SNAP No Interview Demonstration

Notice packet

Project Dates

September 1, 2012 –

November 30, 2013


Your food benefits have been approved. You did not need to have an interview because your DHS office is participating in a special project. We approved your benefits based on the information you gave us and proof you provided.

Your food benefits start on ##/##/##. Your first month's food benefits will be $#,###.##. If there are no other changes, your full month's food benefits will be $#,###.##. Your food benefits are based on ## person(s) and $#,###.## countable income. Your benefit period will be ##/##/## to ##/##/##. If you need food benefits after that date, you will need to reapply.

We are placing you in the Simplified reporting system (SRS). This

means you only need to report one thing during a six-month period.

You must report when your monthly gross income is more than $#,###.##.

Report this change by the 10th of the month after the change. You do not need to

report other changes. However, you may want to if they will give you

more benefits. If you are receiving cash or medical benefits you

must continue to report the changes for those programs.

People in the Simplified Reporting System must fill out the Interim

Change Report form in six months.

This form will be mailed to you in the fifth month.

You may also qualify for other help. The Oregon Telephone Assistance

Program (OTAP) helps with the cost of basic phone service. Families with

children can get free or low price school meals. In some areas, meals

are offered in the summer

Talk to your worker for more about this.

If anyone in your group has an overpayment, your monthly food

benefits will be less until the amount is paid back. The reduction

will be $10.00 or 10%, whichever is more. We may also collect the

overpayment from tax returns.

Oregon Administrative Rules: 461-110-0530, 461-115-0040, 461-115-0450, 461-150-0060, 461-150-0070, 461-150-0080, 461-150-0090, 461-155-0190, 461-160-0060, 461-160-0070, 461-160-0430, 461-165-0060, 461-170-0010, 461-170-0011, 461-170-0101,

461-170-0102, 461-180-0080, and 461-195-0551

If you disagree with this action, you have the right to a hearing.

Please read Part 1 on the back of this form for more information.

Notice is generated when: Computer initiated when a case is opened or a redetermination is done in SRS – Non NED cases.

Notice is sent on: System initiated based on CRT or REC and SRS action.

SNAP Initial Month’s Benefits Approved in SRS (NED)

Your food benefits have been approved. You did not need to have an interview because your DHS office is participating in a special project. We approved your benefits based on the information you gave us and proof you provided.

Your food benefits start on XX/XX/XX. Your first month's food

will be $X,XXX.XX. If there are no other changes, your full month's food benefits will be $X,XXX.XX. Your food benefits are based on XX person(s) and $X,XXX.XX countable income. Your benefit period will be XX/XX/XX to XX/XX/XX. If you need food benefits after that date, you will need to reapply.

We are placing you in the Simplified Reporting System (SRS). This

means you only need to report one thing during a twelve month period.

You must report when your monthly gross income is more than $X,XXX.XX.

Report this change by the 10th of the month after the change. You do not

need to report other changes. However, you may want to if they will

give you more benefits.

You may also qualify for other help. The Oregon Telephone Assistance

Program (OTAP) helps with the cost of basic phone service. Families with children can get free or low price school meals. In some areas, meals are offered in the summer. Talk to your worker for more about this.

If anyone in your group has an overpayment, your monthly food benefits will be less until the amount is paid back. The reduction

will be $10.00 or 10%, whichever is more. We may also collect the

overpayment from tax returns.

Oregon Administrative Rules: 461-110-0530, 461-115-0040, 461-115-0450, 461-150-0060, 461-150-0070, 461-150-0080, 461-150-0090, , 461-155-0190, 461-160-0060, 461-160-0070, 461-160-0430, 461-465-0060, 461-170-0010, 461-170-0011, 461-170-0101, 461-180-0080 and 461-195-0551.

If you disagree with this action, you have the right to a hearing.

read Please Part 1 on the back of this form for more information.

Notice is generated when: Computer initiated when a case is opened or a redetermination is done in SRS – with NED household type.

Notice is sent on: System initiated based on CRT or REC and SRS action.


Your food benefits have been approved. You did not need to have an interview because your DHS office is participating in a special project. We approved your benefits based on the information you gave us and proof you provided.

Your food benefits start on ##/##/##. Your first month's

benefits will be $#,###.##. If there are no other changes, your full

month's food benefits will be $#,###.##. Your food benefits are based on

## person(s) and $#,###.## countable income. Your benefit period will be

##/##/## to ##/##/##. If you need food benefits after that date, you will need to reapply.

You must report changes. The list of these changes is on the Rights and Responsibilities form.

Report all

changes within 10 days. You must report when the source of

your income changes. You must also report a change in earned

income of $100 or more a month, and a change in any other income

of $50 a month or more.


You may also qualify for other help. The Oregon Telephone Assistance

Program (OTAP) helps with the cost of basic phone service. Families with

children can get free or low price school meals. In some areas, meals

are offered in the summer.

Talk to your worker for more about this.

If anyone in your group has an overpayment, your monthly food benefits will be less until the amount is paid back. The reduction will be $10.00 or 10%, whichever is more. We may also collect the overpayment from tax returns.

Oregon Administrative Rules: 461-110-0530, 461-115-0040,

461-115-0450, 461-150-0060 - 0090, 461-155-0190, 461-160-0060,

461-160-0070, 461-160-0430, 461-165-0060, 461-170-0010, 461-170-0011,

461-180-0080, and 461-195-0551

If you disagree with this action, you have the right to a hearing.

Read Part 1 on the back of this form for more information.

Notice is generated when: Computer initiated when a case is opened or a redetermination is done for Change Reporting cases.

