Description / Tag
The ExecutivePrincipal of the academy / Mrs J Waelend
The academic year / Sept 2017– August 2018
Chair of Governors / Canon Peter Leonard
The name of the academy / Ark Dickens Primary Academy
The academy colours / Blue and Yellow
Place to buy the uniform / Penelope Anne
34-36 Tangier Road
Po3 6JN
Tel: 023 9266 6142
Web address:

Policy Information

Academic year / Designated Senior person / Deputy Designated Senior person / Nominated Governor / Chair of Governors
2017-2018 / Mrs J Waelend / Mrs C Bury / C. Peter Leonard
Miss L Florence

Policy review dates:

Review Date / Changes made / By whom
May 2017 / Policy created / Mrs J Waelend


1high standards of appearance are expected at all times

2Non-compliance with the Uniform Policy

3Racial Equality and Equal Opportunities

4Uniform details

5Outdoor clothing

6Bags and belongings


8Hats, Headscarves or Headwear


10Fingernail Polish or Make-Up


12Naming Clothing and Property

13Lost Property10

14Second-hand Uniform

1high standards of appearance are expected at all times

Our uniform policy reflects our values and reinforces our academy’s culture of high expectations and academic achievement. We encourage age-appropriate dress and focus on making sure that pupils know the difference between suitable attire for different settings: school; home; work; holidays and weekends.

School uniform is one way in which we identify ourselves as an academy community and it promotes a strong and cohesive academy identity which supports high standards in all areas of academy life.

Finally, it promotes harmony between different groups represented in the academy, and enhances security.

We have a required academy uniform for several reasons:

  1. Uniform unites us as a community. Pupils make a commitment that when they put on their Ark Dickens Primary Academy uniform they will abide by the rules of the academy community.
  2. Uniforms reduce distractions. We are focused on learning and achieving success.
  3. Uniforms make us all equal. The children come to school looking the same way. No one has to feel awkward about the clothes they have or don’t have.
  4. Uniform gives us all an identity to be part and proud of.
  5. Uniforms look professional; pupils look neat and ready to learn.

We ask parents and carers to support all decisions by academy staff regarding whether or not clothing is appropriate or inappropriate for school.

All pupils are expected to wear a uniform every school day, Monday to Friday. Once a pupil walks into the academy grounds, he/she should be wearing the appropriate uniform clothing and shoes. Shirts should be tucked in. When a pupil is in school, these expectations apply unless he/she has to change clothing for a specific activity e.g. PE and games. This change of clothing should also be appropriate attire. Upon return to normal classroom teaching, they must again wear full uniform.

Shoes must be worn at all times, except in specified classes. NO TRAINERS are allowed.

2Non-compliance with the Uniform Policy

Parents and carers will be contacted if their child is not wearing the correct uniform and footwear. They will be asked to bring in the appropriate uniform/footwear immediately.

If this is not possible then pupils will be provided with the uniform/footwear they are missing for the day from our spare stock.

Parents and carers of pupils who repeatedly violate the uniform policy will receive a letter indicating consistent disregard of uniform policy and will be asked to meet with the Principal.

Parents will be encouraged to speak to the school if they are having specific problems adhering to the School Uniform Policy.

The academy will always be considerate and discrete in trying to establish why a pupil is not wearing the correct uniform. However parents must communicate with the school on any uniform issues.

There will be occasions when the academy decides that the academy uniform is not appropriate e.g. when taking part in a physical activity day, or wearing different clothes as a part of a fund raising event. Parents and carers will be notified in advance of what is the revised dress code on these days.

3Racial Equality and Equal Opportunities

All children have equal access to wearing the academy uniform regardless of their culture, race, religion, gender, disability or ability. We ensure that the set uniform respects other policies such as Equality, Race Relations, Sex Discrimination and allows for individual sets of circumstances of all groups and individuals. Ark Dickens Primary Academy is committed to creating a positive climate that will enable everyone to work free from racial intimidation and harassment and to achieve their full potential.

