North East & Scotland Region

Minutes of the Annual Regional Members Meeting

Friday 18 March 2016, Hardwick Hall Hotel

Item / Action
16/01 / Welcome & Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Gillian Arnott, Gillian Battista, John Bedwell, Alan Colley, Dan Curtis, Arnold Fewell, Bob Goldwyre, David Grundy, Godfrey Hedley, Christine Herriot, Kate Hindley, Margaret Kerridge, Sheila McIntosh, Sharon Richardson, Julie Robertson, Phyllis Scott, John Sheridan and Lesley Smith.
The chairman welcomed the LACA National Chair Peter McGrath, Immediate Past Chair Carrieanne Bishop. new LACA members Stephen Lauder (Central Foods) Fraser Thomson and Louise Tosh (Unilever Food Solutions UK) regional members and regional committee members.
16/02 / Minutes of Annual Regional Members Meeting held on Friday 20 March 2015
These were presented as true record and accepted for publication
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising. / VB
16/03 / LACA Board Update
LACA Ltd Board Member Stephen Forster
I have represented the region as a Director of LACA Ltd, attending 5 Board Meetings in Solihull during the year.
The focus for board discussions has centred upon the ongoing commitment to retaining UIFSM, during an uncertain period following the election and the Lib-Dem exit from government. Nicky Morgan has not provided the confidence of the previous regime about this policy.
The Daily Mail story in September created further doubt as to the future of UIFSM, leading to increased communications activity and Chair/Vice Chair working alongside partner agencies such as CFT to lobby influential parliamentarians and civil servants for the retention.
Leading up to the spending review in November, there was a concerted effort by the board and the chair to encourage individuals to sign the Gov.UK petition to ensure that parliamentary time would be guaranteed to discuss the issue and it would not be forgotten in the wider spending review.
The commitment to retain the policy at the spending review was welcomed, though the board and other agencies remain nervous as to the longer-term commitment to this policy. We should all remain vigilant and be ready to collect data from schools in support for the policy and its expansion into UFSM.
Continued discussion for SFP to be included in Ofsted inspection regime has yet to gain a firm response from the HMI Community. During a presentation to Board in February 2016, Miles Bremner suggested to LACA that the closure of the SFP Office in March 2016 leaves a vacuum which LACA may be well advised to fill in the continued promotion and leadership of the SFP commitments to ensure that the good work carried out in plan does not fade away and leave our service open to erosion and degradation through lack of cohesive strategic leadership for the sector. This will have further discussion at future board meeting.
During the year, I have supported Beverley Baker, Chair of Membership Services Committee in her role to retain and extend membership providing practical support in a tele - campaign to interview lapsed members.
I participated in the evaluation of the LACA Administration contract, which resulted in the transfer of this contract from AVS (Vic Laws) to Elygra (Nigel Argyle) in an open tender exercise which was carried out during the summer and early autumn of 2015. The decision was made difficult because of the length of service and dedicated commitment of Vic Laws to LACA however the result of the tender was very clear and correct.
Michael Hales – London Representative was elected to be Vice Chair Elect at the September AGM of LACA Ltd however due to work commitments he has since resigned from this role which is due to be resolved with a re-election at the next board meeting on 20th April 2016.
I am happy to continue to support and represent the region as Board Director for another year should the region wish me to carry on in this role.
16/04 / Chairman’s Report
The Chairman thanked the committee and members for all their work and enthusiasm over the past year and tonight there will be such a celebration and it really feels like the Region is back for good.
16/05 / Treasurer’s report
JS presented the year end financial accounts for year end 31 December 2015 which showed a balance of £4,764.34.
The report showed Income of £8921.33 and Expenditure of £10,564.74. / JS
16/06 / Secretary’s Report (Secretariat and Membership)
VB reported the LACAnet shared directory was operational and that she has transferred all the regional papers and documents.
VB reported there were 211 members in 2015: -
39 Corporate/Individual Members North East
9 Corporate/Individual Members Scotland
4 Honorary/Retired Members
68 UFISM School Members
61 Partners
30 Associates
16/07 / Secretary’s Report (Events & Meetings)
Reported on meeting and events during 2015
16/08 / Pre-posted items and questions form members
There were no items received
16/09 / Any Other Business/Update/Issues
VB raised issues about current consultation on changes to the National School Funding Formula and the White Paper on Education and what views LACA might have on these proposals and the impact on catering and UIFSM. VB to send PM relevant consultation documents. / VB
16/10 / Nominations for the Regional Committee.
The chair thanked the committee for all their hard work and support in 2015
The secretary advised nominations received and confirmed the committee for 2015/16 are: -
Gillian Battista
Anita Brown
Vivianne Buller
Shaun Dowd
Stephen Forster
Craig Gilson
Bill Kennedy
Gordon Murray
Jackie Sharp
Lynda Walker
The committee to convene as soon as possible to agree Chair, Vice Chair, Board Member, Secretary & Treasurer.
16/11 / Update form National LACA Chair Peter McGrath
Peter presented an update about the: -
·  Challenges associated with retention of £650M funding for UIFSM
·  Success of UIFSM roll out
·  Summer feeding project
·  Collaborative work with LEON team, Stakeholders, Head teachers, MP Sharon Hodgeson
·  Future of the School Food Plan and formation of the School Food Plan Alliance, transitional board and Term of Reference.
·  School Food Alliance Co-Chairs (Children’s Food Trust & Food for Life)
·  SCOTY Final and NSMW 2015 launch in Wales
·  Partners Scheme with 30 members plus Nestles
·  Professional workforce standards
·  LACA National Seminar and SCOTY Presentation Dinner in Stratford in March 2016
16/11 / Date of Next Meeting:
March 2017