Techniques to Produce /r/

Have the child produce the /l/ sound, while saying this sound, pull the lower jaw down slowly until the position of the /r/ is reached. For this one, the therapist can pull the jaw down gently, or can instruct the child to drop the jaw slowly.

Ask the child to say /l/. Then with a tongue depressor, gently push the tip of the tongue back until you can insert the depressor between the tip and the alveolar ridge, or until the /r/ sound results.

Say the /l/, /n/, or /d/ sounds and pull the tongue back to "ler," "ner," or "der."

Have child growl like a tiger (grrrr), be a rooster (ER-er-ER-er-ERRRRR), or a loud truck (ERRRRRRN). If the child can imitate any of those sounds, you may have an 'r' sound to start with.

Make a trilled tongue sound with the tip on the alveolar ridge. Stop the trill but continue vocalizing.

Sweep the roof of your mouth with your tongue saying 'ah'. When I say stop, keep your tongue in that position and continue vocalization. Then Bring the tip down slightly.

Have the child feel the position of the tongue as /i/ is produced. Then work toward 'r' by lifting the tongue tip and lowering the back of the tongue.

Have the child place the tongue lightly between the teeth and produce a voice "th" sound. Then have him retract the tip straight back into the /r/ position.

With your thumb, push up under the child's chin and have him vocalize his production of the "r" sound. As you push up, the "r" sound modify to an acceptable sound which should be reinforced. Then have the child try to find that same sound without your pushing under his chin.

For those clients who substitute /w/ for /r/, develop minimal pair word lists - wipe/ripe, wing/ring, wake/rake, wed/red, wag/rag where they have to produce a difference.

Ask the child to produce five different types of /b/ sound, four different /f/ sound, and three different "r" sounds. If there is an acoustically correct "r" sound, reinforce it!

Have the child pretend his tongue is a basket. Have him put an "egg" into the middle of his basket and wrap the front and sides of his tongue around it so the egg won't fall off. When the correct placement has been achieved, have him vocalize. This may result in the "r" sound.