Directions: In preparation for your SOL, please answer the following questions.

Unit 1: Classification

A.Scientific Method

  1. List the steps of the scientific method:

a. ______

b. ______

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  1. ______: act of gathering information about a system or environment using one or more of the five senses.
  2. ______: a conclusion based on prior knowledge or information.
  3. ______: predicted solution to a problem.
  4. ______: factors that change and can be measured in the experiment.
  5. ______: the variable you change on purpose.
  6. ______: the variable that changes as a result of changing the independent variable.
  7. ______: a standard against which experimental results can be measured (remains unchanged).
  8. ______: things that are kept the same in the experiment.
  1. Characteristics of Life

G: ______

O: ______

R: ______

A: ______

C: ______

E: ______

R: ______

From the pictures below, identify the characteristic of life.



1. Why are viruses not considered to be living?

2. What are viruses made of?

3. A ______is a virus with RNA instead of DNA. ______is an example.

4. A ______is a piece of inactive virus to prevent a viral infection by building up immunity.


A. Seven levels of classification









B. In order to accurately classify organisms, biologists look at ______structures (Ex: wing, arm, flipper). In addition they look at ______descent and ______.

C. The 6 kingdoms are:

1. ______: Prokaryotes without peptidoglycan.

2. ______: Prokaryotes with peptidoglycan.

3. ______: Mostly unicellular eukaryotes that live in wet places.

4. ______: Multicellular eukaryotes that absorb their nutrients; have cell walls of chitin.

5. ______: Multicellular eukaryotes that are autotrophic; cell walls of cellulose.

6. ______: Multicellular eukaryotes who consume and have no cell walls.

D.For each phyla, give an example of an organism and one unique characteristic:

  1. Porifera-
  1. Cnidaria-
  1. Platyhelminthes-
  1. Nematoda-
  1. Annelida-
  1. Mollusca-
  1. Echinodermata-
  1. Arthropoda-
  1. Chordata-

Unit 2: Biochemistry

A. Water:

1. Made up of ______hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to ____ oxygen atom.

2. The water molecule has a slightly negative charge and a slightly positive charge, which creates a ______structure.

3. Water has a ______specific heat, which means that it takes a lot of energy to increase its temperature.

  1. Called the ______solvent because it can dissolve substances to be more easily transported throughout an organism.
  1. Water molecules stick together. This property is called ______(helps water move up plant stems).
  2. Water molecules stick to other substances. This is called ______.

B. Carbon Compounds:

  1. ______: one sugar (glucose)
  2. ______: two sugars (sucrose, lactose)
  3. ______: many sugars (cellulose, starch)
  4. A nucleotide consists of a ______, ______, and ______.

Carbon Compound / Function/Job / Monomer (basic unit) / Three Examples

C. Enzymes:

1. What do enzymes do?

2. Enzymes fit with substrates at the ______.

3. What are 3 things that control enzyme activity?

D. Acids and Bases:

1. pH scale range from _____ to _____.

2. Acids have a pH ______than 7 and bases have a pH ______than 7.

Unit 3: Cells

A. Traditional Cell theory:

1. ______


2. ______

3. ______


B. Modern Cell Theory:

1. ______

2. ______


3. ______


C. Development of the cell theory (Identify the scientists):

1. ______: 1st to observe cells in cork

2. ______: 1st to observe live cells

3. ______: studied plant cells

4. ______: studied animal cells

5. ______: all cells come from pre-existing cells.

D. ______: lack a true nucleus and membrane bound organelles (Ex: bacteria).

E. ______: have a true nucleus and organelles.

F.Cell Organelles

Organelle / Function / Plant, Animal, or Both?
command center of the cell; DNA here
small organelles in cytoplasm that make protein.
transportation system of the cell
packaging and shipping center of the cell.
stores food and water for the cell
power house of the cell; site of cellular respiration
organelle for photosynthesis; contains chlorophyll
medium which organelles are suspended
layer that surrounds cell, regulates what enters and exits
layer that supplies structure and support for cell. Made of cellulose in plants and chitin in fungi

G. This is what kind of cell (animal or plant). ______. Label the cell parts in the diagram below.


  1. Before mitosis can occur, what must happen?
  1. Stages of mitosis

a. ______: chromosomes condense and become visible; nuclear membrane disappears

b. ______: chromosomes meet in the center of the cell.

c. ______: sister chromatids of each chromosome separate at the centromere and slowly move to opposite poles.

