10th December 2013

YOKOHAMA AnnouncesChanges in Senior Management

Tokyo – The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd, announced today the following changes in seniormanagement responsibilities and the appointment of new corporate officers, as decided at the10thDecember 2013, meeting of the board of directors. The changes will be effective as of 1stJanuary2014.

Changes in directors’ responsibilities

New position / Current position
Tooru Kobayashi / Director and Executive Vice President, Head of Corporate Planning Div., President ofYokohama BusinessAssociationCorporation / Director and Executive Vice President,Head of Corporate Planning Div.,President of MultipleBusiness,President ofYokohama BusinessAssociation Corporation
Yuji Goto / Director and Senior ManagingCorporate Officer, Chief TireProduction Officer, Head of TireProduction Div. / Director and Senior ManagingCorporate Officer, President of TireBusiness, Head of Tire ProductionDiv.
Takao Oishi / Director and Managing CorporateOfficer, President of MultipleBusiness / Director and Managing CorporateOfficer, Vice President of MultipleBusiness, Head of Multiple BusinessGlobal Sales & Marketing Div.
HidetoKatsuragawa / Director and Corporate Officer, Headof Tire Business Planning Div., Headof Tire Logistics Div. / Director and Corporate Officer, Headof Tire Business Planning Div., Headof Tire Overseas Sales & MarketingDiv., Head of Tire Logistics Div.

Changes in corporate officers’ responsibilities

New position / Current position
Yasushi Tanaka / Managing Corporate Officer, Head ofNorth America Tire Plant Div. / Managing Corporate Officer, Assistantto President of Tire Business, Head ofNorth America Tire Plant Div.
ToshiyukiNishida / Managing Corporate Officer, incharge of Multiple BusinessProduction and Technology / Managing Corporate Officer, ChiefMultiple Business Production andTechnical Officer, Head of MultipleBusiness Production and TechnicalPlanning Div.
Atao Kishi / Corporate Officer, Head ofCommercial Tire Development Div.,President of Yokohama Tire RetreadCo., Ltd. / Corporate Officer, Head ofCommercial Tire Development Div.
Shigeru Nakano / Corporate Officer, President of LLC; Yokohama R.P.Z., President of LLCYokohama Russia / Corporate Officer, President of LLCYokohama R.P.Z.

Appointment of new corporate officers

New position / Current position
Sigeru Kagami / Corporate Officer, Head of TireProduction Technology Div. / Acting Head of Tire Production Div.
Osamu Mikami / Corporate Officer, Head of TireOverseas Sales & Marketing Div. / Acting Head of Tire Overseas Sales &Marketing Div.