Electromagnetic Spectrum Drawing

For this assignment, you will work with one your partners (you may work alone as well) to draw and explain the Electromagnetic Spectrum, the chart that shows the forms of energy that comes from our Sun and other stars. You must:

  • List and label the various forms the energy takes, from radio to gamma
  • Label and draw the color of the visible light in the correct order from left to right
  • Show the wavelengths of the various forms of energy
  • Label where the areas of the longest and shortest wavelengths are located
  • Label where the areas of increasing energy and decreasing energy are located
  • List key characteristics of your type of radiation (wavelength, frequency, key facts).
  • Include Pictures or drawings – any visuals pertaining to your type of radiation; these can be diagrams, pictures, or anything that help present radiation.
  • Explain how is it used or found in our everyday lives or certain industries. Identify and explain at least two uses.
  • Is it harmful, helpful or both? Include evidence to support your statement.

Your drawing must be on the large white construction paper, be in color, and include complete labels. You may use the back for explanations, or attach another sheet of paper.

Spend more time on the concept, and not just the coloring/artwork!!!Neatness counts!!!

I will grade more on your explanation of the concepts covered, on your understanding of the parameters of the drawing and on the learning aspect of this project more than the color and artwork. While I enjoy seeing how you come up with your interpretation of the EM Spectrum, the concepts behind the science are more important for your grade than how well you color the drawing or draw your labels.

Enjoy this drawing. It is due by Thursday (A-day)/Friday (B-day), September 21/22.

Attach this sheet to your drawing!! I will grade it according to the following scale:

Concepts (up to 60%) ______

Labels (up to 30%)______

Artwork/Color (up to 10%)______