CRITERIA: Assessment item 1.1 Physical Response: Indirect interceptive – Volleyball

NAME: ------. TEACHER: ------.

Standard A / Standard B / Standard C / Standard D / Standard E
Acquiring / The student work has the following characteristics:
  • consistent and successful reproduction of a wide range of physical responses performed fluently, accurately, and where applicable with power
  • comprehensive and accurate demonstration and understanding of rules, safety and sophisticated performance strategies through physical responses
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • successful reproduction of a range of physical responses performed fluently, accurately, and where applicable with power
  • accurate demonstration and understanding of rules, safety and sophisticated performance strategies through physical responses
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • competent reproduction of a range of physical responses performed with accuracy
  • proficient demonstration and understanding of rules, safety and simple performance strategies through physical responses
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • variable reproduction of physical responses
  • variable demonstration of rules, safety and basic performance strategies through physical responses
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • isolated reproduction of physical responses
  • isolated demonstration of some learned rules and safety through physical responses

Applying / The student work has the following characteristics:
  • consistent and successful application and combination of a wide range of physical responses in authentic performance environments
  • consistent and successful application and combination of a wide range of team and individual strategies that enhance the physical performances of self and others
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • successful application and combination of a range of physical responses in authentic performance environments
  • successful application and combination of a range of team and individual strategies that enhance the physical performances of self and others
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • competent application and combination of a range of physical responses in authentic performance environments
  • competent application and combination of a range of simple team and individual strategies that enhance the physical performances of self and others.
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • application of simple physical responses in authentic performance environments
  • application of simple team or individual strategies that relate to the physical performances of self or others
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • isolated application of simple physical responses in authentic performance environments
  • isolated application of simple, rehearsed strategies that relate to the physical performances of self

Evaluating / The student work has the following characteristics:
  • consistent and discerning reflection and decision making that enhances physical responses and outcomes in or about authentic performance contexts
  • consistent and effective initiation of change or modification of personal and/or team strategies to solve problems in or about authentic performance contexts
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • discerning reflection and decision making that enhances physical responses and outcomes in or about authentic performance contexts
  • effective initiation of change or modification of personal and/or team strategies to solve problems in or about authentic performance contexts
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • competent reflection and decision making that assists physical responses and outcomes in or about authentic performance contexts
  • initiation of change or modification of personal and/or team strategies to solve simple problems in or about authentic performance contexts
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • guided reflection or decision making that supports simple physical responses and outcomes in or about authentic performance contexts
  • guided changes to personal and/or team strategies to offer solutions to simple problems in or about authentic performance contexts
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
  • directed physical responses and outcomes in or about authentic performance contexts
  • directed changes to personal physical responses to offer solutions to simple problems in or about authentic performance environments

CRITERIA DESCRIPTION: Assessment item 1.1 Physical Response: Indirect interceptive – Volleyball. “A” standard

Dimension / Year 11 Summative
Acquire / To achieve this standard you must: (can be demonstrated in a non-competitive situation)
Demonstrate fluency, a high % of accuracy and where applicable power in following skills: Spike, all passing (including set), and transition from offence to defence. These skills need only be demonstrated in simple drills.
Demonstrate whilst performing these skills in a game or modified game a thorough understanding of the rules. If asked to officiate you could do so to a high standard. Similarly your game play must reflect an understanding of different tactics that are used in volleyball. This includes: different set-ups to receive serve and ensure your setter is free to set, different hitting options and substitutions that ensure the best possible back court.
Apply / To achieve this standard you must: (must be demonstrated in a competitive situation)
Perform your skills (especially spike) with consistent success in situations that are similar to those found in a game. For example your serve should almost always land in play; in offensive transition you always move back to ready yourself for a hit, in defensive transition in the backcourt you are low in a ready position to move quickly.
Similarly your skills must be accurate enough to ensure the successful performance of team strategy.
Evaluate / To achieve this standard you must: (must be demonstrated in a competitive situation)
Demonstrate that you can adapt your skills in response to the capabilities of your opponents, and to those of your teammates to ensure a successful outcome. For example you can direct your serve at a weak receiver; vary the placement of a spike to avoid blockers; vary the height or placement of a set pass in response to opponent’s defensive set up.
Similarly you must consistently demonstrate that you can modify team strategy to suit the capabilities of your opponents and teammates. For example different attacking and defensive systems; outside and centre hitters, back court setter
If your acquired physical skills are not of a sufficient standard to demonstrate this it is possible to achieve these criteria through explanation. For example responding to video footage, coaching.