UTC Lupton Library

Management Council

August 28, 2007

Present: Valarie Adams, Mike Bell, Virginia Cairns, Steve Cox, Jason Griffey, Anna Lane-Recorder, Theresa Liedtka and Andrea Schurr

Guests: Cheryl Van Mater

Calder Painting

Theresa reported UTC has received a loan of an original Alexander Calder painting. After discussing the issue with the Chancellor, Matt Greenwell and Ruth Glover from the Art Department suggested that the painting be displayed in the Library. Theresa met with Matt and Ruth and identified two possible locations on the first floor. Option one is to hang it on the back wall where the Reference offices are located in the area where the large display case currently stands. Option two is to build some sort of wall near the entrance/elevators for the painting to hang on and have a few seats in the area. The Art Department has a small budget to work with if option two is chosen. Committee members agreed either option is okay and will defer to the Art Department’s expertise and preferences. Theresa did state she thinks the Art Department is leaning towards option two. Theresa will contact Matt Greenwell and give him the go ahead to proceed as the Art Department thinks best.

On a related matter Steve mentioned the Special Collections department has a limited edition book about Calder’s work.

To Do: TL to contact Matt Greenwell

First Week of Semester Reflections

Theresa received a request from a librarian for Management Council to consider two policies in regards to the first week of the semester.

1)  Staff should not be allowed to be off the week before and the week of the start of the semester

2)  Service desks should be double staffed the first week of classes

Theresa reported she would not like a hard and fast policy regarding leave the week before or the week of the beginning of the semester, her preference would be to create a policy that discourages leave during this time but when necessary requests for leave would be considered on a case by case basis. Andrea reminded everyone if this procedure was implemented for the Spring semester it could interfere with holiday leave plans. Everyone recognized the start of the Spring semester is not as hectic as the Fall and agreed that more leniency could be allowed for the Spring semester.

All council members were in agreement that double staffing the service desks during the first week of class would be to everyone’s benefit.

Management Council approved both suggestions will include these procedures in the draft of the Library personnel manual.

To Do: AL to update Library Personnel Manual to include new procedures

Theresa’s Meeting with Provost

Theresa reported on her first meeting with the new Provost. He asked Theresa to draft a plan of how the Library would allocate funds if the Library budget were to receive a 10% increase to the base budget each year over a three year period. In real dollars this would mean an increase of $220,000 for year one, $242,000 for year two and $266,000 for year three.

Theresa would like department heads to consult with the staff members in his/her department to think of positions, resources, online tools, or services they would like to put forward for consideration over the next few years. Departments should meet to discuss this and the department head should submit suggestions to Theresa by Friday September 7, 2007. Once suggestions are received Theresa will compile and start to put together a document.

Theresa has asked Mike to review current trends regarding inflation and put forward a suggestion on what to anticipate. In addition she asked Mike to look at our own collection budget and determine where we currently stand.

Theresa will submit the plan to the Provost at their next meeting which is scheduled for September 27, 2007.

To Do: Departments to meet to discuss potential positions, resources, services, etc.

Department heads to submit suggestions to TL by 09/07

All to discuss priority of suggestions

TL/MB to work on collection aspect of plan

TL to submit draft plan to Provost on 09/27

Dean’s Council

Theresa reported Dr. Oldham has changed the make-up of Dean’s Council. Previously Dean’s Council consisted of all deans and the two Associate Provosts. Dr. Oldham has asked the chairs of Faculty Senate and the Council of Academic Department Heads (Gavin Townsend and Matt Greenwell respectively) as well as all directors and an SGA representative to take part in Dean’s Council. The Provost hopes to improve communication and transparency among Academic Affairs. If the deans should require a meeting to discuss more confidential issues a special meeting will be arranged.

Theresa reported the Provost plans to focus heavily on retention. The Chancellor has stated he would like to grow the student body to 12,000 over the next several years with a great percentage of the growth coming from retention primarily from the sophomore and junior level.

Faculty Convocation

A Faculty Convocation is scheduled for Tuesday September 4, 2007 at 5:30. Details have not been finalized as of yet. An announcement is expected from University Relations or the Chancellor’s Office soon.

2% Salary Funds-Academic Affairs

Theresa reported the funds allocated for the 2% salary increases to address equity and merit for Academic Affairs did not equal 2%. As examples Theresa reported in the Library’s case the shortage was $3,000 but in Arts and Sciences the shortage was $75,000. The Provost has inquired as to how the funds distribution was determined and he is awaiting an answer.

Placement of Children’s Books

Theresa stated she received mostly positive feedback in regards to moving the children’s books to a more visible and accessible location on the 2nd floor. Access Services did state concern regarding policing the children’s books and the potential of children being left unattended in this section. Theresa agreed these were legitimate concerns and would need to be addressed. Ultimately it was agreed to move forward with the relocation of the children’s books. She has corresponded with Verbie Prevost and Fran Bender, English Department, as well as Linda Rivers, Children’s Center, to let them know of the relocation and they all expressed excitement about this idea.

Theresa questioned council members as to how to move ahead. Valarie stated the majority of the picture books are currently located in the PZ section while young adult books are in the PR or PS section. Everyone agreed only the picture books would be relocated. Jason and Virginia stated they each have found a picture book in another location and gave the examples of How Nice to be a Tree in the Botany section and a picture book in the Holiday section. As these “straggler” titles are found in other sections they should also be relocated.

