IAS Accommodation Terms and Conditions

  1. Enquiries for residential accommodation may be made directly to Robert Crowe, by telephone (+ 44 (0)117 954 6981) or e-mail (), or through the Head of the Department in which the visitor will be based. Conny will advise whether suitable accommodation is available and provisionally reserve it for you. Your reservation will be passed to The Hawthorns, a support service for the University that provides front-of-house management services on behalf of the Institute for Advanced Studies. This reservation will be confirmed to you directly by the The Hawthorns, Woodland Road, Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1UQ, and you will be asked to fax or e-mail your acceptance of the terms and conditions. Please note that guest numbers must not exceed those stated on the booking confirmation or the maximum occupancy number of the unit. Only named guests are permitted to stay. It is your responsibility to inform IAS and The Hawthorns of the names of all the guests. If agreed in advance, an extra foldable bed and linen may be available for which a cost of £25 per week will be made. (For holders of IAS Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professorships, the costs will be deducted as expenses, on arrival, before payment of any balance of the award.) Payment Is due on arrival at the latest through one of the following methods:

-Payment through the host department by internal transfer

-Payment by salary reductions for University of Bristol members of staff only

-Payment by credit card

  1. In the event of cancellation of a booking after confirmation, the rent is still payable in full unless the accommodation can be re-let. The University reserves the right to cancel any bookings, in which case the liability of the University shall be limited to refunding all monies paid by clients.
  1. Visitors are asked to arrive between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday (unless other arrangements have been made via the host department) and to check out by 10am on the morning of departure. Please note that access to units may not be available until 12 noon on the day of arrival. In the event of weekend arrival, keys may be left with the University Security Services (who operate on a 24hr/7 day a week basis) at Royal Fort Lodge. There is no resident warden or porter in No 1 University Walk. It is the responsibility of the resident to ensure that keys are returned the Hawthorns on departure. Lost keys will be charged at £15 per key to the resident.
  1. No animals are allowed in 1, University Walk.
  1. There is a No Smoking policy throughout the building.
  1. No forms of heating other than those provided are allowed.
  1. Visitors shall not cause any annoyance to, or permit to be caused any annoyance by, the occupants of other accommodation within the building or to neighbours.
  1. University staff, or their nominated representatives, shall have the right to enter the accommodation at all reasonable times for the purposes of necessary maintenance and cleaning and in emergencies.
  1. The University regrets that it cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage to the property of visitors however caused.
  1. Visitors must accept responsibility for any damage to University property (or to that belonging to any individual or organisation), other than wear or tear, and for injuries, fatal or otherwise, to any person(s) arising from, or in conjunction with, the use of facilities, unless such damage or injury is caused by proven negligence, wilful act or default of the University of Bristol.
  1. Force Majeur. Every effort will be made by the University to carry out its part of the contract but its due performance is subject to cancellation or variation as may be necessary as a result of its inability to secure labour, material or supplies or as a result of any act of God, war, strike, lock-out or other labour dispute, fire, flood, drought, legislation or other factors which are beyond the University's control.

Declaration: I have read, understood and agree to abide by the terms and conditions for the provision of accommodation as stated above.

Signed: ………………………………………… Date: …………………………….…

Title & Name (please PRINT): …………….…………………………………………….…

IAS Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professor? Yes / No

UoB Department: ……………………………………………………………………………

Suite No: ….. Arrival Date: .……………..…. Departure Date: …………..….……


IAS Accommodation Terms & Conditions, Sep 2015