Please note: This information should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment and advice. Always consult a medical professional about any health-related questions or concerns.



Lifemark Health Institute

Address: #154 Meadowlark Health Centre, Edmonton AB, T5R 5W9

We are located at the corner of 87 Ave and 156 St NW

Telephone: 780-429-4761

Fax: 780-425-4274


  • Outpatient Rehabilitation Program
  • Multidisciplinary team of providers including: Dietiticians, Kinesiologists, Occupational Therapists (OTs), Physical Therapists (PTs), Physicians, Psychologists, Registered Nurses (RNs)
  • Focuses on pain reduction and teaches patients new ways to manage pain
  • Pain education/Groups (group therapy)
  • Biofeedback
  • Therapeutic Yoga
  • Treatment for fibromyalgia and CRPS

Eligibility: Adults who have had chronic pain (not caused by cancer) for more than six months

Access to service: Referral required by physicians by consulting the Alberta Referral Directoryfor service referral guidelines and referral forms or by third-party referral

Funding: Alberta Health Services

Misericordia Pain Clinic

Address: 16940-87 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5R 4H5

We are located east of West Edmonton Mall


Fax: 780-735-2930 (Referrals Fax)


  • Outpatient Program
  • Multidisciplinary team including Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), Physical Therapists, Physicians, Registered Nurses
  • Clinics are held on every other Tuesday and Fridays of every second week.

This clinic offers:

  • acupuncture
  • trigger point injections with or without physio
  • botulinum toxin Injections
  • epidural steroid Injections
  • nerve blocks (several types)
  • intravenous regional block
  • intravenous lidocaine infusion
  • infusion pump refill
  • lidocaine swab

Access to service: Referral required by physicians by consulting the Alberta Referral Directoryfor service referral guidelines and referral forms

Funding: Alberta Health Services

University of Alberta Multidisciplinary Pain Centre

Address: Kaye Edmonton Clinic, 11400 University Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6G 1Z1

Telephone: 780-407-8638

Fax: 407-2736


Multidisciplinary team including Physiotherapist (PT), Physicians, Registered Nurse, Research Assistant, Yoga Instructor

Offers assessments, pain management and referrals to other specialists or services

At the Multidisciplinary Pain Clinic it is our mission to:

  • Treat and care for people who have chronic pain
  • Educate the medical profession and others about pain
  • Conduct research into pain and pain treatments
  • Raise the profile of chronic pain as a health issue
  • We offer programs including Kundalini Yoga, Life Despite Pain and Pain 101
  • Access to service: Referral required by physicians by consulting the Alberta Referral Directoryfor service referral guidelines and referral forms

You can still write to us asking us to see a patient in the usual fashion, enclosing any relevant test results

WeDO NOTaccept referrals for the purpose of obtaining an exemption to use Marijuana for medical purposes

Funding: Alberta Health Services

Stollery PediatricChronic Pain Clinic

Address: 8440-112 Street, 2E Medicine Clinic, Edmonton AB, T6G 2B7

Phone: 780-407-3357

780-407-1363(Nurse Practitioner)

Fax: 780-407-8529(Attention: Pediatric Chronic Pain Clinic)


Description: Service treats and cares for children 17 years and under who are experiencing chronic, difficult to manage pain.

  • Multidisciplinary team including Chronic Pain Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physiotherapists and Psychologists

Education: Chronic Pain 35

  • A cognitive behavioural therapy class that teaches students coping techniques
  • 11 weeks, 3 credit program
  • Topics include: Managing pain using relaxation techniques, pacing, dealing with mood and negative thoughts, improving communication, coping with stress and anxiety, talking about a life with pain

Inclusion criteria:

  • 0-17years, 11 months
  • Chronic pain of at least three months duration
  • Chronic pain as primary complaint
  • Chronic pain which impacts activities of daily living, school attendance, sleep, quality of life or family functioning

Program access: Referral by Physician/Nurse Practioner Only

Funding: Alberta Health Services

Community Rehabilitation Interdisciplinary Service

This program provides rehabilitation services to ambulatory adults living in the community who present with a functional impairment that requires an interdisciplinary approach to service.
Conditions served may include:

  • neurological disease/impairment (e.g. stroke, Parkinson Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.)
  • complicated arthritis
  • frail elderly
  • chronic pain
  • complex orthopedic concerns (CRIS East location)
  • splinting (CRIS East location)
  • chronic, non-cancer related lower extremity lymphedema (CRIS West location).
  • Services may include:
  • intake and discipline specific assessment
  • individual or group treatment at the clinic or facility
  • education to help you understand your condition and manage daily living
  • an exercise program or other options
  • connection with other appropriate community resources

Interdisciplinary team including Occupational Therapists (OTs), Physical Therapists (PTs), Psychologists, Recreation Therapists, Rehabilitation Assistants, Social Workers, Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs)


  • Clients must be 18 years of age or older and:
  • medically stable (talk to your physician if you have questions about this)
  • motivated and committed to the rehabilitation process
  • able to engage in therapy activities independently or with minimal assistance

Service Locations

Strathcona Community Hospital

  • Room 1B-005, 9000 Emerald Drive Sherwood Park, Alberta. 780-342-3385.

