HALLETT COVE EAST OSHC/VAC CARE Directors: Sally Mitchell/Lissy Oppert

Quailo Avenue, HALLETT COVE SA 5158 PHONE: 8381-7577FAX: 8322 4696



What to Expect in Vacation Care

  • Movies: We try to offer a choice of two movies. However this will depend on what time Wallis at Noarlunga is showing the movies. We will advise you closer to the day.

Please arrive by 9am.

At the movies an Educator sits with each group of 8 children – we all sit together. The Directors sit at the end of each row and will take the children to the toilet. We will also have a male Educator to take the boys to the toilet. The Educator/Director will check cubicles and remain at the handwashing area while children are in toilets.

  • Screen Printing: Please bring in a white T shirt for child to screen print. Don’t forget to put a name in it.
  • Mini Golf: Suitable for all ages it will be set up indoors if the weather is poor. Safe putters and balls. 10am to 3pm
  • Bowling: This excursion will take place in the afternoon children must be in OSHC by 12.30 at the latest. The lanes can be set up so our younger children can take part. All children must wear socks or bring socks to wear.

At all times the children will have an Educator with them. Each set of lanes will have an Educator at them. Children will be accompanied to the toilets by an Educator who will check the cubicles and wait in the handwashing area.

  • Incursion: Visiting TheaterChildren are encouraged to dress up for the day. Children are able to be involved in the production if they wish. Educators are present at all times
  • Wheels Day:Children are encouraged to bring their own bikes, scooter or skateboard. Safety gear must be provided and worn or children will not be able to take part. Please ensure that whatever your child decides to bring in is in good working order and safe.

We ask the children not to share their bicycles as it is a matter of safety for the other children, e.g. size of child’s bike and the settings. We are also aware that some families do not like other children using their child’s bike.

  • Giant Games Day: Children can choose to play a selection of giant games e.g. chess, dominoes, select four. Games will be supervised.
  • Blue Dolphin Swim Center: We book out the whole of the center. It is not open to the general public. Some of our Educators will be in the pool with the children. The remainder will be observing our children from the side. There will also be a staff member present from the swim center. Children need to have changed into dry clothes before they return on the bus. Please ensure clothes and goggles have your child’s name on.
  • Wheelie Kid: the company brings in small electric cars that can be driven between inflatable boundaries. There is a foot pedal that operates the car foot on car goes, foot off car stops.
  • Waterslide. This is an inflatable slide that has water running down it. Children require bathers, a towel and a change of clothes. Please remember no exposed shoulders. This is a closely supervised activity, children line up and take turns, they are not allowed to climb up the slide. Sunhats and sunscreen must be worn. If it is a hot day children waiting their turn wait in the shade of the COLA’s.
  • Zoofit.Small ride on animals.
  • Charlie’s Diner. We hire a coach to take us to Charlie’s Diner at Brighton. Children are closely supervised as they alight from the bus and are walked to the dining room. Small groups are supervised by an Educator whilst they get their food.
  • Megazone or Wooden Playground Noarlunga: Children choose to go to one of these activities. Megazone formerly known as Laserzone also offer dodgem cars however there is a height restriction for these cars. The Lazer games take place in a darkened room. Children wear special packs that record if they have been ‘hit’ by their opponent’s laser. We have booked a 9am start and been advised that there should only be our group present. Children going to the wooden playground will remain on the bus once the Megazone children alight.
  • Maritime Museum/ Train Museum and Dolphin Cruise. Travel by coach to watch a show at the museum and have a look around or visit the train museum. Dolphin Cruise on the Port Princess. Children will be in supervised groups.
  • Platform 1 Littlehampton. Travel by coach to Littlehampton, children ride on a miniature train, look at and feed animals and play organized games. Recess and Lunch will be eaten under cover. This excursion could be cancelled if there is a risk of fire during the fire season. The company will advise us and we will make alternate arrangements.

Children will need to bring a packed lunch and recess unless a special lunch is advertised.

Please note we are unable to heat food for children.

We find that they often require extra snacks as they are more active during Vacation Care. There is a fridge availableto store children’s food please ensure food is sealed and named. Afternoon tea is provided.

Younger children may require a change of clothes. We are no longer able to provide undies and have a limited choice of clothing to put on. Please send an extra outfit – hopefully they will never need it but at least it is their own. This is important to the children and their well-being. The entire process (should they have an accident) is dealt with respecting their privacy and with understanding.

Ensuring your child’s clothes/ property has their name in makes it easier to manage lost property. Please don’t send children with money or valuables. We cannot take responsibility for missing items.

If at any times you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to speak to Sally or Lissy or speak to any of our Educators, if they can’t answer your question they will be able to re-direct your query to the relevant Director.

Reminder that OSHC is separate from Vacation Care and is billed separately. The last week of school’s account will not be sent until the first week of the Vacation Care. We also wish to advise that you will be invoiced separately and that at the top of the right hand corner of your invoice it will state OSHC or Vacation Care.