Checklist for AGM

Note: P/Cdr = Chair, Nominating Committee

Note: everything in [ ] needs to be filled in – see appendices

When / What / Who / Comments
  • Overall responsibility
  • Secondary responsibility
/ Cdr
Secretary / Dress code: blues and greys
Four months before (i.e. in New Year) /
  • Consult with Nominating Committee (Current Cdr, Past Cdr. Past Past Cdr) and start developing nominations for Bridge
/ P/Cdr / Having identified a potential Cdr, include that person in consultations.
Factors to consider for all positions:
  • Need for renewal
  • Need for change
  • Match skills to position

  • Begin process of submitting books to Squadron Auditor
/ Treasurer
Two months before /
  • Identify date of AGM
  • Identify location of AGM; book location
/ Cdr / Consider combining AGM with regular Bridge meeting (not a requirement)
3 weeks before /
  • Finalize Report of the nomination Committee
  • Have Report signed by each of the members of the Nominating Committee
  • Submit Report to Secretary
/ P/Cdr / See Appendix A for Example
  • Prepare Notice of Annual General Meeting
/ Secretary / This is a REQUIREMENT. Failure to have the Notice published at least 14 days prior to the AGM renders the AGM invalid.
See Appendix B for Example.
  • Send Notice of Meeting and Report of Nominating Committee to ALL members
/ Secretary / This may be done by:
  1. Sending to Editor for publication in Anchorline; or
  2. Emailing information direct to members through the Communications Officer
IN EITHER EVENT, copies must be mailed (Canada Post) to members not accessible by email
  • Remind the following Officers that they are required to provide reports for the AGM:
  • Commander
  • Executive Officer
  • Training Officer
  • Treasurer
  • Auditor
/ Secretary / These are the Officer’s summary of the year.
1 week before /
  • Prepare draft minutes (pre-minutes) of the AGM meeting; this effectively becomes the script for the meeting, and with very little extra work become the Minutes for the meeting afterwards
  • Prepare a Roll Call for the meeting
/ Secretary / See Appendix C for an example
See Appendix D for example
At the meeting /
  • Prior to meeting set up roll call sheet near entrance and have people sign as they join the meeting
  • Place copies (25) of last year’s AGM Minutes around the table of on chairs for people to review
  • Provide Commander with copy of pre-minutes to use as a script for the meeting.
  • Take the Minutes, using pre-minutes – fill in the [ ]
/ Secretary
  • Take flags, flag stand and warrant to the meeting
  • Ensure photos are taken of new Bridge
/ Cdr.
Within 2 weeks after meeting /
  • Complete the Minutes for the meeting
  • Have reviewed/approved by the new Commander
  • Provide copy to Treasurer
/ Secretary / Treasurer needs copy of minutes as evidence to the Bank that (s)he has signing authourity
  • Insert new Bridge into WBAS
/ Cdr
April /
  • New Cdr. Elect attends PMD rookie night
/ Cdr. and Cdr elect / Blues/greys for photo

Appendix A – Example of Report of Nominating Committee

Appendix B – Example of Notice of Meeting

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice of Annual General Meeting to be held at [Location, address],Surrey, BC on [Date] at 1900 hours for the purposes of:

  1. Receiving and, if thought fit, approving the reports of the Officers of the Squadron;
  2. Receivingand, if thought fit, approving the Financial Statements of the Squadron for the twelve month period ending March 31, [Year], and the report of the Squadron Auditor thereon;
  3. Electing the Officers of the Squadron;
  4. Appointing the Squadron Auditor; and
  5. Considering such further and other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

The following motion(s) will be presented to the meeting: (delete if no motions are to be brought – which is normally the case).

Motion 1: [Wording of Motion]; Proposed by: [Name of proposer] Seconded by: [Name of seconder]

Motion 2 etc

The report of the Squadron Nominating Committee is attached to and forms part of this Notice. Under Squadron Regulation 12.1 any further nominations must be made by way of petition in writing signed by not less than 5 (five) members of this Squadron who shall confirm the consent of their nominee to stand for election. The petition must be filed with the Squadron Secretary not less than 2 (two) days prior to the date of this meeting.

