
Morning Worship* Today / Next Week
Announcements Kowa / Neal
Song Leader Jamison / Anthony
Prayer Dukes / George
Preside @ Table Caples / Dykman
Assisting Kent / Crisp
Assisting Carr / Davidson
Assisting Porter / Wertz
Prayer Medina / Gauvin
Evening Worship*
Announcements Kowa / Neal
Song Leader Jamison / Anthony
Prayer Dukes / George
Communion/Prayer Caples / Dykman
Evening Worship*
Announcements Kowa / Neal
Song Leader Jamison / Davidson
Invitation George / Anthony
Prayer Wertz / Porter
*** Brothers: If you are serving, please meet in the foyer
five minutes prior to services.If you are not
able to serve at a particular service contact Tim
Wertz at 703-878-7695 or
December / January / February
Prepare Communion / Medina / TBA / TBA
Lockup / Neal / TBA / TBA
Please take a moment each week to look over this list, to keep abreast of activities of the congregation.
Men’s Breakfast / 12/8 / 8:00am / OCB
Elders/Deacons/Prch’rMtg / 12/8 / 9:30am / Building
Helpful Email Addresses:

a Crow
Special Days
Happy Birthday, December!
Betty Caples / 10 / Tammy Clubb / 17
Tom White / 18 / Shelby Neal / 22
Tammy Elliott / 23 / Suzette Roberson / 23
Melissa Davidson / 23 / Jill Davidson / 24
Tim Wertz / 28 / Paul White / 29
Gayle Swabb / 31
Happy Anniversary, December!
Roger and Tammy Elliott / 23
Alonzo and Michelle Carr / 30

Switching the Channel

One day a man died at the controls of his small airplane while on the way to Georgia, from North Carolina, His wife that was sitting next to him did all that she could to keep the plane flying. She radioed for help. “Help, help, won’t someone help me? My pilot is dead.” Authorities who picked up her distress signal were not able to reach her by radio during the flight because she kept switching the channels. Eventually she made a rough landing and had to crawl for forty-five minutes to a house for help. How often God’s children cry out to Him for help but switch the channels before His message comes through! They turn to other sources for help, looking for human guidance. When you cry out to God for His help, don’t switch the channels. “OLord, God of my salvation,I have cried out day and night before You.Let my prayer come before You;Incline Your ear to my cry” (Psalm 88:1-2). David understood that when we call to God He will hear us “I sought theLord, and He heard me,and delivered me from all my fears.They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed.This poor man cried out, and theLordheardhim,And saved him out of all his troubles” (Psalm 34:4-6). One thing about David was that when he needed help he knew to always turn to God, and wait for God’s help. Sometimes it came quickly and sometimes it took longer. But one thing David teaches us is that God’s help always came to him. Are we waiting on God or do we give up to early at times and switch the channel? Ernie

For our Prayers-Dec. 9, 2012


After testing last week, the doctors have told Shelby Neal that it is likely she will be having identical twin girls. As this places her and the babies at a higher risk she will be seeing her doctors every two weeks

Marjorie Kowa is having a great deal of pain in her knees, which is causing difficulty in walking.

Katherine Jones was admitted to Fairfax Hospital last week suffering with bronchitis and asthma. At this writing she expects to be home by the weekend.


Gayle Swabbis still at Burke and can have visitors at this time.


Love and concern are expressed forKatina Cottoneron the passing of her uncle last week. Katina traveled to be with her family.

Tim Wertz’ brother-in-law, Steve Hiracekdiedlast Saturday of a massive heart attack. Tim’s sister, Sheila,

Lives in Georgia.


Crohn’s: Lenny Skutnik, Sharon Ragan (Bobbie’s daughter),George Moore, Michelle Lake’s father ,Piet(Katie Wedge’s uncle. Parkinson’s Gloria Anthony(Eric’s Mom)

Parkinson’s: Ray Webb(Melissa Davidson’s father),Harry

Sweet, (Parkinson’s)friend of the Porters

Charles Nichols , Ernie Maiwald’s Grandfather

OT Martin (Ernie’s dad)

Our young adults who are in college, home/away:

Mandie Neal (Doctorate program with US Army)

Catie Wordham (JMU)

Continued prayers for our members:

Marjorie Kowa Bobbie Girard Alwilda Merritt Colleen Wertz Sue Bilbrey James Roberson

Christine Liddell Joe Bilbrey Will Davis

Katherine Wertz Ed Wiggins Deb Neal

Patty Wiggins Betty Perez Gayle Swabb

Remember also to pray for:

…the safety of all serving in the armed services.

…Joey Treat (typhoon) and all of our mission efforts

around the world.