The Annual General Meeting of the Isle of Wight Hockey Club to be held on Friday 20thMay 2016 at Smallbrook Stadium, Ashey Road, Ryde commencing at 19.00 hours
1Apologies for absence
2Approval of the minutes of the 2015AGM
3Matters arising from the 2015minutes
4Chairman’s report
5Secretary’s report
6Treasurer’s report 2015- 2016accounts
Officers Reports as tabled Ladies Club Captain
Men’s Club Captain
First XILadies’ Captain
First X1 Men’s Captain
Second XILadies’ Captain
Second X1 Men’s Captain
Fixture Secretaries - Ladies and Men
Club Coach - Senior and Juniors
Junior Manager
Disciplinary Officer
National /Regional /Hampshire
Social Committee
Facilities Committee
Development Committee
7Election of Officers
Where no nominations have been received by the due deadline,any vacant position(s) will be appointedby the committee at the next committee meetingfrom names submitted to the Secretary.
Nominations will not be accepted from the floor and members must be present to vote.
Outgoing Captains will stay in office until the new Captains are elected/appointedby the committee post AGM.
a) Appointment of independent tellers if required
Nominationshave been received for:-
President Ray Wheeler
Vice Presidents (new)Alison Austin
Honorary Vice President(new)Ann Selby
Life MembersNeil Harris and Jon Milton
ChairmanNo nomination received - the committee will appoint post AGM
SecretaryAlison Austin
TreasurerNo nominationreceived -the committee will appoint post AGM
Ladies’Club Captain Jaimie Unsworth
Men’s Club Captain Jon Kirby
Disciplinary OfficerDerrick Austin
Club CoachNo nomination received - the committee will appointpost AGM
Welfare Officer(s)No nominations received - the committee will appoint post AGM
Men’s Fixture SecretaryNo nominations received - the committee will appoint post AGM
Ladies Fixture SecretaryNo nominations received - the committee will appoint post AGM
Press Officer and Web ManagerWill be appointedbythe committeepost AGM
Ladies’ 1st X1 CaptainWill be appointedby the committee post AGM
Men’s 1stXI CaptainWill be appointed by the committee post AGM
Ladies 2nd X1 CaptainWill be appointedby the committee post AGM
Men’s 2nd X1 CaptainWill be appointed by the committeepost AGM
Junior Organiser Will be appointed bythe committee post AGM
Junior ManagersGirlsWill be appointed by the committee post AGM
BoysWill be appointedby the committee post AGM
Junior Coach GirlsWill be appointed bythe committee post AGM
BoysWill be appointed by the committee post AGM
Social SecretaryWill be appointed by the committee post AGM
8To discuss and agreethe proposed Subscriptions and Match fees
These will be submitted by the Treasurer at the AGM
Match Fees
These will be submitted by the Treasurer at the AGM
A The position of Minutes’ Secretary is created as an appointed post. AA
B A Finance subcommittee is set up to consist of the Chairman, Secretary and one person from the men’ and ladies’ section.
This is to assist the Treasurer and also make it easier for the membership finances to be controlled. AA
C As we seem to be struggling to provide a full squad for both 2nd teams, it seems we need some sort of incentive to encourage new players to join or for previous players to return. As such, as a one off for the coming season, i would like to propose a reduced rate for subscription for new and returning members. There are a number of players who have left the club, citing cost as the main factor. As such, this could incentivise a return. While i appreciate some may feel this unfair as they would be playing alongside full paying members, I think it would be a good decision for the club as a couple of extra players could help us to fulfil fixtures which would otherwise be missed - This would be of benefit to all. Furthermore, for the club, this would mean additional revenue, which we would not otherwise have raised. JK
D My second proposal relates to the issues surrounding members only playing half a match (or less), when they are substitutes on a given match day. To alleviate some of the angst this potentially causes, i would suggest half price match fees for games in which players only participate for half a game. The funds could be refunded by the treasurer at the end of the season, or by captains on match days. (I would suggest the latter, as the financial impact upon the player would be immediate)
I've seen both of my proposed suggestions in action at previous clubs, and both have had significant impact. JK
10.Any other authorised business - see additional proposals on page 3
Additional proposals received after the deadline will be discussed at this point and subject to approval of the meeting, they will be formulated into amendments to the Constitution and put forward for approval at an EGM to be called prior to the start of next season. This will require 20 members to sign a requisition for an EGM and at least 20 members to attend the EGM.
Members whose proposals are accepted for inclusion at an EGM will be required to be in attendance for that meeting
Supplementary proposals received after the closing deadline for discussion
10 A9.3i All members over the age of 18 and of at least one seasons standing may be nominated for positions on the Executive Committee. JU
10 B9.3ii All members over the age of 13 and of at least one seasons standing may nominate others for positions on the Executive Committee. JU
10 C10.1All full members of 13 years and over who have in addition played at least 10 games for senior sides at the date thereof may vote at a General Meeting. JU
10 D That when nominations and proposals are officially accepted regarding an AGM (by the club secretary), instead of confirming to the proposer, all club members are forwarded the nomination/ proposal as confirmation.
This will support transparency with no extra effort. Significantly, it will also reduce the potential for lack of nominations experienced this year. For example, if I had known within timeframe that Harry had not been nominated, I would have done it – I assumed he had! SW
10 E If a member is unable to attend a general meeting they are entitled to write their votes and involvement to give to any member, to proxy on their behalf. The written votes/involvement should also be emailed to the club secretary for verification.
This would not be of any detriment and would enable members to support the running of the club should the date preclude attendance. If it is acceptable to allow postal votes to elect politicians to run the country then I think our club can accept them. SW
10 FTeam Captains will be voted in by existing team members. This will be organised no later than September by the section captain, with eligible members that played at least 6 games for a team the previous season eligible to vote. The outgoing captain would remain in place until the new one is elected. If this is not possible then the appointment could revert to the club committee.
The role of team captain is a vital one that can impact significantly on a team. It requires a leader, a motivator, an organiser, a man manager and so much more. Many of these qualities are dependent on the relationship that the team captain has with their team. Significantly, if a team is not able to choose their own captain, then the risk would be that the team is not as cohesive or successful as could otherwise be the case. Lastly I would say that this is normal practice across any sport I have heard of at recreational level. It makes sense and by proposing this it simplifies a very wordy process in our constitution to align our process with the norm/ universal practice elsewhere. SW
10 GWhen constitutional policy impedes the fluent running of the club the Chairman can request a temporary, specific amendment/alteration to the constitution. This will only be valid following an email to all members (which receives no veto from an eligible member) and committee approval.
The constitution should support the running of the club, not impede it. By all members supporting a temporary amendment the club could run smoothly and a permanent change could be voted at a general meeting if required. A good example of this is what we are doing now. I don’t believe any member would be against postponing a deadline for proposals, which would avoid the unnecessary situation of an EGM. SW
10 H Unless there is a significant reason to restrict information, the club should be ran transparently. An eligible member should have access to as much information as committee members/ specific officers.
This is a general statement of ethos and builds on proposal 2. It would support a greater understanding by members of club activities and decisions. This would support greater club cohesion and reduce any perceived divides within the club. SW
10 II propose that the constitution should be amended so that any player who plays the season for one of the 4 adult teams should be able to vote at the AGM regardless of whether they are over 16 or not. MW
There will be no other business discussed- if any member has an important matter for discussion, can they please send it in writing to the Secretary byJune 1stfor inclusion on the Agenda for the first committee meeting in June.
From the Hon Sec IOWHC - Alison Austin, Holly Cottage, Main Road, Brighstone, IOW, PO30 4AJ
01983 741409, 07840367183 or email -