  1. ______: nuclear membrane begins to form around each new set of chromosomes.
  2. ______: cell splits into two daughter cells
  1. Mitosis as asexual reproduction:

a. ______: bacteria replicate their chromosomes and divide into two identical daughter cells.

b. ______: process in which little buds sprout from the parent and eventually develop into a fully formed offspring (Ex: yeast, sponges).

H. Bacteria

1. What are the three shapes of bacteria?

2. What are the three arrangements of bacteria?

  1. ______is used to cure bacterial infections.

Unit 4: Cell Membranes, Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

A. Cell Membrane (fluid mosaic model)

1. Draw and label the part of the cell membrane.

2. Passive transport does not require energy.

  1. It is also known as ______
  2. Substances move from an area of ______concentration to an area of ______concentration.
  3. ______diffusion is a unique type of passive transport in which a membrane (carrier) protein is used to shuttle ions and molecules across the membrane.
  4. ______is the movement of water across the cell membrane.
  1. ______does require energy to move substances across the cell membrane.

B. Photosynthesis

1. Write the equation: ______

2. ______are the sites for photosynthesis.

C. Cellular Respiration

1. Write the equation: ______

2. ______is the organelle that is the site for cellular respiration.

D. Fermentation:

1. What are the 2 possible side products of fermentation? ______

2.How is fermentation different from the cellular respiration? ______

Unit 5: DNA and RNA

A. DNA Structure

1. DNA molecule is called a ______or twisted ladder.

2. ______and ______first determined the double helix structure of DNA.

3. Each strand of DNA is made up of repeating subunits called ______.

  1. The name of the five carbon sugar in DNA is ______.
  2. A nucleotide of DNA can be attached to one of four bases: ______, ______, ______, or ______.

a. ______binds with ______

b. ______binds with ______

B. Briefly explain the process of DNA Replication (in your own words)

C. Differences between DNA and RNA




D. Types of RNA (and what they do)




Protein Synthesis

E. Transcription: synthesis of mRNA (DNA→ RNA)

1. One strand of DNA acts as a template.

2. mRNA is made in the ______of the cell, then peels away from the DNA template.

3. mRNA then moves to the ______.

F. Translation: protein synthesis (RNA→ Protein)

1. mRNA carries the message in the form of ______, which are groups of three bases.

2. mRNA finds a ribosome. This is where tRNA comes in. One end of the tRNA binds to the amino acid; the other end, called an ______, has three nitrogenous bases that pair up with the bases on the codon.

3. Each amino acid is linked by a ______bond to create your polypeptide chain (protein).

G.What is a mutation?

1. What are three examples of gene mutations?

2. What are four examples of chromosomal mutations?

3. ______mutation: change in number or structure of chromosome.

3. ______: process where chromosomes don’t separate; can result in monosomy or trisomy.

4. ______: segment of chromosome inserted in the reverse orientation.

5. ______: segment of chromosome is lost.

6. Identify the mutation below: ______

Unit 6: Genetics

A. ______is the study of heredity.

1. Each trait – an expressed characteristic – is produced by a pair of hereditary factors known as ______.

2. A gene usually consists of a pair of hereditary factors called ______.

3. An allele can be ______or ______.

4. A ______trait is masked by the dominant trait.

5. Dominant uses a ______letter, recessive uses a ______letter.

  1. ______: the genetic makeup
  2. ______: the physical expression of a trait
  3. ______: same (pure) TT or tt
  4. ______: different; hybrid Tt
  5. The 1st generation is always called the ______generation. The offspring of the P1 is called the filial or F1 generation. Offspring of F1 are the F2 generation.

B. Mendelian Genetics

1. A ______cross constitutes a study of only one trait.

2. A ______is a table using letters to represent possible genotypes.

3. Law of ______says that each gene is inherited separately from others.

4. A ______cross constitutes a study of two traits at the same time.

5. ______: neither trait is dominant, results in blending (red + white = pink).

6. ______: both traits are dominant (red + white = roan).

C. Meiosis

1. ______is a process by which sexually reproducing organisms maintain the same number of chromosome from generation to generation.

2. Chromosomes exist in pairs called ______.

3. When a cell has a full set of homologous chromosomes it is said to be ______(2N).

4. Some cells only posses one set of chromosomes and are said to be ______. ______or sex cells are haploid.

5. Meiosis is limited to sex cells in special sex organs called gonads. The gonads in males are the ______and in females they are the ______.