Notice is sent on: System Initiated based on CRT or REC action.



Based on the information you provided with your application for food benefits we are denying your application. We used XX persons and $X,XXX.XX countable income. You are over the income

limit. You have too much income to qualify.

You may request to speak with an eligibility worker about this decision. To talk with a worker about this decision please contact:


Phone number: XXX XXX-XXXX ext. XXX

Oregon Administrative Rule: 461-155-0190

If you disagree with this action, you have the right to a hearing.

Read Part 1 on the back of this form for more information.



We are denying your application for food benefits. We asked you to give us certain information or proof. This information was needed to show you are eligible for food benefits. You needed to give us the information within 30 days of applying. You did not give us this information or proof. We are not able to make a decision if you can get food benefits without this information or proof.

You may request to speak with an eligibility worker about this decision. To talk with a worker about this decision please contact:


Phone number: XXX XXX-XXXX ext. XXX

You may apply again at any time.

Oregon Administrative Rules: 461-115-0210, 461-115-0610, and


If you disagree with this action, you have the right to a hearing.

Read Part 1 on the back of this form for more information.

Notice is generated when: Worker initiated and used when entering a denial with reason code of FC and System Initiated on the 31st or 60th day from filing date.

Notice is sent: Date worker initiated or System initiated on the 30th or 60th day if no action taken on case.



Your application for food benefits has been denied. You did not work with the OFSET program. You did not meet the work requirement and did not have good cause. You are disqualified and cannot get food benefits. The letter you got that told you about the disqualification also told you how long you will be disqualified.

If this is the first time you did not meet the work requirements, you cannot get food benefits for at least 1 month. If it is the second time, you cannot get food benefits for at least 3 months. If it is the third time or more, you cannot get food benefits for at least 6 months.

You may get food benefits after the minimum time period if you have worked with OFSET while you were disqualified. You will still be disqualified after the minimum period if you do nothing. To work with the OFSET program, talk to your worker to find out what you need to do.

You can reapply for food benefits any time.

You may request to speak with an eligibility worker about this decision. To talk with a worker about this decision please contact:


Phone number: XXX XXX-XXXX ext. XXX

Oregon Administrative Rules: 461-130-0310, 461-130-0315, 461-130-0327, 461-130-0330,461-135-0520, 461-135-0521

If you disagree with this action, you have the right to a hearing.

Read Part 1 on the back of this form for more information.



We are denying your application for food benefits. You quit a job in the

last 30 days before you applied. Or you reduced your work hours to

less than 30 hours a week. It was found that you did not have good


You cannot get food benefits due to this job quit. You are

disqualified for at least one month. If this is the second time, you

cannot get food benefits for at least three months. If this is the third

time, you cannot get food benefits for at least six months.

You can reapply for food benefits at the end of the disqualification.

You can reapply earlier if your situation changes so

you no longer have to meet the work requirement.

You may request to speak with an eligibility worker about this decision. To talk with a worker about this decision please contact:


Phone number: XXX XXX-XXXX ext. XXX

Oregon Administrative Rules:, 461-130-0310, 461-130-0315, 461-130-0327, 461-130-0330, 461-135-0521

If you disagree with this action, you have the right to a hearing. You

also have the right to continued benefits. Read the back of this form

for more information.



Based on the information you provided, we are denying your application for food benefits. To get food benefits, there must be at least one member who is a U.S. citizen or a

qualified non-citizen. No one in your household meets this requirement.

You may request to speak with an eligibility worker about this decision. To talk with a worker about this decision, please contact:


Phone number: XXX XXX-XXXX ext. XXX

Oregon Administrative Rules: 461-120-0110 and 461-120-0125

If you disagree with this action, you have the right to a hearing.

Read Part 1 on the back of this form.



We are denying your application for food benefits. You are not

a resident of Oregon. You must be a resident of Oregon to get food


You may request to speak with an eligibility worker about this decision. To talk with a worker about this decision please contact:


Phone number: XXX XXX-XXXX ext. XXX

Oregon Administrative Rule: 461-120-0010

If you disagree with this action, you have the right to a hearing.

Read Part 1 on the back of this form



Based on the information you provided with your application for food benefits, we are denying your application. You are in higher education at least half time and you do not meet any of the student criteria. You are not an eligible student. To be an eligible student you need to:

·  Be physically or mentally unfit for employment

·  Be a paid employee working an average of 20 hours each week

·  Be self employed at least 20 hours each week and have countable monthly income of at least $1,247 after business costs

·  Be awarded state or federally funded work-study and either be assigned a position with a start date in the current term, or if the school does not have any work study positions available as long as you have been awarded work-study

·  Be responsible for the care of a child that you are applying for benefits with (specific age requirements apply)

·  Be receiving cash assistance from DHS

·  Be in a Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training program

·  Be receiving unemployment compensation

·  Be participating in one of the Employment Department training programs

You may request to speak with an eligibility worker about this decision. To talk with a worker about this decision, please contact:


Phone number: XXX XXX-XXXX ext. XXX

Oregon Administrative Rule: 461-110-0370, 461-135-0570

If you disagree with this action, you have the right to a hearing.

Read Part 1 on the back of this form for more information.


OFSET Referral Letter


Must check one: ABAWD XX non-ABAWD XX

ABAWD = 18 -49, no dependent child in the home

Oregon’s Food Stamp Employment Transition (OFSET) program can help you gain skills to get a job. You must work with the program to continue to get food stamps. You must keep all scheduled meetings. A meeting is set for an orientation with an OFSET contractor: