Training Reference Manual – Ellipse Work Orders

Training Manual


Work Order

ARTC – Version 2.0



Copyright  2002 Mincom Limited

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This document can be used and copied within ARTC for use in relation to this project. However, this document, including copies of it, must not be disclosed to any person who is not a director, officer, employee, consultant or agent of ARTC without the prior written approval of Mincom Limited and such person or agent has signed a non-disclosure agreement satisfactory to Mincom Limited.

Table of contents


Accessing MSQ620 from the Ellipse Window

Search for Work Orders


To Search for Work Orders

Primary Criteria Tab

Exact Match

The Secondary Criteria Tab

Detail Review

Open an existing Work Order

Detail Review

Create a Work Order

Create Work Order – MSO62H

Accessing the Window

Close a Work Order

Introduction to this manual

Proposed Audience

Key maintenance users within ARTC sites.


The key purpose of this document is to provide a reference for ARTC Ellipse Users in the use of the Ellipse Work Order Module

Learning Objectives

At the end of this learning chapter, the participant should be able to:

  • Search for and find Work Order records and review all information associated to that item.
  • Search for and find Work Order records and modify information held against it
  • Create new Work Order.

Acronyms and terminology

The following acronyms and terms are relevant for this document.

Term / Description
Ellipse / Ellipse 5.2.3 is the version of Ellipse implemented by ARTC.
MIMS or Ellipse / Mincom Information Management System
SPN / Structured Plant Number
MST / Maintenance Schedule Task
WMS / Work Management System
EGI / Equipment Group Identifier

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Training Reference Manual – Ellipse Work Orders


The Information collected from work orders is the primary source of data for analysis purposes and identifying areas for improvement

Work orders provide:

  • Work groups with a planned prioritised workload.
  • An audit path that can be used to ensure that important jobs are not missed,
  • Historical data that can be used to identify failure patterns and update maintenance procedures.

In MSQ620, Work Orders can be reviewed and modified using the same screen. However, the ability to modify a work order will depend on the user’s access level.

Within ARTC, work orders are used exclusively for the management of reoccurring tasks such as inspections and are generated from the Maintenance Scheduling system. Defects are recorded using the Work Request module in ellipse, MSQ541, and the WMS process which are covered in another manual.

Accessing MSQ620 from the Ellipse Window

The “Search for Work Orders” window is accessed directly from the main menu tree, or by entering MSQ620 at the explorer window.


Search for Work Orders


The Search for Work Orders window allows you to:

Use specific search criteria to search for one or more Work Orders

Open a Work Order to display its details in the Work Order detail window.

To Search for Work Orders

The Search for Work Orders window is made up of 2 sections, the selection criteria entry screens at the top of the window and this section is a compilation of 5 screens controlled by tabs. The lower section is the search results grid which will display the results of the entered search when there is more than one record identified by the search criteria entered, if only one record is found to meet the entered search criteria, the record will open in detail automatically.

When accessed, the window will display the “Primary Criteria” screen.Each screen may be accessed in turn by clicking on the respective tab,for the entry of specific search criteria. Note!! Due to the limited use of the work order module by ARTC, only the Primary and Secondary criteria screens will be detailed in these notes.

Primary Criteria Tab

The Primary Criteria screen is divided into two sections, the “Work Order Search Method” at the top of the screen and the “Primary Search Criteria” at the bottom of the screen

It is mandatory to use at least one field on the primary criteria screen.

Work Order Search Method

This section is made up of two fields, the search Method field, this will default with “ALL” and the Work Order No field will default as protected.

If the work order number is known, or, the start of the work order number is known, click on the dropdown menu button on the RH side of the field and select the required search method, the methods available include:

All – the Work Order No field remains protected and other search criteria are required

Exact Match – selection of this will require the exact work order number to be entered in the “Work Order No” field. Note! The leading zeros may be dropped.

Starts From – selection of this will require the entry of a valid work order number (leading zeros may be dropped), additional search criteria may be entered to refine the search, but if no other criteria is entered, the system will return all work orders that are sequentially after the entered number.

Starts With – selection of this will require the entry of the start of a valid work order number (leading zeros must be included), additional search criteria may be entered to refine the search, but if no other criteria is entered, the system will return all work orders that have the characters entered as the start of their number.

Exact Match

If the work order number is known, the “Exact Match” search method should be used.

Select “Exact Match” search method and the “Work Order Number” field will become active, enter the work order number (the leading zero’s may be dropped) the click the search button.

The work order will be opened in the detail screen.

The Primary Selection Criteria group of fields

If a search method of “ALL” has been selected, at least one of the “Primary Selection Criteria” fields must be entered to perform a search. Note! If a Reference Codes search is used, all other search criteria will be ignored.

The main search process used by ARTC users will be either an Equipment or Work Group search

Equipment Search:

For an equipment based search, two fields need to be populated:

Equip Search Type – click the button on the RH side of the field. Select “Equipment or Plant Number” entry.

