Council for Basic Skills – Draft Agenda

October 12-13, 2017

Grays Harbor College

EXEC. COMMITTEE ONLY - Wednesday, October 11– 2:30-5:00 p.m. – Schermer bldg./4000 -room 4331

2:30Executive Team Meeting

  • Review agenda
  • Review workplan / identify questions or issues that need to be addressed in committees


Thursday, October 12 – 8-5 p.m. – Schermer bldg./4000 -room 4134

8:00Breakfast and time for regions to meet

8:30Convene and welcome by Dr. Jim Minkler, President

Student Success Highlight



9:00Review CBS and Committee Purposes and Roles – Joan Youngquist


10:00Open Doors Presentation – (Troy Goracke, SBCTC and Laurie Shannon, OSPI)


11:00Important Issues Round Tables– 2 stay in main room, 1 in 4136 and 1 in 4138)

1)Guided Pathways

  1. How does Basic Skills fit into the Guided Pathways conversation happening at your institution? Are students involved?
  2. “Less remediation and more co-teaching in contextualized pathways.” Where is your institution on this?
  3. Pathway Mapping: are there ABE/ESL student friendly maps, graphics of pathways/meta-majors?
  4. How is advising or navigation supporting students on their pathways?
  5. Do you have direct placement agreements and other multiple measure in place on your pathways?

2)CBO / CC Partnerships

  1. How do partnerships happen?
  2. What are elements of effective partnerships?
  3. What does each partner bring to the partnership?
  4. How do we sustain our partnerships?
  5. What would be the role at the state level of supporting partnerships?

3)One Stop Center Implementation

  1. What do we need from One Stop Centers?
  2. What are elements of effective One Stop Centers?
  3. What does each partner bring to the OSC partnership?
  4. How do we sustain ONC operationally?
  5. What would be the role at the state level of supporting BEdA programs in moving One Stop Center partnerships forward?

4)Recruitment and Enrollment

  1. What enrollment issues and trends are you experiencing?
  2. Current best practices for recruitment
  3. How are you streamlining enrolling and recruitment processes
  4. What roles do different people play in supporting recruitment and enrollment at your institution, e.g. Navigators

12:00Working Lunch – Discuss what is most helpful to you at CBS meetings?

What you have learned / What is helpful / Questions

12:45Q and A; continue during lunch

1:00Committee Meetings –1. Finalize work plan; 2. Suggested: prioritize activities; develop timeline and plan for accomplishing for top priorities.

  • Innovations Committee (Judi Wise & Ann Dolan), room 4135 (Brian Walsh)
  • Retention Committee (Amie Batton & Jill McDonough), room 4136 (Scott Toscano)
  • Transitions Committee (Shannon Klasell Brent Carter), room 4138 (Troy Goracke)
  • Inclusion and Equity Committee (Amy Diehr & Laura DiZazzo), room 4140 (Ha Nguyen)
  • Guided Pathways Task Force (Nina Benedetti Curtis Bonney), room 4141 (Will Durden)


3:15SBCTC Report

5:00Adjourn meeting

6:00Potential Evening Social – TBA

Friday, October 14, 2015– Schermer bldg./4000 -room 4134

8:00Breakfast and time for regions to meet

CBO meeting time, room 4136

9:00SBCTC Report Cont./ Q and A

9:30Dashboard presentation – Scott Toscano & Devin Dupree, SBCTC


10:15Liaison Reports:

  • IC – Carli Schiffner, WVC
  • WEC – Ryan Davis, EVCC
  • Libraries – Mindy Coslor, SVC
  • AEAC – Lynn Christofersen

10:45Business Meeting:

  • Approval of the minutes from July 2017meeting
  • Approval of Work Plan
  • Treasure’s Report
  • Committee Reports
  • Announcements
  • Summer meeting – post-Rendezvous (Brigitte)

11:30Summary of meeting items –Katie Jensen

12:00Meeting Adjourns

Meeting Schedule for 2017-18

  • Winter – Feb. 8-9, 2018, Everett Community College
  • Spring – April 19-20, 2018, Walla Walla Community College
  • Summer –TBD
