English 3U Summative: Dystopian Novels

Create ONE of the following:

·  a storyboard: 10- 12 coloured panels of a shot-by-shot sequence

·  a film excerpt: 2-5 minutes film – either a trailer, a monologue, or a short scene

·  a film pitch (a film proposal): detail your vision of the film and pitch it to the class

YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT must also be accompanied by a written explanation of

how your use of film techniques and conventions have contributed to establishing the

theme. (500 wds.)

Step 1: Identify a theme from the novel.

Step 2: Choose an episode (for the scene), or combine a series of moments (for the trailer), or (re)-create a moment of inner turmoil from the novel (for the monologue).

Step 3: Analyse how your chosen episode illustrates the theme.

Step 4: Complete the planning sheet in detail and be ready to explain the following:

a. Identify your insight into one key dystopian theme from the novel that will shape your vision of the film

b. Identify which narrative elements (character, conflict, setting, atmosphere, plot, imagery, irony, symbolism) you will focus on in order to convey this theme.

c. Identify which media conventions and techniques you will use to enhance meaning and convey theme.

Step 5: Bring your reader’s logs and the above planning sheet to the marked teacher conference.

Step 6: Create and present your media product to the class in a 6-8 minute presentation.

Media Conventions and Techniques

Use 4-6 of the following media conventions and techniques in your media product. You will want to do some research to find out more about each technique and convention and the effects each can produce.

Music / Sound Effects Setting / location Lighting

Mise en Scene Use of Light/Dark/Colour Focus

Costumes Juxtaposition Props

Special Effects/ Make-Up Contrast

Camera Angles: High-angle / Low-angle /

Eye-level / Oblique angle / Over the shoulder

Camera Distance: Extreme long-shot / Long shot / Medium shot / Extreme close-up / Close-up /Point-of-view shot

Camera Movement: Pan / Tilt/ Follow / Zoom in-out / Dolly-shot / Hand-held camera

Camera Transitions: Dissolve / Fade-in Fade-out / Jump Cut / Montage (to compress time)

Keep it Simple, Students!!

Remember, in film simplicity is key!

Be clear about the theme

– be clear about how you will use the above techniques

- know why your choices create the effect you want.


·  What important insight into today’s trends does the novel illustrate, and, how can I convey this theme in my film?

·  How will I present specific aspects of the setting, characters, symbols, conflicts, motifs, symbols, irony etc. in a cinematic manner? In other words, which techniques will I use? And WHY?

·  How will these techniques (the use of light, a physical setting, costumes, contrast, etc) help emphasize the issues raised in the novel, and thus contribute to the theme (the insight)?