Continuity of Operations Plans / Dept. Initials COOP Plan
Revised Date: insert date
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[Department name] and/or (dept. initials)


1.0Purpose and Applicability

1.1The purpose of this continuity of operations (COOP) plan is to coordinate the response of insert your department nameand (dept. initials)at BostonUniversity and to define the steps necessary to sustain operations should (dept. initials)’s current space or services need to be relocated.

1.2It is the policy of the Boston University and (dept. initials)to respond appropriately to a variety of disasters and provide information to the Command Center as necessary in order to temporarily establish a work environment for (dept. initials)to continue operations. Emergency response plans are available at and in the Emergency Instructions Flip Chart posted in [indicate your office location].


2.1“Incident Commander” is the designated BostonUniversity official responsible for the implementation of the emergency response plan and has overall responsibility in emergency response.

2.2“PHASE A” - A Phase A response is considered a report of a potential emergency or one which can be handled through personnel on-site at the time of the incident.

2.3“PHASE B” – A Phase B disaster will be declared when a response to an event requires the assistance of personnel from other departments.

2.4“PHASE C” – A Phase C disaster will be declared when a major emergency exists which requires assistance from personnel that are presently not on site. It may also require the assistance from contractors and outside agencies.

3.0Mission Statement, Critical Business Functions, Roles and Responsibilities

3.1Department Mission Statement

3.2Department Critical Business Functions

3.3COOP Employee Listing; List all the identified Essential Personnel

3.4List each department title. Briefly describe their responsibilities during an emergency / disaster starting with the department chairman / head – listing each position in reporting order.

4.0Department name Response and Recovery Procedures

4.1Department name or initials Response. (Dept. initials) staff member phone numbers are maintained by the (Dept. initials) [indicate title of person who performs this task] and updated as necessary. The phone list includes names, office numbers, pagers, mobile phone, home phone and email address. The list is maintained on the [indicate server where information resides] in the (dept. initials) Continuity of Operations folder. It should be sent to the CommandCenter and Director of Emergency Planning & Response when updated.

[Indicate any additional procedures utilized by department school.

4.2Vital Office Records are maintained on the [indicate name of] server. Describe your department’s recovery of records.

4.3Department Files. Describe your department’s protocol for identifying department files

[An inventory of all furniture, computers, office equipment, and software unique to the office should be maintained on the [indicate name of server] in a Continuity of Operations folder]

4.4External ResourcesIf appropriate – discuss your department’s needs / reliance on external resources

4.5Telecommunications / Network NeedsIdentify your department’s needs and office position responsible for coordination temporary work location needs.

4.6Recovery Location


4.8Key Contacts

4.9Computer Software and Equipment

5.0Key References and Resources

  • List references / resources that are key to recovery for your department
    [they should be filed in this section].