A few helpful tips about the new nComputingworkstations

in the classrooms

Shutting down:

The preferred method is to flip the switch or unplug the power strip they’re plugged into. If you do not have a power strip for this equipment, please put in a Technology Service Request. This equipment needs to be protected from unexpected power surges or electrical storms. Alternatively, there’s a power switch on the bottom left corner of the nComputing box attached to the back of the monitor.


These workstationsaresupposed to log in automatically; however, if they do not, then the usernames are in the format MES-RmXXX-0Y where XXX= your room number and Y= an incremental computer number (1-3) and the password is student.

Logging off:

Click Start and then Log Off, it will automatically log you back on in a few seconds; I can’t think of any reason you would need to do this right now but it would be an easy way to close all open windows.

Trouble Shooting:

For most of the error messages that pop up, simply resetting the nComputing box attached to the back of the monitor by flipping the power switch “off”, then back “on” will fix the problem.

Possible error examples:

Terminal Server status 00000000 !

(More Help continues on page 2)

Message: Can not connect Server…

Connection closed: Connection was closed but your data is not lost and applications still run at server side. Please connect Terminal Server later.

Other possible errors and solutions:

If it says “No Signal”,make sure the nComputing box attached to the back of the monitor is plugged in and powered“on”. The three green lights on top should be lit.

If it says “DHCP Error: DHCP Server was not found…”make sure the network cable is connected.

If any of the computers in your room don’t work check with your neighbors if all of theirs are fine put in a Technology Service Requestand if they also have a computer out let your ITRT, Computer Tech or the office know, there is probably something wrong with that server.


Our network is like a box of crayons…every piece of equipment that’s running pulls another crayon out of the box. Even though there are plenty of crayons in the box for everyone to color at the same time, the more that are out at any one time, the longer it will take to color the picture. Shutting down the equipment when it’s not in use (throwing the crayon back in the box) is a good way to keep our network running smoothly. These new computers take about 30 seconds to come up, so they can easily be turned on and off throughout the day.