9am – Communion or Morning Prayer in The Church Centre
10.30am –Service in the British School of Brussels
4.30 – The Link @ St Dom’s (check for details)
Welcome to St Pauls if you are new. We hope you feel at home here. Don’t hesitate to introduce yourself at the Welcome table or to one of the staff if you would like to find about more about our church and our activities.
Our youth and children’s groups during the morning service are
Tiny Tots (0-2) Sparklers (3-5) Light (6-8) & Twig (8-11) Smart (11-14)
CYFA (14-18) Sunday6.30 – 8.30pm in the Church Centre.

Adult congregation survey. During October we are holding a short survey of the adult make-up of our congregation at St Paul’s and The Link, please could you take 5 mins to fill in the short form which will help us understand better who we are. Please only do this once even if you are offered the form each week or at both services! Thank you.


12 October Youth movie and pizza night for 9+, chez Penningtons, , 6h30 to 9h30 pm - RSVP to cheri please, at

28 ave des chataignes, Kraainem, tel : 02/6882763

16th October God Space **CHANGE OF PLAN** Postponed until 2014 as we can join St Jan’s in Tervuren for TAIZE SERVICES 16th Oct, 20th Nov, 18th Dec at 8pm. Please come along – for more details contact Simon Tyndall .

October 18th SMART BBQ. Bring your friends over for BBQ, FUN & GAMES! at 4.00pm – Start 8.30pm – Pick-up by parents. Hollestraat 9, 3040 Huldenberg RSVP 0477519822 at to bring? Your friends, a salad or side dish

October 19thWomen’s Convention London. See Emma Newcombe for more details.

24th October St. Paul’s Ladies Movie Night. 6:30 arrival for 7pm film start,Church Centre. Popcorn and drinks to be provided. Come share a laugh and a tear with friends

10th November Autumn Fellowship Walk. All are invited to enjoy the Fall colours and one another's company on a lovely stroll in the park. This will happen after the morning service in Tervuren Park behind the African Museum. Please bring a sack lunch for your family members.

3rd NovemberMemorial Service.3pm at the Church Centre we are going to hold a memorial service. This is a special time to thank God for those we have shared our lives with those who have died. Quite reflective space in which this year we will particularly remember Jane Bradbury. I hope you can come along and join us for this. If you have any questions please ask me, Simon Tyndall.

6th NovemberFirst Wednesdays. Worship, prayer and teaching 8pm in The Church Centre. Come and join us.

6thDecemberChristmas Ball. Now is the time to be talking to your friends, home groups and other contacts about the Christmas Ball – why not get a group together and book a table! A great way to celebrate together as a community, introduce friends to St Paul’s and raise money for charity. Tickets go on sale 31st October in the Church Centre at 9.30am or after St Paul’s services from 3rd November. For more information please contact .


Happy Birthday to The Link!– Congratulations to The Link which celebrates it’s 8th Birthday on the 20th October. There will be a special birthday service at 4.30pm – All Welcome.

Holy Communion on Thursdays. We are experimenting with a short mid-week communion service in the Church Centre at Noon on 14th & 28th Nov, 12th Dec. Come along and bring your sandwiches to enjoy being together afterwards.

Chaplains’ Log - each week either Simon or Charlie write a few words on the website. Why not take a minute to see their thought are

Fun Tots Group. We meet every Tuesday morning at 9.30 at the Church Centre

Pilates Classes. Tuesdays in the Church Centre. 1.30pm beginners, 2pm advanced.

Prayer Chain: If you have a prayer need please contact Sian Cook (02 513 2188) or the church office. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.

Church Directory details. A new directory will be being published soon, please make sure the church office has your correct details.

Church Office. Please be patient when you come to the Church Centre as our entrance bell is being temperamental. If you can’t get in please call 02 767 3435

ChurchCentre. If you use the Church Centre kitchen for any activity, please can you respect all users by taking your rubbish, left over food and drink home. Thank you.

For more information please contact the Church Centre or visit the website.

Hoornzeelstraat 24, 3080 Tervuren Phone: 02 767 3435

Event Flyers