sportsmatch Eligibility Checklist

We advise that you complete this checklist before beginning your sportsmatchapplication. Answering ‘yes’ to the questions on this form does NOT necessarily mean that your application will be successful, but it will help you to decide if your organisation and project are eligible for an award.

1. Is your organisation one of the following:

Voluntary sports club, community sports hub, Companies Limited by Guarantee or a consortium where member organisations are eligible to apply
Recognised national governing body of sport
Charity, trust, local authority, school or voluntary youth organisation
If you answered YES to ANY of the above, please continue to section 2.

2. Please confirm that the following statements apply to your


We have a legal status and governing document that contains a clear not for profit statement unless their status is evident (e.g. local authority)
We have a dissolution or winding up clause specifying that any remaining assets will not be distributed to members but shall be donated to an organisation with other similar charitable objectives
We have memberships or project beneficiaries based in Scotland and open to all sections of the community
We have a child protection/welfare policy or statement stating the organisations duty to safeguard children and/or vulnerable adults
We have an equal opportunities policy
We have suitable public liability insurance
We have a governing committee not containing three or more non-related and non-cohabiting members
We can show that any previous award from sportscotland has been managed satisfactorily
If your organisation can adhere to these conditions OR the questions are not applicable, please continue to section 3.

3. Your project may be eligible for sportsmatch funding if:

It is for new or enhanced activity
It will increase and/orsustain participation in sport
It has not already started
It is not an annual event within the organisation
It is not for the general running costs of the organisation, e.g. rent, heating
It does not involve construction, groundwork or refurbishment of property
It can be delivered, AND the sportsmatch funding spent within a 12 month period
The same project has not previously been funded by another sportscotland programme
The award is not for the benefit of an individual
The budget does not include VAT that is recoverable
If you have answered NO to any of the above questions, your project is outside of sportsmatch policy and will not receive funding. If you have answered YES to all of the above, please continue to section 4.

4. To be eligible for sportsmatch funding your sponsors must:

Be a commercial company providing at least £500 in cash or ‘in-kind’
Not be from an organisation which receives more than 25% of its income from government
Not be from a national governing body or professional sporting body investing in its own sport
Not be from sponsors trading in alcohol/tobacco
If you have answered YES to all of the above questions, please continue to section 5.

5. When completing an application for sportsmatch funding, do you know

if you could:

Describe how many people will access your project and how they will benefit
Be able to demonstrate why the project is needed
Be able to provide receipts of purchases made with sportsmatch funding
Provide a clear and detailed project budget
Clearly explain what the project involves and what, when, where and how it will be delivered
Show how the numbers of participants would be monitored and the project’s success evaluated

If you have answered YES to the above questions you may be ready to apply for sportsmatch funding.


If you have not already done so, we recommend that you read ‘A Guide to SPORTSMATCH’, before beginning your application.

The preferred method of application submission is via email. Completed sportsmatch application forms and any supporting information should be sent to the following email address:

However, if for any reason you are having difficulty submitting the application electronically or you wish to discuss your application further. Please contact the sportsmatch Officer on: 0141 534 6500