Communities and local services Overview and Scrutiny Committee

At a meeting of the Communities and Local Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee held in Committee Room 1, County Hall, Morpeth on Wednesday, 27 April 2016 at

10:30 am.


Councillor B Gallacher (Chair)


E Armstrong
D Campbell
J D Foster
K O Graham / L Grimshaw
G W Jones
V Jones


I C F Swithenbank (Cabinet Member for Local Services)


G Barlow
S Bucknall
D Laux
S Nicholson
K Norris / Street Lighting and Modernisation Project Manager
Highways Delivery Manager
Head of Technical Services
Scrutiny Officer
Democratic Services Officer


B Pidcock

Gary Finlayson and Alan Philips - Galliford Try


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Horncastle.


(a)  17 March 2016

RESOLVED – that the minutes of the Communities and Local Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 17 March 2016, as circulated, be agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

(b)  23 March 2016

RESOLVED – that the minutes of the Communities and Local Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 23 March 2016, as circulated, be agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

With regard to the Members’ Local Improvement Programme, Themed Scrutiny, the Chair stated that a meeting had taken place between himself and relevant officers and further information would be provided in the annual report at next month’s meeting.


Members received the latest Forward Plan of Key Decisions for the period April – July 2016 (copy attached to the official minutes as Appendix A).

RESOLVED that the information be noted.



Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service Consultation “Working Towards 2020”

On 21 March 2016 Cabinet considered the above report. An extract of the minutes was attached to the signed minutes as Appendix B.

RESOLVED that the information be noted.


Front Garden Parking and Fencing in Open Plan Estates

On 12 April 2016 Cabinet considered the above report. An extract of the minutes was attached to the signed minutes as Appendix C.

RESOLVED that the information be noted.



(a)  Street Lighting Modernisation Project – Progress Report

Gavin Barlow, Street Lighting and Modernisation Project Manager, summarised the above report which updated members of the progress being made with the above project. The report also provided members with an update on the scope and current position since the last update to the committee in December 2015. (A copy of the report is attached to the signed minutes as Appendix D.)

An A3 copy of Appendix A, delivery programme by area and batch, was circulated at the meeting along with contact details of a works helpline to Galliford Try which was manned by a dedicated Customer Liaison Manager.

It was stated that just over 18% of the replacement programme was complete and progress was listed by area. Work was being carried out with colleagues in Galliford Try to address outstanding issues, complaints had been taken on board and a review was currently taking place. Information regarding column replacement, costs, design and delivery was provided.

Work in Ashington was almost complete but some extra funding had been allocated for additional lighting in areas where obtaining required lighting standards was difficult. Work was underway to review all new lighting and areas where enquiries had been received regarding lighting standards or areas which did not meet the agreed specification. The additional work had impacted on the programme which was currently 17 weeks behind but it was expected that the project would be back on programme by the summer. It was noted that the amount of customer complaints had dropped and that good feedback had been received regarding street level wi-fi, which would be monitored.

Work had commenced in Blyth; officers had attended partnership meetings with Blyth Town Council and Seaton Valley Parish Council and would attend the next round of Area Committees which were joint with Parish/Town Councils to answer any queries. A meeting was also scheduled to take place with Hexham Town Council.

The Cabinet Member pointed out that it was a very complex project which would take time to deliver and lessons had been learned which would be rolled out to later stages.

Questions and comments were invited and the following information was provided:

·  A number of the columns had been graded to be in good condition but it was felt appropriate to replace the lantern, however, when the lantern was fitted the column had failed. This was of concern so the location of such columns would need to be identified.

·  Columns would be batch tested in Seaton Valley then in Blyth. Work was due to start in Cramlington in September but that would depend on results of the structural tests.

·  With regard to problems reported by a local member about lights which had gone out in Bomarsund, the Street Lighting and Modernisation Project Manager said he would look into why no response or feedback had been received. Discussion took place as to why it had taken so long for the problem to be rectified.

·  A member thanked officers for the work carried out in Blyth and said any issues reported so far had been quickly rectified.

·  In terms of apprenticeships, it was stated that 6 electrical apprentices had been employed from Scotland and were working on the project. Members expressed concern that the apprentices were not local as it was thought the original contract had stated that local people would be employed. Members requested further information in that regard.

·  In response a query as to how local people could benefit from job opportunities within the project, it was stated they would need a certain level of qualifications but recruitment of local people would be looked at and information filtered back to the committee.

·  The problem concerning lack of communication to frustrated residents was acknowledged. Due to the volume of queries received, it was stated that a Business Support Officer was needed and an apprentice would be employed to assist.

·  It was acknowledged that, if the local member was kept informed, information could be rolled out to the public. After further discussion the Cabinet Member queried the efficiency of the complaints system and how the organisation could ensure that appropriate information was fed back and proper records kept. He felt that it should not be added to the workload of members but the system should give guaranteed quality of delivery.

