Biome Wikispace Project

What is this Project? - For this project you will become a travel writer. Your task is to create a travel website about a specific biome. Your website should describe your destination biome and persuade readers to visit that biome. Your final product will be a webpage (WikiSpace) and a notes sheet for the class to fill out by going to your website.

Your Website Should Include the Following Sections with Bolded Headings:

Introduction (10 points)

1.  Include a title (1pt)

2.  Pictures (at least 5) related to your biome (2pt)

3.  Map of the places around the world you can find the biome. (2pt)

4.  Facts about your biome (5pt)

a.  Climate (Temperature, rainfall, etc.)

b.  Types of plants/trees found there

c.  Soil Type

d.  Several OTHER unique characteristics about your biome

Embed a YouTube Video (5 points)

Find a video on YouTube about your biome and embed (look on our website for directions) it on your WikiSpace so your classmates can watch it.

Feature article (10 points) (all these items should be in the article)

1. Write an article, 200-300 words long, that will persuade readers to visit your biome.

2. Provide a brief description of your biome.

3. Why anyone should want to visit your biome specifically?

4. What activities are available for travelers?

Organisms Section (10 Points) (1pt for picture, 1pt for description for each)

Pictures and descriptions (2-3 sentences each) of 5 organisms specific to your biome. Make sure to give a picture of each organism (captions under pictures would be nice!!!)

Sources (3 Points)

You must use at least 3 websites. These sites must be listed at the bottom of your WikiSpace.

Individual Grade (12 Points)

We will assess how hard you work on the project each day to determine your individual grade.