Kaye Edmonton Clinic

  • Room 1C, 11400 University Avenue Edmonton, Alberta. 780-407-5750.

Mother Rosalie Health Services Centre

  • Room 301 - Attached to the Misericordia Hospital, 16930 87 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta. 780-735-2413.

STEP FORWARD (Supervised Transitional Exercise Program)

  • Partners with local community groups for use of facilities to offer this program

To Register: 780-735-3483


Service Offers:

  • Individual initial assessment with a team of occupational therapists, physical therapists and a kinesiologist to determine eligibility for the program
  • 8 weeks of exercise, held 2 times per week
  • 3 educational sessions regarding goal setting, physical activity based resources and programs available in the community
  • Discharge assessment and evaluation of goals set
  • 1, 3 and 6 months follow-up and intervention, as needed

Occupational therapy consultation, if required during programming


  • Medically stable
  • are re-integrating into the community following a medical or rehabilitation intervention
  • are trying to prevent admission to a facility due to deteriorating physical status
  • are able to ambulate independently with or without aids
  • have mobility issues that create difficulties in their ability to perform basic daily activities
  • are recently discharged (less than 3 months) from an acute / sub-acute or rehab hospital stay, participated in a recent medical rehabilitation program or have sustained three (3) falls in 12 months and are at risk for a medical admission
  • are under 300lbs

BETTER Choices, Better Health ®- Chronic Pain

  • Provides free workshops for people with chronic pain
  • Workshops are held once a week for 2 ½ hours for 6 weeks
  • Each person receives a textbook, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions (Edmonton Zone only) and CD with an exercise program
  • Topics include: Managing medications, pacing, problem solving, goal setting, pain and fatigue, dealing with difficult emotions (anger, fear, anxiety, stress), healthy eating and staying active and communicating effectively with family, friends and healthcare providers
  • Access to service: Self-referral process, call 780-401-BOOK (2665) (Central Access) or 1-877-414-2665

Can also refer patients using the:Better Choices, Better Health ® referral form at

Non - AHS


Address: Suite 710, Hys Centre, 11010-101 Street, Edmonton, AB

Phone: 780-453-5255

Fax: 780-453-9099



Multidisciplinary assessment and management

Care includes: Health & Pain assessment, chronic pain management, spinal injury treatment, sport medicine, head injuries and concussions, physiatrists,

Multidisciplinary team including Athletic Therapist, General Practitioners, Lab X-ray Technician, Medical Radiology Technician, Neurologist, Physiatrists, Registered Nurses

Access to service: Click here to download our referral form

  • Most of our services are fully covered by the Alberta healthcare system, provided your patient has a referral
  • The manual assessment/exercise program is not covered, and the patient will be billed directly a fee of $140
  • Fee includes: Initial one-hour assessment, development of a home exercise program with a 30-minute follow-up review 2 weeks later

IPAX Clinic

Address: 102, 16114-100A Avenue, Edmonton, AB

Phone: 780-405-7520 ext 3

FAX: 780-666-2621


Description:IPAX Clinic is a comprehensive pain management clinic in Edmonton, Alberta. The Clinic is committed to providing top class interventional pain diagnostic and treatment procedures. We work in consultation with referring physicians to offer accurate diagnostic evaluation and help guide appropriate treatment. At IPAX Clinic, we believe that each patient has a unique experience of pain that requires individualized treatment. Some of the interventional techniques that we employ include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Ultrasound- guided corticosteroid spine and joint injections
  • Prolotherapy
  • Platelet-rich Plasma
  • Electromyography / Nerve Conduction Studies
  • Botox Injections

Patients receive comprehensive,personal treatmenttailored to meet their specific goals. We offer a multidisciplinary approach to pain management that includes:
• Comprehensive evaluation by an experienced Physiatrist.
• Completeevaluation by an experienced family physician.
• Pharmacotherapy and medication review with the aid of an experienced pharmacist.
• An in-depth physiotherapy assessment and treatment.
• Pain management using pharmacotherapy and interventional techniques using ultrasound or fluoroscopy.
• Avariety of other treatments, as needed.