Valarie stated a location code would need to be identified for the relocated books. Valarie, Jason and Andrea will meet to discuss strategy for this relocation and report back to Management Council. The target date for this relocation is the start of the Spring semester.

Andrea stated repair and replacement issues will need to be discussed. Most children’s books would be inexpensive to replace although Mike reported some of the titles might be difficult to locate if they are out of print.

To Do: VA, JG, AS to meet and discuss strategy for the relocation and report back to Management Council

Building Use Committee

Andrea has requested to step down as chair of the Building Use Committee. Currently all committees are chaired by faculty members. Theresa would like to ask Cheryl to chair the Building Use Committee if department heads did not have concerns. Department heads stated they did not have concerns and thought Cheryl would be a good choice.

Theresa had not discussed this with Cheryl at this time however Cheryl attended the Management Council meeting primarily to hear discussion about the relocation of the children’s books. Theresa stated Cheryl could consider this meeting an invitation to chair the committee and they will get together to discuss this in more detail at a later time.

To Do: TL/CVM to meet to discuss Building Use Committee

Book Swap

Most libraries that were visited by the Internal Committee for New Library had a section for a book swap where patrons could “bring one/take one”. The committee members liked this idea and felt it would be a good way to get students reading more as well as offering them some fiction that Lupton Library does not have in the circulating collection. Virginia shared this could easily be started among Lupton Library staff who might have some paperbacks they would be willing to donate. Discussion will need to occur to figure out where to put the swap and how to manage it. This will probably come under the purview of the Building Use Committee. The goal is to have this underway for the Spring semester.

To Do: Building Use Committee to undertake implementation of book swap with a target date of Spring semester

Miscellaneous Business

Six Month Goal Review

Theresa reminded everyone the time for the six month goal review. The review period is September 15th-October 15th. Staff should meet with their supervisors during this time frame to review progress on current goals and if necessary delete/add goals based on projects or events that have come up since the initial goal setting. In the case of Brian and Colleen it will be an opportunity for them to draft their first round of goals. Theresa will send an e-mail out to everyone reminding them of this process.

To Do: Supervisors to meet with staff to review goals 09/15-10/15

TL to send e-mail notification of review period

Academic Calendar

Theresa stated the current Academic Affairs Calendar is online and she encourages everyone to use this resource. The calendar has all dates and timeframes for all events and processes pertaining to Academic Affairs. The calendar can be accessed by the link below.


Panic Button/Red Phones

Theresa reported the red phones that have been installed in classrooms around campus are no different from a regular phone. They are not tied to Security and do not have the ability to broadcast in. The panic buttons however are directly tied to Security. Theresa asked council members to think about whether the Library should order panic buttons and if so where they should be located. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.

To Do: Council members to give thought to panic buttons

Discuss at next meeting

Room 207

Library room 207 (formerly the A/V offices) will be vacant by the end of December. Theresa asked council members to submit thoughts of how they think this room would best be utilized as conversation will need to occur soon. Theresa did inform council members she was not sure if the Library would have the ultimate decision in how this room would be used. She stated with Grote Hall closing by the end of May 2008 there is a need for additional classroom space. There is also need for faculty office space. Theresa plans to put this on the agenda for either the next Management Council or Faculty meeting for further discussion.

To Do: All to submit use suggestions for room 207

Cameras in the Library

Theresa reported the Library is in the process of having a new security system installed. At this point work has been completed on the installation of seven cameras which are trained on the emergency exits, loading dock and Circulation Desk.

At this point the Library does have the ability to log-in and view the cameras. The Library has been allotted one code, meaning one person in the Library at a time can be logged-in. Theresa is trying her best to get two codes but at this time this request has not been granted. In earlier conversations she was told the Library would have unlimited access but it appears she was given false information. Department heads need to submit to Theresa within the next week the names of Library personnel who should have access to view the cameras so the information can be linked to their desktops and priority access identified.

Jason stated there are ways to manage the network that will alert those on the network that someone is trying to log-in/log-off depending on how the system is set up. Jason will speak with Doug Silver to inquire about this information. Jason also stated that there could be a dedicated machine for general monitoring. Andrea asked if one would have the ability to remote desktop monitor in the dedicated machine. Jason stated this was a possibility and he will look into this.

The wiring has been pulled for the card swipes and emergency alarms but they will not be installed until early Spring due to the fact that this portion of the funds are tied to a different budget for fire alarm upgrades.

To Do: All to submit those who may need access to cameras

JG to talk with DS regarding system set up

Faculty Honors Day

Theresa plans to send out a call for nominations for the recipient(s) of the Jackson Award which is given during Faculty Honors Day scheduled for December 7, 2007.

To Do: TL to send out call for nominations

Library IT Council

Theresa informed everyone that Library IT Council is putting together a task force to develop a learning 2.0 program. This staff development program will be based on a publication by Stephen Abrams titled 43 Things I Must Do in the Next Year. Some of the exercises could include writing a blog entry, view a Flickr account or joining a listserv. Lupton Library faculty and staff would be asked to take part in this professional development program as part of the HR128 goal of 32 hours of staff development per year. Theresa’s only concern is timing. Theresa plans to have the working group together for the Fall and have the staff development program ready to begin in Spring. Theresa will need to schedule an alternate workshop through Office of Educational Development through System if Management Council were to not want to do the Library 2.0 program or if timing issues come in to play. Council members agreed the Library 2.0 would be beneficial for all staff and agreed to move ahead with this program. Theresa will submit a draft charge to Library IT Council and determine if this is doable for this evaluation period.