Lake Highlands Area Improvement Association

General Meeting

Monday, January 28, 2008

Lake Highlands Freshman Center

Steve Wakefield welcomes attendees and thanks those that will participate while reiterating that the LHAIA Board tries very hard to do the right thing on behalf of the community with regards to setting the agenda. Steve introduces Theresa O’Donnell, Director of Planning, Department of Development Services, City of Dallas.

Theresa presents on the zoning process, types of zoning tools, different kinds of zoning districts and their use including information on notification and public hearings. Theresa recommends the “early notification service” as the best way to hear about specific zoning requests and states that the approval of zoning changes is balanced by the response of the community and the District 10 Plan. Her entire presentation is available on the LHAIA website

(see attached Power Point file “Zoning 1011”)

Steve Wakefield introduces the Stuart Jones, President and CEO of American Brownfield Corporation and the developer who has been granted a zoning change by the Commission but has not been approved by the City Council. Stuart presents on the progress of the project, what his proposal entails and provides examples of other projects in Dallas. His current proposal includes for sale townhomes and for sale and lease condominiums with some retail and a bank on the corner.

Steve Wakefield introduces the new LH Community Prosecutor, Kelly Gregan, who summarizes the mission, role and duties of the Community Prosecutor, boundaries of the LH target area and best ways for citizens to assist in her efforts. Neighbors are encouraged to participate in the Citizen ACTION Team. Kelly’s contact info is (214)601.1091 and . A summary of her presentation is on the LHAIA website.

(see attached pdf file “LH Community Prosecutor)

Steve Wakefield introduces A.L. Nickerson, LH Community Garden Chair. A.L. details the location, size, requirements and fees associated with garden usage as well as the fact that our neighborhood was chosen first in the city to participate. Information on the gardens is posted on the website and A.L. can be contacted via email at

(see attached pdf file “Community Gardens of LH”)

Steve Wakefield asks that all members in attendance please help in getting dues paid on a calendar basis and introduces Jana Boswell as the Association’s new Executive VP.

Steve Clary announces that the LHAIA is hosting a special forum on the Skillman/Church rezoning issue on February 5th from 5-7pm at the LH Recreation Center with the developer and Richard Brown from the City of Dallas in attendance. All interested parties welcome to attend.

Steve Wakefield summarizes the VIC Program and the training taking place, reminds the audience that they are welcome to stay after the meeting and ask questions of the presenters. Thanks everyone in attendance for their continued support.

Meeting adjourned.