CLARENDON COLLEGE Jazz Band ~ Spring 2008
MUEN 1229, 2229
Instructor of Record: Ms. Carolyn Smith Director: Todd Baker
M 5:00 – 6:30 CHS Band House
Office Hours: MWF 9:00 – 10:00 & 2:00 – 3:00 (MW only)
TR 11:00 – 1:00, & 2:30 – 3:00 (Pampa) or By Appointment.
Office HSFA 101
Phone: 874-4836 Cell: 806-205-1896
COURSE OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this course is to give the community college student an opportunity to rehearse and perform jazz music of the highest caliber possible while reinforcing characteristics of proper instrumental techniques.
Grades are based on attendance and participation.
Attendance (75%) by all members at all regular and called rehearsals is very important to the success of the ensemble. Each student’s grade will be determined by participation, punctuality, and attendance record.
A - No more than 3 rehearsal absences (both regular and called) and
participation in all performances.
B - 4 rehearsal absences (both regular and called) and
participation in all performances.
C - 5 rehearsal absences (both regular and called) and
participation in all performances.
D - 6 rehearsal absences (both regular and called) OR failure to participate in
a performance.
F - 7 or more rehearsal absences (both regular and called) OR failure to
participate in 2 performances.
Participation will count 25% of final grade.
All students must participate in dress rehearsals and performances in order to receive a passing grade. Withdraw date is April, 11. You will loose your scholarship if you withdraw or drop below a 2.5 GPA.
For grading purposes, 2 tardies will equate to one rehearsal absence.
Tardiness to Dress Rehearsal or Performance will lower the grade by one letter.
CALENDAR: Mark the following dates on your calendar and plan to be in attendance. Other performances may be added with two weeks notice.
March TBA: Music Activity
April TBA: Spring Concert @ HSFA
April TBA: Spring Concert @ Pampa Center
May 3: Commencement Ceremony ?? @ HSFA
Each performer will be issued music for which he/she will be held financially responsible. Each student will provide her own black three-ring binder folder.