Joint Informational Hearing

of the

Senate Health and Human Services Committee


Assembly Health Committee

Chairs: Senator Deborah Ortiz and Assemblyman Dario Frommer

“Breast Cancer and the Environment:

Second Informational Hearing”

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

10:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.

San Francisco City Hall

Board of Supervisors Chambers, Room 250

#1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, California

I.  Introductory Remarks

·  Senator Deborah Ortiz
Chair, Senate Health and Human Services Committee

·  Assemblyman Dario Frommer
Chair, Assembly Health Committee

·  Other members present

II.  Overview of Breast Cancer and the Environment and the CDC’s

“International Summit on Breast Cancer and the Environment”, Research and

Policy Priorities

Brief framing of issue and recent breast cancer data in the news

·  Jeanne Rizzo, Executive Director, The Breast Cancer Fund

Overview of: “State of the Evidence: What is the Connection between Chemicals and Breast Cancer?”

·  Ana Soto, MD, Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine

Personal testimony regarding Breast Cancer and the Environment

·  Karen Holly, Community Health Educator and Patient Advocate

Report from U.S. Centers for Disease Control Summit – Science Recommendations

·  Pat Buffler, PhD, MPH, former Dean of the School of Public Health, UC Berkeley

Report from U.S. Centers for Disease Control Summit – Public Policy Recommendations

·  Lisa Wanzor, Associate Director, Breast Cancer Action

III.  Biomonitoring Using Breast Milk as a Marker to Measure Community Health

The science of measuring community health using breast milk

·  Gina Solomon, MD, Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

The importance of promoting breastfeeding while conducting biomonitoring using
breast milk

·  Donna Vivio, CNM, MPH, MS, Director of Global Outreach, American College of Nurse-Midwives

How to make biomonitoring “community-based”

·  Felix Aguilar, MD, MPH, President of Los Angeles Physicians for Social Responsibility

What is state government doing in the area of biomonitoring?

·  Ray Neutra, MD, Chief of the Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control, California Department of Health Services

Summary of policy recommendations from the field

·  Jeanne Rizzo, Executive Director, The Breast Cancer Fund

IV.  Conclusions/Next Steps

·  Senator Deborah Ortiz, Chair, Senate Health and Human Services Committee

·  Assemblyman Dario Frommer, Chair, Assembly Health Committee

·  Other members present

Official Sponsors of the Hearing

Senate Health and Human Services Committee

Assembly Health Committee

California Legislative Women’s Caucus

Organizational Supporters

The Breast Cancer Fund

American Cancer Society

Bayview Hunters Point Community Advocates

California Communities Against Toxics

California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG)

Center for Ethics and Toxics

Clean Water Action


Marin Breast Cancer Watch

National Environmental Trust

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

San Francisco Department of the Environment

San Francisco Department of Public Health

San Francisco Department on the Status of Women

San Francisco Medical Society

San Francisco Physicians for Social Responsibility

UCSF/Vietnamese Community Health Promotion Project

Women’s Cancer Resource Center