Black Gold Cooperative Library System Reference & Adult Service Committee



Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Present: Karen Christiansen (Chair), Maureen Theobald (BG), Olivia Escoto (SP), Sharon Coronado (SLO), Marci Cunningham (SLO), Sara Bankston (LM), Joyce Fischer (SM), Cassidy Charles (SB)

Absent: N/A

1.CALL TO ORDER at 10:06AM by Karen Christiansen at Lompoc Public Library.

2.ADOPT AGENDA ─ Movedby Joyce Fischerseconded Marci Cunningham and carried unanimously to adopt the agenda as amended with the addition of section 5F under New Business – Libraries Illuminated grant.

3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES ─ Moved Joyce Fischer (SM) seconded Sara Bankston (LM) and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as written. Noted that Runner’s World Mexico is not available for the US.


  1. Discussion and selection of RB Digital magazines to continue offering this coming year. The budget remains about the same. Cassidy Charles (SB) brought recommendation to weed any titles with less than 40-50 annually circs and brought forward three titles that SB is interested in adding:
  • SFX
  • Closer
  • Empire
  • Discussion ensued about the eColoring Books available in RBDigital have less than 40-50 annually circs but are 1-time purchases that we have in perpetuity. Those would not be considered. A number of the titles on the lower-end of circulation were acquired in 2017 or their subscriptions went inactive and should not be considered for weeding. Pending Maureen Theobald (BG)’s price check that the titles are not exorbitantly expensive, SB’s title recommendations will be added and she will review the list and weed 5 from the lower circ-end. Maureen Theobald (BG) also reported that a second copy of The Economist was added to mitigate the recent check-out limits that patrons were facing with that title. Marci Cunningham (SLO) presented targeted marketing flyers for RBDigital that SLO is using. QR codes were also discussed and Marci Cunningham will check if there is any part of the flyer that she can share with the committee, pending check with the graphic designer at SLO. Cassidy Charles (SB) mentioned that with previous libraries/RBD representatives she was able to receive pre-fabricated social media posts for RBDigital. Maureen Theobald (BG) will check with BG’s RBD representative.


  1. *Evaluation of features in BiblioCommons/Polaris PAC. Maureen Theobald (BG) introduced the Polaris PAC and Bibliocore evaluation. Each jurisdiction representative will receive this survey and solicit feedback from their staff accordingly regarding features they feel are important in a PAC – that are not already standard (ex: holds suspensions, not keyword searching). Public services staff would be great to work with. Maureen will send the Excel file. Please track feedbackers names in case you need to follow-up with them regarding explanation on their comments. Penny (BG) has been hard at work on improved functionality with the next Polaris PAC version. BiblioCore is a PAC overlay, so it can be compared with what Penny is working on:

Admin council will receive a demo in the future of the options. Kim and Maureen will schedule a meeting before the November RAS meeting to discuss the feedback from the survey. Watch for a Doodle poll. With the mobile-responsibility of the next version of the PAC, we may consider ceasing Capira in the future. BiblioCore costs about $100,000 with options of add-on features like online credit card payment. Question about the comparison study being used – answered that it is from a Ohio Library consortium.

b. Novelist “On the Shelf” feature (OTS). Do we want to implement? OTS provides real time availability for suggested titles and other content NoveList delivers. Would require Black Gold to send entire list of ISBN’s to EBSCO each month (SLO). Brought to SLO’s attention during a LibraryAware demo. Procedure would be similar to BG sending the patron/branch code list to Hoopla. Question of if the Goodreads content reflects items that the consortium holds. Question of if branch filtering being tightened rather than using consortium availability.

Marci (SLO) moved to go forward with sending the entire list of ISBN’s to EBSCO each month to make this availableSara (LM) seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

c. How does your library determine what Overdrive titles to purchase? What is the process purchaser’s use? Should the process be consistent across jurisdictions? Discussion ensued about quota/cap ratio for fiction and nonfiction vs. using user-demand for purchasing titles. Range of experiences. Compares the top 50 and 200 holds for items we don’t have and eContent holdings. Maureen (BG) will run a report for nonfiction guidance in purchasing, with attention of format (audiobook and print)

d. Discussion of the new RB Digital app. Some libraries have noticed issues with the app (Joyce/SM). Issues have been with The Economist turn-aways (hopefully now resolved with the addition of a second copy), customer service response and forget password feature not in the RB Digital app. Discussion ensued. Ongoing exploration across different mobile devices for user experience and using the direct library links. Maureen recommended patrons contacting RBDigital directly with issues, for the sake of response time.

BREAK –Called at 11:08AM / 11:13 AM

e. OPAC committee dissolution. Committee has been dissolved with committee business being absorbed by RAS and future plans for holding a special annual meeting and bi-annual webinars for catalogers. Future OPAC meetings effectively cancelled.

f. Libraries Illuminated grant (BG). Maureen and BG are building a proposal for the Libraries Illuminated grant being offered by the California State Library. Special emphasis in the program for the CENIC connectivity. The grant proposal is due September 4th and Maureen is seeking program ideas for the proposal that would be of benefit for the whole consortium. Discussion ensued, with ideas like Spanish language Story Time, Performances, Big Read-type across BG, digital topics classes, Ted Talks-style programs. Cassidy (SB) mentioned that SB will be holding a Big Read in the fall with Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven.


a. Marketing, Promotion and Social Media ─ Discussed the targeted marketing examples from SLO. SM has RBDigital promos ready for the medical offices in the area, but needs the volunteer force to deliver them – also working on promoting Libby. SLO: working on coordinating social media content to be submitted to a single-point person then scheduled and posted instead of multiple individuals posting. Also discussed timing of Facebook posts, paying to promote Facebook posts, surveying at library programs, and coloring groups.

b. Collection Development and e-content ─ Cassidy mentioned SB no longer doing Express items. Sara (LM) discussed nonholdable items and running reports with collection type and material type to collect that information and get that content out of the PAC. SLO: adding IFixIt toolkits from donated items from the SLO area-based company. Discussion of PlayawayLaunchpads for in-house and circ-ing use.

c. Programming ─ Summer Reading Program reviewed. Discussed the Big Read at SB in the fall, also the Mental Health Resources Fair at SB on 8/30 from 3:30PM – 6:30PM at Central. LM: Bunco and Bingo nights, game groups, and crafting programs (Lompoc Rocks – 160 program attendance). SM: a concert series. PRL: Center of the Book program focusing on a variety of immigration stories throughout California.


8.BLACK GOLD UPDATE ─ News fromCENIC. Tuesday deliveries for SLO, SM, and SB. Grant for Simply-E (interface for downloadable products in one app – Overdrive, Enki, and maybe Hoopla. Definitely not RBD) – the intake form was sent to CALIFA. Study for leveraging library investment in RFID tagging and looking at AMH BG central sorter (forthcoming request for logging delivery-related time spent).


10.AGENDA BUILDING ─BiblioCore-PAC study. On The Shelf review.

11.NEXT MEETING ─10:00 a.m., Wednesday, November 8, 2017, Goleta Branch Library.

12.ADJOURNMENT ─ Moved Joyce (SM) seconded Marci (SLO) and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 12:30PM.

Minutes taken by Cassidy B. Charles, SBPL