Dated this [Date], [Year]

[Name of Secretary]


Appendix C – Example of Pre-Minutes

White Rock Power and Sail Squadron

Minutes of the Annual General MeetingHeldat [Location] on. [Date, Year]

The Annual GeneralMeeting wascalled toorder at. (insert time) by Commander [Name] who took the Chair.

[Name], Secretary, actedassecretary of theMeeting.

Roll Call

The Chairmanstated that he had ascertained that there were [number of members present] Members present whichconstituteda quorum andthat, therefore, the meeting was properly constituted for the transaction of business.

Notice of Meeting

The Chairman advised the meeting that Notice calling this Annual GeneralMeeting had been duly given in accordancewith the Regulations.

Minutes ofthe Annual GeneralMeetingheld [location of previous AGM], Surrey on [date, year of previous AGM].

The Secretaryadviseda copy ofthe Minutes ofthe Annual General Meetingheldon[date, year of previous AGM] hadbeen made available to those present in the room.

Onmotionduly made by [name of proposer] andsecondedby [name of seconder] and unanimously carried [or carried by a majority of those present]the following resolution was passed:


ThereadingoftheMinutes of the AnnualGeneralMeetingheldon [date, year of previous AGM] presentedto the Meetingbe dispensedwith, that these Minutes be approved and that these Minutes be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of this Meeting.

Business arisingout ofthe Minutes

(a) The Chairman asked the meeting if there wasany business arising outoftheMinutesof[date, year of previous AGM] and received a negative reply, or

(b) was advised that ...... arose out of theseMinutes.

(leave space for the following)

(1) Presentation of the matter(s) to be discussed

(2) Discussion (in brief)

(3) Motion(s)

(4) Results of motion(s)


(c) the Chairmanadvised the meetingthat [ ] arose out ofthese Minutes


Commander [name of current Cdr] presentedthefollowing Report:

[Insert the Reports of all Officers in order of seniority:

  • Executive Officer
  • Training Officer
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Auditor]

Unfinished Business

The Chairman stated that there was no unfinished business.


If there is unfinished or new business:

Motion 1: [Wording of Motion]; Proposed by: [Name of proposer] Seconded by: [Name of seconder]

Discussion:[ enter summary of discussion]

[Result of vote – carried]

Motion 2 etc


The Chairman statedthat it was now appropriate to proceedwiththe elections, notice ofwhich hasbeen given inthe Noticeof the Meeting and in the Report of the Nominations Committee which accompanied it.

(a) The Chairman was advised by the Secretary that no nominations in addition to the nominations contained in theReport of the Nominations Committee had been filed with him in accordance with the provisions of the Squadron Regulations

The following names were formally proposedforelection by P/Cdr [name of past commander], Chairmanofthe NominationsCommittee, andseconded by [name of seconder]

[List all candidates and offices as proposed by the Committee]

Since there was not more than one candidate for each office, the Chairman directed the Secretary to cast a single ballotfor the election of those whose names were before the Meeting.

Commander [name of NEW commander], then took the chair as Commander, and [name of NEW Secretary] acted as theSecretary.

New Business:

The Chairman reminded the meeting that by virtue of their election the following positions have signing authourity at the Bank on behalf of the Squadron; all cheques must be signed by any two of:


Executive Officer


Assistant Treasurer

The Chairman asked the Meeting if anyone had any new business to bring before the Meeting [only items in the Noticeof Meeting may be brought up].

Motion 1: [Wording of Motion]; Proposed by: [Name of proposer] Seconded by: [Name of seconder]

Discussion:[ enter summary of discussion]

[Result of vote – carried]

Motion 2 etc

Termination of Meeting:

Therebeing no further business, on motion duly madeby [name of proposer] andsecondedby [name of seconder]and [unanimously] carried, the Meeting was terminated by the following resolution:

"Be it resolved that this Meeting be terminated."

Appendix D

White Rock Power and Sail Squadron Annual General Meeting Roll Call, [Date, Year]

Member’s Signature / Member’s Signature
1 / 2
3 / 4
5 / 6
7 / 8
9 / 10
11 / 12
13 / 14
15 / 16
17 / 18
19 / 20
21 / 22
23 / 24
25 / 26
27 / 28
29 / 30
31 / 32
33 / 34
35 / 36
37 / 38
39 / 40
41 / 42
43 / 44