·  It was confirmed that once the project was complete the Council would maintain the lights and would not be reliant on the contractor.

·  The Chair commented that the plan provided as Appendix A was not detailed enough and information should be made clear so that it could be filtered back to residents. He stated that areas should be complete before moving on to the next. He also raised an issue about lights which had been obscured by trees. In response it was stated that Galliford Try was now dealing direct with the Trees and Woodland Officer and comments had been taken on board. Additional survey work had been done and part of the design process had changed.

·  It was confirmed that street level wi-fi would not be affected by the new design to Ashington main street.

·  It was acknowledged that there were gaps in the project but, going forward, every asset would be changed.

In summary the Chair stated that the scheme would save money and should be reported as a good news story. He thanked the Street Lighting and Modernisation Project Manager for his report and officers for their attendance.


1)  The information be noted;

2)  The committee be provided with an update on the situation regarding the employment of local apprentices.

(b)  Review of Highway Winter Services

Steve Bucknall, Highways Delivery Manager, presented the above report which provided members with an update on the provision of winter service arrangements across the county during the winter of 2015/16. (A copy of the report is filed with the signed minutes as Appendix E.)

The committee was assured that the Council was prepared to meet the challenge of any situation, there was no ‘average’ winter so sufficient manpower and resources had to be available at all times. There was a need to provide good levels of communications to publicise the level of service provided by the Council and to respond to service requests from the public, details of which were outlined in the report.

Background information regarding winter readiness, weather warnings/decision-making, communication and resources was provided.

The Chair and members thanked the Highways Delivery Manager for an excellent report. It was stated that feedback regarding the quality of winter services had been extremely positive and it was requested that the committee’s thanks be conveyed to the staff involved.

In response to questions from members, the following information was provided:

·  The Council had taken responsibility to cover services from the county boundary to the M6 in Cumbria as part of the NPLG contract.

·  There had been mild weather conditions up until January, followed by a very cold spell which had resulted in more potholes appearing.

·  In order for salt not to go out of date, salt bins should be emptied every two years and fresh salt provided.

·  Salt had no effect on snow, only on ice, and it was agreed that information stickers could be placed on bins accordingly.

·  It was not known if new grit bins had lock down catches.

RESOLVED – that the report be accepted and the thanks of the committee be conveyed to winter services staff.

(c)  Highways Capital Projects

David Laux, Head of Technical Services, presented the above report which provided members with information on estimation of scheme costs for Highways Capital Projects as schemes were developed and the issues that affected cost certainty. (A copy of the report is filed with the signed minutes as Appendix F.)

When delivering programmes such as the LTP programme there were over 120 named component projects and sub schemes so there would always be some costs variations as the project progressed. Appendix A showed the various stages of the scheme as it moved from conception to completion. At the outset there was an identified need for the scheme but it was not always known what was required or what would be involved. The only way to identify certainty of cost was when moving through the programme, at which stage there would be a more accurate costing.

It was noted that it was difficult to release resources for advance work when schemes were required to be delivered within the financial year and the report provided details of the whole process.

The Chair and members thanked the Head of Technical Services for a well written report which explained the difficulties involved.

Questions and comments were as follows:

·  The Chair’s suggested that members’ small schemes could be linked with Highway Capital Projects so that works required for a particular area could be co-ordinated and be more cost effective. In response it was stated that was done where possible but was not always as simple as it seemed and would need to be raised with the Finance Department.

·  A member thanked the design team for work carried out in Forum Way, Cramlington.

·  Discussion took place regarding public perception and the need to schedule work around traffic management. It was noted that there could be implications if work was seen to be done before it commenced in another ward.

·  It was acknowledged that there were problems in providing members with accurate information.

·  The Highways Delivery Manager agreed to provide a member with further information regarding road markings on an on-going scheme at the Welwyn Bridge, Bedlington Station.


1.  The information be noted.

2.  The Highways Delivery Manager provide Councillor Foster with further information regarding road markings on an on-going scheme at the Welwyn Bridge, Bedlington Station.


(a)  Communities and Local Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme

Members were asked to consider the Communities and Local Services Overview and Scrutiny work programme (copy attached to the signed minutes as Appendix G).

A request for further information regarding the employment of apprentices to the street lighting project would be added.

RESOLVED – That the information be noted.

(b)  Monitoring Report

Members were asked to consider the Communities and Local Services Overview and Scrutiny monitoring report and for any issues they wished to bring forward. (A copy of the report is attached to the signed minutes as Appendix H.)

RESOLVED – That the information be noted.


The report, available on the Council’s website, provided details of policy developments that might be of interest to members.

RESOLVED – That the information be noted.



Ch.’s Initials………

Communities and Local Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 27 April 2016 2