Equipment Reference – The “Equipment Reference field (Below)will activate, enter the equipment reference; this will be either the SPN or the Equipment Number.

Work Group Search:

For a work group based search, only one field is required to be populated:

Work Group – Enter the code for the required wok group.

Note!! If a specific work order or group of work orders are being searched for, a combination of equipment reference and work group may be used to refine the search.

The Secondary Criteria Tab

The Secondary Criteria screen has a number of fields that are available for use during the search process. Enter data into any of the fields that will be included in the record(s) being searched for. There are some fields that are more useful than others.

Example, the “System Status” field will determine the status of the work orders returned, the system defaults “All” if there is no change, the system will return all work orders, including closed work orders, and if this is a “Work Group” search, the results could be very large. If Authorised work orders are the requirement, change the status to “Uncompleted”, if closed work orders are required; change the status to “Closed”. This is done by click on the button at the RH end of the field and selecting the requirement from the dropdown.

Other fields may be utilised to assist with the search including the raised/planned start dates from/to, this will reduce the returned records to those with a date in the range entered.

Detail Review

Open an existing Work Order

There are two main ways to open an existing Work Order:

  • Locate the Work Order through the Search for Work Orders window,select a record and open from search results grid.
  • With the Work Order program opened in detail, using the Open Work Order dialogue box.
  • Open from another program such as the Equipment Register.
Open from a search results grid:

With the search results displayed in the window, select the required record to be reviewed in detail by clicking on the record.

There are 3 ways to open this record:

  • Double click on the record.
  • Right Mouse click on the record and select “Open from the popup menu.
  • Click on the “Work order button on the tool bar and select “Open” from the dropdown menu.

Open from a Work Order Detail screen:

With the work order detail screen displayed, there are 2 ways to open another record:

  • Click on the “Open” icon on the tool bar.
  • Click on “WorkOrder” button on the tool bar and select “Open from the dropdown menu.

With both of the above processes, a dialogue box will open, enter the required Work Order number in the field and click the “OK” button. The requested work order will open in the detail view.

To return to or open the search window from a detail window at any time, click the Search icon on the tool bar.

Detail Review

The Work Order detail view window has two sections the upper section or “Header” section, the lower section is made up of a number of screens which are accessed by clicking on the tabs.

Header Section

The header section will remain visible as each tab is selected in the lower section and contains the work order number and the description.

Definition Tab

Some relevant detail displayed in the General screen includes:

  • The Equipment Details
  • Originator
  • Work Group
  • Date raised
Planning Tab

Some relevant detail displayed in the Planning screen includes:

  • Work Order Type
  • Maintenance Type
  • Standard Job (that was used to create the Work Order)
Task Tab

At the Task Tab, a summary of the tasks is displayed. To open a task in detail, double click on the summary line and the task detail window will be displayed.

Scheduling Tab

Information available at the scheduling screen include

  • MST task number that was used to create the work order.
  • Planned Start date for the work
Cost Allocation Tab:

At the “Cost Allocation” screen the cost centre/account code is displayed.

Completion Tab:

When the work order is closed, the detail entered to close the work order will be displayed in the Completion Screen.

History Tab:

The history screen displays the creation, raised dates, the last mod date will update if there is any modification made to the work order detail and the work order saved, the date and time this occurs will be displayed.

Create a Work Order

ARTC uses work orders for the scheduled maintenance process and most work orders are created during the schedule commit process. If there is a requirement to re-create a work orders for a scheduled task, this may be because the commit process failed to include a task, the work order should be created such that it updates the schedule system. To do this, the “Short Form” work order program MSO62H must be used.

Create Work Order – MSO62H

When a work order is created using MSO62H and using the MST details, the system will update the MSO700 record by recording the “Last Schedule Date” as the date when this work order is created, and if the schedule indicator is a “1”, the next schedule date will be allocated from this date.

Accessing the Window

The MSO62H program is accessed in the normal way;enter the number in the command line in the explorer screen or select the icon in the explorer menu.


With the program opened, enter the required detail and click the “Save” button on the tool bar.

The mandatory fields are:

  • Originator – enter the user id number
  • Equipment Reference – this may be the equipment number or SPN
  • Maintenance Schedule Task Number

The system will generate a work order number, click the “Confirm” button to complete the process and save the work order.

Close a Work Order

A work order can be closed from a number of programs in Ellipse, and are normally close outside of Ellipse in the MPS system. If it is necessary to close a work order in ellipse it is best done in MSQ620.

Open the work order in MSQ620. For the process see “Search for a Work Order – Exact Match.

With the work order opened in detail, click the “Complete Work Order” icon on the tool bar or select it fro the drop down menu under “WorkOrder” button on the toolbar.

A dialogue box will be presented, complete the following:

  • Date Completed
  • Completed By
  • Completed Code

Click the “OK” button to complete the process and close the Work Order.


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