COMMISSIONERS’ REGULAR MEETING – September 24, 2012 Continued


Commissioner John Price called the September 24, 2012 Commissioners’ regular meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. with Board member Tom Kite present. Troy DeHart was absent.

PLEDGE: John Price led the pledge of allegiance.

INVOCATION: Tom Kite led the invocation.

CORNERSTONE GRANTS MANAGEMENT, INC.- HENSLEY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT GRANT APPLICATION- AMY MILLER: Amy Miller, Cornerstone Grants Management, Inc., stated she was before the Board for approval of the grant application for Hensley Township Fire Protection District. Ms. Miller stated after ten months an agreement has finally been reached between the attorneys. Ms. Miller stated the State has received waivers from the Fire Fighters involved starting they are not filing a suit and once they receive payment this lawsuit goes away.

Ms. Miller stated once there is an award there will be an official grant agreement between Johnson County and the State of Indiana. Ms. Miller stated there will be a one-time disbursement from the State to the County. Ms. Miller stated the County will then disburse the money to the Hensley Township Fire Protection District and Hensley will disburse the money to Trafalgar Volunteer Fire Department. Ms. Miller stated Trafalgar will be writing individual checks to each Fire Fighter involved.

Ms. Miller stated all of the individuals involved have agreed to the payout amounts.

Tom Kite made a motion to approve the grant application as presented. John Price seconded the motion and motion carried unanimously.

Peoga Lakes Dam: Ms. Miller stated she wanted to give a quick update on this project. Ms. Miller stated the contractor and the engineer have finally come to an agreement and are working well together now. Ms. Miller stated there is a possibility that they will not make their substantial completion date and will probably ask for a time extension. Ms. Miller stated it is not unheard of to grant an extension, but could be an issue with this project because of the issues they have had.

FRANKLIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- APPROVAL TO USE COUNTY PROPERTY DURING THE HOLIDAY LIGHTING FESTIVAL: Trisha Bechman, Director of the Franklin Chamber of Commerce, was before the Board to receive approval of the following request:

  • East side of north courthouse steps, for placement of tent (after 4:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 through Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012)
  • East and West Court Street and parking spaces thereon (blocked off from 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.); north steps and north sidewalk of courthouse (all day until approximately 9:30 p.m.); and parking lot on North Main Street across from Artcraft Theatre (from noon until approximately 9:30 p.m.)

Ms. Bechman stated the City would take care of barricading the requested areas off for the event. Ms. Bechman also stated they would provide a certificate of insurance to the County.

Tom Kite made a motion to approve as presented. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.


Johnson County Emergency Management- Approval of the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Effectiveness Measures: Stephanie Sichting, Administrative Assistant, stated she is before the Board today to receive approval of the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Effectiveness Measures. Ms. Sichting stated this is a new guideline for the EMPG reimbursement. Ms. Sichting stated they received $62,920.65 as their reimbursement on September 10th. Ms. Sichting stated the scored 229 points in their assessment that is done by the State. Ms. Sichting stated this qualifies them or an additional $4,000.00 in grant funds.

Tom Kite made a motion to approve as presented. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Johnson County Clerk- Approval of Polling Sites for the 2012 General Election: Susie Misiniec, Clerk, stated she is before the Board today to receive approval of the polling sites for the 2012 General Election. Ms. Misiniec stated they have added three (3) additional locations to the list. Ms. Misiniec stated those locations are: Amity Volunteer Fire Department, White River Township Trustee’s Office, and Community Church of Greenwood. Ms. Misiniec also stated they are increasing the number of machines at some of the polling sites. Ms. Misiniec stated all polling locations are ADA accessible and parking is marked.

Tom Kite made a motion to approve the 2012 General Election poll sites as presented. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Johnson County Planning & Zoning- Approval of a Building Permit for Todd Anthony: Desiree Calderella, Planner, stated before the Board today is approval of a property split for Todd Anthony for property located at the end of Old State Road 37. Ms. Calderella stated the property was split from a 223.77 acre parcel and should have been a 10 acre tract when split. Ms. Calderella stated the person purchasing the property will be before the BZA to request a variance to build a pole barn on the property. Ms. Calderella stated the Board needs to approve the split approval before the BZA can approve the variance.

Tom Kite made a motion to approve as presented. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Johnson County Highway Department- Request Approval and Execution of Consultant and LPA Contract for Part-Time Construction Inspection Services for Sign Replacement Project: Luke Mastin, Highway Department Director, stated he is before the Board today to request approval and execution of the consultant and LPA contract for part-time construction inspection services for sign replacement project. Mr. Mastin stated the design work for this project has been completed and submitted to INDOT. Mr. Mastin stated they are hoping for a December bid letting. Mr. Mastin stated this project is reimbursable at 90% to the County. Mr. Mastin stated the amount of the contract will not exceed $66,300.00.

Tom Kite made a motion to approve as presented. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Johnson County 911 Executive Director- Approval of the September 2012 E911 Expenditures: Mike Watkins, 911 Executive Director, stated he is before the Board today to receive approval of the September 2012 E911 expenditures. Mr. Watkins stated the monthly amount is $325,400.56. Mr. Watkins stated the payment for the radio lease is included in this month’s expenses. Mr. Watkins stated this lease will pay off in November of 2016.

Tom Kite made a motion to approve as presented. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

PSAP: Mr. Kite stated he and the Director have been working thru some of the issues for the PSAP consolidation funding. Mr. Kite stated they will continue to update the Board.

Johnson County 911 Executive Director- Request Approval to Approach Council to Appropriate $123,143.40 into the COPS Technology Program Grant Fund (#8117): Mike Watkins, 911 Executive Director, stated he is before the Board today to receive approval to approach County Council to appropriate $123,143.40 into the COPS Technology Program Grant Fund. Mr. Watkins statedthese funds are going toward meeting the Federal narrow banding mandate of January 2013. Mr. Watkins stated the total project will cost $152,377.00.

Tom Kite made a motion to approve as presented. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.


Commissioner’s Regular Session Minutes 9-10-12-Approval Requested: Tom Kite made a motion to approve. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Claims-Approval Requested: Tom Kite made a motion to approve. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Williams Barrett & Wilkowski, LLP- $14,535.79- Approval Requested: Tom Kite made a motion to approve the Williams Barrett & Wilkowski, LLP in the total amount of $15,059.21. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Discussion was held that the Board only approves their portion of the bill at the meetings.

Tom Kite amended his motion to read approval of the Williams Barrett & Wilkowski, LLP bill in the amount of $14,535.79. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Drug Free Johnson County- Approval of Grant Agreements: Before the Board today was two additional grant agreements from Drug Free Johnson County. The grant agreements were from Clark-Pleasant Schools and Center Grove Schools. Drug Free Johnson County was before the Board at the September 10th meeting for approval of a total of eighteen (18) grants. The two grants before the Board today were not included in the original packet.

Tom Kite made a motion to approve. John Price seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Executive Session: No executive session was held.

Adjournment: Tom Kite made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:35 p.m. John Price seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned.


John L. Price


Thomas A. Kite


Troy A. DeHart

ATTEST: ______

Jan Richhart, Auditor

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