6. Unlike mitosis where there is only 1 division, in meiosis the cells divide ______, creating 4 non-identical daughter cells.

7. When meiosis takes place in male gonads it results in ______cells.

8. When meiosis takes place in female gonads it results in ______cells. Of the eggs she produces only one becomes an egg, the other three are called polar bodies and they disintegrate.

Unit 7: Genetic Engineering

1. Humans have a total of ______chromosomes or 23 pairs. A ______is when you pair all the homologous chromosomes from largest to smallest.

  1. 1-22 chromosome pairs are ______.
  2. Chromosome pair 23 are the ______. Males are ______and females are ______.

2. ______are scientific family trees that show the inheritance of certain characteristics.

a. Females are shown as ______.

b. Males are shown as ______.

  1. A ______is someone who is heterozygous for a trait and can pass it on to future generations.
  2. ______-______traits are located on the X chromosome and are more common in males and are given to them from their ______.
  3. ______determine gender of the offspring. It is always a ______% probability that you will be a boy or a girl.

3. ______is when you are breeding for particular traits.

a. A ______is an identical copy and requires a somatic cell, an egg cell and a surrogate mother.

b. A ______is a cross between two species. Usually done to create a superior breed resulting as a combination of the two species.

4. ______: a movement throughout the 20th century that demonstrated a misuse of the principles of heredity.

Unit 8: Ecology

A. ______: the study of organisms and their interactions with the environment.

B. Vocabulary:

1. ______: group of organisms of the same species that live together in a particular location.

2. ______: all the populations living together in a specific location.

3. ______: the community of organisms in an area, as well as the nonliving factors of the environment.

4. ______: all the living and nonliving portions of the Earth that sustain life.

5. ______: nonliving factors

6. ______: living factors

7. ______: producer, makes its own food (photosynthesis or chemosynthesis).

8. ______: consumer, gets food from other organisms.

  1. ______: plant eater
  2. ______: meat eater
  3. ______: eats plants and animals
  4. ______: eats animals that are already dead
  5. ______: breaks down dead or decaying matter.

9. ______: two organisms living together in a close relationship.

  1. ______: one organisms benefits, one is unaffected (shark/remora).
  2. ______: both organisms benefit (lichen).
  3. ______: one benefits and one is harmed (flea/cat ).

C. Food Webs:

1. The diagram on the right shows a marine food web. Identify the following:

A first level consumer


A third level consumer


A producer


2. Energy from the ______enters the ecosystem through


3. Energy flows from an autotroph to a ______.

4. As energy flows, 90% is lost at each trophic level as ______.

D.Population Biology:

  1. Types of growth:

a. ______: straight line (like money)

b. ______: “j” curve, will continue to grow

  1. ______: the number of organisms the environment can support over time.
  2. ______: factors that limit population size.
  3. ______: where an organisms lives
  4. ______: organisms role or “job” in their habitat


  1. ______: new land begins to be inhabited by pioneer species.
  2. ______: succession that begins with soil; reclaiming of the land.From the diagrams to the right,
  3. Which order would show primarysuccession in an area that hadnever before been occupied byliving organisms.

a. A, C,B, D

b. B, A, C,D

c. C, A, B,D

d. D, B,C, A

Unit 9: Evolution

A. ______is change over time. The scientist who receives credit for the theory of evolution is ______.

1. He observed in the______the patterns of evolution.

2. ______is when nature chooses which organisms are best suited to their environment.

3. What are the parts of natural selection?

B. To study evolution you can look at the ______record. Fossils are preserved in sedimentary rock.

C. ______is the study of similarities in developmental stages among different organisms suggesting a common ancestor.

D. ______structures are organs organisms possess but no longer use, suggesting that they have evolved to not need them.

E. ______structures are similar in purpose, but differ in structure (Ex: bird and butterfly wing).

F. ______: comparing the age of fossils

G. ______: dating fossils using the half-life of radioactive chemicals

H. What are the five conditions that a population must be under in order to stay in genetic equilibrium?

  1. What are 2 important Hardy-Weinberg equations?
Unit 9: The Human Body
List important organs and the function of each system:

A. Digestive

B. Circulatory

C. Nervous

D. Immune/ Lymphatic

E. Urinary/ Excretory



Major Scientists- List what each scientist contributed to Biology:




D.Watson and Crick






  1. Gould