Uniform Details

Girls / Boys / PE
Nursery / Nursery
Grey skirt or trousers
White logo polo t-shirt
Blue school jumper/cardigan with logo
Blue and white gingham dress (2nd half of summer term)
Book Bag
Sensible Plain Black Shoe
White/Black/Grey Socks or Tights / Grey trousers
White logo polo t-shirt
Blue school jumper with logo
Grey shorts (2nd half of summer term)
Book Bag
Sensible Plain Black Shoe (preferably velcro and no buckles or laces)
White/Black/Grey Socks / School powder blue logo PE t-shirt
Navy blue shorts
Navy blue tracksuit bottoms
Black Plimsolls
PE Bag
Year R / Year R
Grey skirt or trousers
Blue school jumper/cardigan with logo
White logo polo t-shirt
Blue and white gingham dress (2nd half of summer term)
Book Bag
Sensible Plain Black Shoe
White/Black/Grey Socks or Tights / Grey trousers
Blue school jumper with logo
White logo polo t-shirt
Grey shorts (2nd half of summer term)
Book Bag
Sensible Plain Black Shoe (preferably velcro and no buckles or laces)
White/Black/Grey Socks / School powder blue logo PE t-shirt
Navy blue shorts
Navy blue tracksuit bottoms
Black Plimsolls
PE Bag
Year 1 – Year 4 / Year 1 – Year 4
Grey skirt or trousers
Blue school jumper/cardigan with logo
White collared shirt
School tie
Blue and white gingham dress (2nd half of summer term)
Book Bag
Sensible Plain Black Shoe
White/Black/Grey Socks or Tights / Grey trousers
Blue school jumper with logo
White collared shirt
School tie
Grey shorts (2nd half of summer term)
Book Bag
Sensible Plain Black Shoe
White/Black/Grey Socks / School powder blue logo PE t-shirt
Navy blue shorts
Navy blue tracksuit bottoms
Black Plimsolls
PE Bag
Years 5 and 6 / Years 5 and 6
Grey skirt or trousers
Grey blazer with logo
Blue school jumper/cardigan with logo
White collared shirt
School tie
Blue and white gingham dress (2nd half of summer term)
Sensible Plain Black Shoe
White/Black/Grey Socks or Tights / Grey trousers
Grey blazer with logo
Blue school jumper with logo
White collared shirt
School tie
Grey shorts (2nd half of summer term)
Sensible Plain Black Shoe
White/Black/Grey Socks / School powder blue logo PE t-shirt
Navy blue shorts
Navy blue tracksuit bottoms
Black Plimsolls
PE Bag

Table 1 – Details of acceptable school clothing

Our uniform has been kept simple to avoid unnecessary expense. All the plain school uniform items are available from the major high-street stores. The school uniform items with embroidered logo are available from Penelope Anne.

34-36 Tangier Road


Po3 6JN

Tel: 023 9266 6142

Web address:

4Outdoor clothing

Children should bring a coat to school each day, apart from during the hotter weather.

During the winter months a plain woollen hat and scarf may be worn. All outdoor clothing must be removed on entering the academy buildings.

5Bags and belongings

For Nursery classes through to Year 4 a high-visibility book bag with the Ark Dickens Primary Academy logo is part of the uniform and will be available to purchase from Penelope Anne. A high visibility PE bag with the school logo is also part of the uniform and will be available to purchase from Penelope Anne.

For Years 5 and 6 an Ark Dickens Primary Academy Rucksack will be available as part of the uniform and children will be expected to bring this to school with their books, homework and PE kit. This will be available to purchase from Penelope Anne.


Pupils are asked to come to school in sensible, plain, black school shoes. Footwear with flashing lights is not appropriate for school. For reasons of health and safety, open-toed sandals should not be worn, even in the Summer Term. Table 2 gives examples of appropriate and inappropriate footwear.

Acceptable / Unacceptable
Girls’ Shoes
Boys’ Shoes

Table 2 – Details of acceptable and unacceptable footwear

7Hats, Headscarves or Headwear

Pupils are not allowed to wear hats, headscarves, or any other head covering inside the academy building unless it is due to religious or cultural reasons. Any head covering for religious or cultural values or hair accessories that are worn such as slides, ribbons, bobbles etc. should be simple and in academy colours (blue and yellow).


Hair should be worn in an appropriate style with no extreme styling or designs of hair or eyebrows; e.g. lines/intricate patterns.

9Fingernail Polish or Make-Up

Pupils are not allowed to wear fingernail polish or false nails. Make-up is not allowed.


Pupils may not wear any jewellery except for one watch only (no sound effects or games). Pupils are allowed to wear one pair of stud earrings, and they must be worn in the lower ear lobe. All studs must be removed for PE or taped.

The academy will be unable to take any responsibility for any watches or jewellery that are lost.

11Naming Clothing and Property

VERY IMPORTANT – Please ensure all clothing and property is clearly marked so that lost articles may be easily traced and returned. The academy cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage of pupils’ property and valuables.

12Lost Property

All items of clothing and belongings should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Any lost property that is clearly named will be returned to the pupil. Any items that are not named will be put into the local clothing bank.

13Second-hand Uniform

Any unwanted items of uniform may be given to the school Main Office. We often hold second hand uniform sales.

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Filename: Ark Dickens Primary Academy – Uniform Policy