Telephone consultations for physiotherapists

The Physiotherapy Tele-consult Service

Pilot Project for Chronic Painby physiotherapists.

What can a caller expect?

Consult with an experienced physiotherapist at the AHS Chronic Pain Centre in Calgary.

Learn more about existing community resources

Receive guidance for managing your patients with chronic neuromusculoskeletal, headache and pelvic pain issues.

In return, we hope to learn more about the needs of physiotherapists in treating this complex population and how to support best practice.

This service is available to physiotherapists in both the private & public sectors of the Calgary Zone, starting October 3, 2016.

Call 403-955-8250 to book a tele-consult.



Program or Service / Chronic Pain Centre
Address / RRDTC, 1820 Richmond Road SW, Calgary, AB. T2T 5C7
We are located in the Old Children’s Hospital site
Key Contact Information / Main Reception: Phone: (403) 943 9900 Fax: (403) 209 2954
Website /
Program description /
  • Outpatient Chronic Pain Management Program
  • Interprofessional Team involvement including Physicians, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Kinesiologists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Worker, Pharmacist and Dietician
  • Focus on Goal Attainment, Self-Management and Functional Improvement
  • Pain Education Classes/Groups
  • 3 Program Specific Streams – Neuromusculskeletal Pain, Pelvic Pain and Headache
  • Close liaison with Primary Care Network Pain Management Programs

Access to program or service / Eligibility/Admission criteria /
  • Adult Patients Over 18 Years who have chronic pain

Exclusion criteria /
  • Active WCB Claim
  • Under 18 Years
  • Does not have a Family Doctor or Specialist who is willing to work with our team
  • Cancer Pain
  • Unstable/Untreated Mental Health condition
  • Unstable/Untreated Substance Addiction
  • Unstable Medical Condition
  • Inability to participate in our program due to cognitive decline
  • No Alberta HealthCare coverage

Referral process or access / Please see our referral form at :

Please fax your completed referral to (403) 209 2954.
  • We accept referrals from all Health Care Professionals but request details of an MD that is prepared to work with us to optimize care for the patient.
  • We also accept referrals for pain focused telephone consultations (MD to MD) if a patient has difficulties accessing our centre or is unable to participate in our program.

Discharge criteria / We are a Time Limited Specialty Clinic and patients are with our program for up to one year following the MD Ax.
Funding / We are funded by Alberta Health Services.
Patients do not pay for any of our education or individual treatments with our team.
Program or Service
(Full Address) / Alberta Children’s Hospital - Complex Pain Clinic
2888 Shaganappi Trail NW
Calgary, Alberta T3B 6A8
Contact / Kathleen Duddy - CNS Ph: (403)955-7431
Admin support Ph: (403)955-7430
Fax: (403)955-7606
Capacity / Unlimited number for ongoing patient load
Weekly clinic with 2 new patient and up to 5 follow up
We do see patients as in-patient if consulted
Program Description / Multidisciplinary assessment and treatment for children with complex or chronic pain. The team includes:
  • Anaesthesiologists
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Social Worker
  • Psychologist
  • Physical therapist
Physical therapy and psychology carry out regular treatments with the children and social work typically follows up with the parents to teach parenting and coping strategies to optimize their child’s outcome with treatment. If needed, the physician provides specific interventions. The clinical nurse specialist fields phone calls from families as well as medication or condition related questions. Clinic follow ups are scheduled based on the patient’s need for multidisciplinary review.
Referral Criteria /
  • Medical referral from GP, specialist
  • Ongoing pain not managed by other disciplines
  • Must have seen appropriate specialists prior to seeing eg: for abdominal pain needed to be seen by GI +/- Gyne

Exclusion Criteria /
  • No Pain
  • Acute Pain

Admission Process / On discussion with CNS or direct referral to the clinic and triaged by physician.
Discharge Criteria /
  • No pain
  • Able to manage pain without team
  • Reached age of 18 years

Funding / Alberta Health Services
Other / Multidisciplinary team coordinates care within the team/hospital services and with community resources if appropriate to provide collaborative and comprehensive care.
Liaising with Children’s Hospital Boston – Pain Program (see next page)

Boston Children’s Hospital Outpatient Intensive Rehabilitation Program

Summary: 4-6 week intensive rehabilitation program geared towards chronic pediatric pain. Services include physical therapy, occupation therapy, psychology, and frequent follow up with a physician. Patients receive one-on-one treatment at the outpatient clinic for the duration of the day (~8am-4pm) and are assigned a 2-3 hour home exercise program (HEP) to do after clinic treatments. Handouts are provided for the duration of the program as well as for discharge planning where the patient is expected to carry on their HEP. Follow ups and testing are also scheduled after the patient has left the program. Another application for out-of-country funding may be required.

Additional program and contact information can be found on their website:

The application to the Boston Pain Program is initiated by the team after a great amount of consideration. If out of country funding is required, our social worker, Kelly Reissig, guides the family through the process and advocates for them. Applications are filled out by the responsible physician. Additional input is provided from psychology and physiotherapy if required but the physician and social worker take a lead role in this process.

The decision to proceed with an application to the Out-of-Country Health Services Committee is assessed on some of the following basic principles:

  1. The patient has not had success with available and/ or conventional treatments (e.g. a CRPS patient has had no success with 2-3 days per week of intervention provided by physiotherapy/psychology (child)/social work (parents))
  2. Evidence-based practice suggests treatment is in excess of what is offered/available in Alberta or Canada (e.g. patient requires 6 hours a day of intensive treatment from multiple disciplines)
  3. Most responsible physician is unable to offer intervention that would be suitable to meet the patient needs (e.g. complicated orthopaedic knee surgery for patient who has rhabdomyosarcoma and an orthopaedic physician more experienced in this area resides elsewhere and has been recommended by treating physician in Alberta)

Process that social work goes through for any out of province funding/services:

  1. Family or physician is or has become familiar with a program or service outside of Alberta
  2. Referral to social work to help facilitate/help family navigate process (application s are made by referring physician only)
  3. Social worker reviews with family the criteria for out-of-country applications (see information sheet

Social worker helps facilitate communication process and identify gaps (e.g. family hears of program elsewhere; social work reviews info sheet above and facilitates communication with service providers). In some cases, social work can help advocate for family who has not been able to formulate questions to have needs met in Alberta Health Services.

Program or Service
(Full Address) / Alberta Healthy Living Program
Main office: Sheldon Chumir Health Centre, 1213- 4th Street SW, Calgary, AB, T2R 0X7
Telephone: 403- 943-2584
AHL exercise program is offered at 17 urban & rural locations in & around Calgary.
Contact / Main Office contact: 403-943-2584 ( 9-HEALTH)
Program Manager: Teresa Krahn
Care Manager: Murray Chrusch
Capacity / Between 12 – 20 exercise participants in one exercise class depending on the site location. There may be a waiting period to access the exercise classes.
Program Description / Living Well provides three pillars of service to clients:
  • Supervised exercise classes based out of 13 urban and rural locations near and in Calgary. The exercise classes are offered 2 – 3 times per week and include a 1:1 assessment with a health care professional before and after the exercise program. There are three different levels of exercise classes for clients with different functional abilities. Easy Going exercise classes are for clients with mobility and balance issues who have significant limitations to exercise. The focus of the class is to improve mobility and function. Get Going exercise classes are for clients with some limitations to exercise; the focus of the class is to improve aerobic endurance, muscular strength, flexibility and balance. Keep Going exercise classes are for clients with few limitations to exercise and who require minimal supervision.
  • Disease specific and healthy lifestyle promotion educationclasses facilitated by health care professionals. Includes Explain Pain class provided by CPC staff.
  • Better Choices, Better Health Self Management (previously named Row Your Own Boat): classes are offered once per week for 6 weeks for 2.5 hours per session. Topics include: goal setting and problem solving; coping with pain and fatigue; managing emotions such as fear and frustration; relaxation techniques and self-talk; communication strategies and creating positive relationships with health care team.

Referral Criteria / Clients who have:
  • a chronic condition
  • are able to walk short distances, with or without a mobility aide (cane or walker)
  • are able to participate and function in a group class setting
are able to to communicate their basic needs; if not have a caregiver or assistive technology to assist them.
Exclusion Criteria / Clients who do not have a chronic condition. Non-ambulatory clients who use wheelchairs for mobility. Clients who are unable to function in a group setting. Clients who are seeking 1:1 therapy or personal training. Clients who can not speak basic English and do not have a family member who can translate for them.
Admission Process / Clients can either self-refer by calling the 9-HEALTH telephone number (403-943-2584) or any health care provider can refer their client to Living Well.
Discharge Criteria / Exercise program: completion of 8 weeks exercise program.
Clients can repeat the Living Well exercise program only if they have had a change in their health condition.
Funding / Exercise program: supported by Alberta Health Services with referral from physician or specific programs
Education and Better Choices, Better Health Self Management Program: free
Other / Health care professionals involved in the exercise program are:
Kinesiologists, Physical Therapists, Respiratory Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Community Fitness Leaders.
Date submitted or updated / December 8, 2011 by Yelena Bergman, Living Well Exercise Consultant

Within Hospital Supports in Calgary: