. Scheduling based on organization participation, Board of Directors suggestions including level, age, experience, and qualifications.

C. New and out-of-area/state officials must submit proof of their certification to the chapter secretary before being scheduled for games. Independent Contractor, LIAHL code of Conduct, and W-9 forms must also be on file with the chapter secretary prior to being paid.

  1. All scheduling goes through the scheduler do not find your own replacement (However see exception under game cancellation policy). This to keep all insurance in full force and effect. If you find your own replacement, you negate any insurance coverage and assume responsibility.
  1. We expect the MHHOA to be your first priority for officiating. Any other organizations you officiate will be secondary to your MHHOA schedule. You will be expected to travel to the various rinks in our service area.
  1. Notify the scheduler immediately if the game you were scheduled has been changed when you arrive at the rink (i.e. Scheduled for mites and peewees are playing).

1.The fee schedule is what you will be paid for each game.

2. Payments are based on the games verified with the Master Schedule; score sheets are not used for payment purposes.

3.Due to the billing procedures of the MHHOA and the payment procedures of the various organizations, you should expect to be paid no less than 45 days after the end of the month you worked. (I.e. if you work at any time in November, you should not expect to be paid until January 15).

Effective September 1, Referees officiating the levels indicated below will be paid as follows:

Mite House $TBD Peewee/Modified $40.00

Mite Travel $20.00 Bantam/JV $47.00

Squirt House $20.00 Midget/High School $62.00

Squirt Travel $28.00


Marist-$100.00 per referee 2 man system, 3 man system $110-$75-$75

New Paltz- $95.00 for 2 man system, 3 man system $105-$70-$70

CCM, Columbia (driver extra $30), St. Thomas- $100.00 for 2 man system

Montclair--$120.00 per referee for 2-man system, 3 man system $135-$90-$90

Adult Senior League-Newburgh $55.00. Saugerties $67

Evaluators will be paid $10.00 per evaluation.

If you work alone pay is 1+1/2 above rates.

If games are canceled without notification the following applies:

First game canceled-full pay

Last game of any set-1/2 pay (your going home early)

Middle game of any set-1/2 pay (you are there anyway)

You may keep copies of all score sheets to verify you worked the game (in case there is ever a question). Payments are based on a master schedule not on score sheets.

If you are notified of a game cancellation, you are responsible to call your partner and notify them (you will be notified who your partner is if a game is cancelled). We will do our best to notify you of any game cancellations. On occasion, games are cancelled and we are not notified. Weather related cancellation, if in doubt of weather related cancellation, please call 845-868-7769. If games are canceled because of weather, a message will be left on the message machine as soon as possible. If no message on the machine assume your game is still scheduled.


1099’s will be prepared. (Due February). Those families in which two or more members have been paid in one check should notify the scheduler of how much each member was due. A 1099 will reflect each members pay.

A Corporation tax return is due by March 31. The tax return of this not for profit organization is a matter of public record and will be on file with the state attorney generals office.

Membership to the MHHOA is not granted simply by passing the USA Hockey referee exam. You must demonstrate responsibility, professionalism, a positive attitude and dedication to the sport of ice hockey. You will be evaluated and provided with constructive suggestions to improve your game as an official.


If you must cancel your assignment-All cancellations must be called into 845-868-7769 only. Include your name, location of game (rink), date and time of game(s) you wish to cancel. The date and time you called is entered on the answering machine to avoid any confusion. If you are canceling less than 5 days prior to your assignment, you must find a suitable replacement from the member roster only. You must call in the name of your replacement immediately (if you call in the name after the game has begun, you are subject to disciplinary action). The scheduler must be notified and approve replacements in order to keep the insurance in effect as well as determine the appropriateness of an official for a game.

In order to get replacement officials in a timely fashion, it is imperative that the scheduler be informed of your need to cancel as soon as possible. The players, coaches, spectators and the organizations we provide services for expect two officials at each game. Canceling games in a timely fashion will help ensure that there are two officials at each game.

Anyone, regardless of age, and for any reason not meeting his or her obligations and responsibilities will be subject to certain disciplinary action. It cannot be overemphasized that, once you accept game assignments, you will be held responsible for meeting your obligations. We ask that the MHHOA be given priority over all other organizations that you may officiate with.


The following is not all-inclusive but fines and suspensions will apply: