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Pasik-Duncan Vita


NAME Bozenna Pasik-Duncan

BORN June 30, 1947, Radom, Poland

ADDRESS 1208 Schwarz Road, Lawrence, KS 66049


1986 D.Sc. Habilitation Doctorate Degree, Department of Mathematics, the Warsaw School of Economics (Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Adaptive Control)

1978 Ph.D., Department of Mathematics, the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)

(Stochastic Processes)

1976 Diploma, the 2 year Program in Education, the Warsaw School of Economics

1970 M.Sc., Department of Mathematics, the Warsaw University (Numerical Analysis)


1993-present Professor, Mathematics Department, University of Kansas (KU)

2006-present Courtesy Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KU

2004-present Investigator, Information and Telecommunication Technology Center

1989-1993 Associate Professor, Mathematics Department, KU

1987-1989 Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department, KU

1984-1987 Instructor, Mathematics Department, KU

1983 (Spring) Research Associate, Mathematics Department, KU

1982 IREX Fellowship for research at the University of Kansas, Mathematics

(Summer Department; University of California-Berkeley, Department of

and Fall) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Mathematics Department; University of Maryland-College Park, Department of Electrical Engineering; Harvard University, MIT, Boston University, Systems and Control Laboratories

1978-1984 Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department, the Warsaw School of Economics

1973-1975 Lecturer, Mathematics Department, Technical University of Warsaw

1970-1978 Teaching Assistant, Mathematics Department, the Warsaw School of Economics


July 2013Elected a Fellow of IFACfor "important contributions to stochastic adaptive control, inspiring vision of control as a field that spans science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and for her commitment to control education"

March 2013 Elected Member of the IEEE - USA Communications Committee

March 2013 Appointed Member of the Society of Social Implication of Technology (SSIT) Board of Governors Google Group

February 2013 Invited Speaker at the Public Library in Independence, Kansas

January 2013 Invited Panelist at IEEE Women in Engineering/Google Joint Conference

“Enhancing the Sustainability of Women in Technology”, Google, Mountain View, CA

January 2013 Member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Society of Social Implication of Technology (SSIT)

January 2013 Elected IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Liaison to IEEE Society of Social Implication of Technology (SSIT)

October 2012 Elected Chair of the Education Liaison Initiative

June 2012 Invited Panelist on the Panel Session at the IFAC International Symposium on Advances in Education, Nizhny, Russia

March 2012 Outstanding Education Service Award “in recognition of your exemplary dedication and outstanding service in education,” The Institute of Interfaith Dialog

March 2012 Elected to the KU Women’s Hall of Fame Selection Committee

January 2012 Invited Mentor for two women participating in the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Workshop at the American Mathematical Society (AMS) Meeting, Boston, MA

December 2011 Reelected for the 4th term as IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Liaison to the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Committee

December 2011 Reelected for the 10th term to the Technical Board of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) as the Chair of the Technical Committee on Control Education

October 2011 Keynote Speaker at the Orientation for International Students at KU

September 2011 Plenary Speaker at the Conference on Applications of Mathematics, Zakopane, Poland

September 2011 Plenary Speaker at the 6th Ph.D. and Young Scientists Conference “Young Scientists Towards the Challenges of Modern Technology," Warsaw, Poland

August 2011 Reelected for the second term to the Technical Board (of 39 technical committees) of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) with 52 national organization members, as the Chair of the Technical Committee on Control Education (the only chair representing U.S.A among 40 chairs) by the IFAC Council at its meeting at the 2011 IFAC Congress in Milan, Italy.

August 2011 Reelected for the second term to the IFAC Awards Committee as the chair of the Harold Chestnut Control Engineering Textbook Prize Selection Committee (the only reelected member on the Awards Committee).

August 2011 The Organizer and Moderator of the Panel Session on “Preparing Tomorrow’s Scientists and Engineers for the Challenges of the 21st Century” with 15 panelists representing 50 countries/members of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) at the 2011 IFAC World Congress in Milan, Italy

August 2011 LJWorld article: “Watershed moments shaped Professor Bozenna Pasik-Duncan’s love for teaching, mathematics"

July 2011 Elected Member of the Organizing Committee of the SIAM Conference on Control Theory and Its Applications, Baltimore, MD

June 2011 Elected Member of the SIAM Group on Control Election Committee

May 2011 Steeples Service to Kansas Award, recognized at the 2011 Graduation Ceremony. The Award recognizes “outstanding service by KU faculty to other Kansans”

May 2011 Invited Panelist on the Panel Session “Future Directions in Systems Theory and Control”, International Workshop in Honor of 60th Birthday of Edwardo Sontag, Rutgers University, NJ

2010-2011 Member of the Editorial Board for the 2011 IFAC World Congress

September 2010 Plenary Speaker at the Conference on Applications of Mathematics,
Zakopane, Poland
2010 Past President of President of KU’s Alpha Pi Chapter of Phi Beta Delta; the honor society for international education and scholarship

2010 Elected Member of the KU Faculty Senate
September 2009 Plenary Speaker with Inauguration Talk: “The Beauty of a Field that
Spans Science and Engineering” at the Ph.D. and Young Scientists Conference
“Young Scientists Towards the Challenges of Modern Technology”, Warsaw, Poland

November 2009-2011 Elected IEEE Control Systems Society Board of Governors as Liaison to the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Committee

July 2009 Editor-in-Chief of IFAC Control Resources Publications, elected by the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Council

2009-2011 Member of the IFAC Awards Board

Spring 2009 Inducted to The KU Women’s Hall of Fame

Fall 2008 Sabbatical leave, visiting several research institutions

2008-2009 President of KU’s Alpha Pi Chapter of Phi of Phi Beta Delta; the honor society for international education and scholarship

2008 Chair for the 2008-2011 Triennium International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Harold Chestnut Control Engineering Textbook Prize Award Committee

2008 Member of the IFAC Awards Committee

2008 Chair, the IFAC Technical Committee on Control Education for the 2008-2011 Triennium

2008 Member of the IFAC Technical Board for the 2008-2011 Triennium

2006 Delegate elected by the Board of Governors of the Control Systems Society to represent the Society in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) Women in Engineering Committee (WIEC) at the Semiannual Meeting of the Committee in April in Los Angeles.

2008-2009 Fourth term elected Chair of the Technical Committee on Control Education of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS)

2008 Elected to the KU Faculty Senate

2007-2008 Third term co-Chair of the International Federation of Automatic Control Committee on Control Education appointed by the Board of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)

2007-2008 Second term Elected Member at Large of the Board of Friends for the Lied Center

2007-2008 Second term Member of the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee as the elected IEEE Control Systems Society Liaison

2007-2008 Fourth term elected Chair of the American Automatic Control Council (AACC) Technical Committee on Control Education

2007 Second nomination by the president of CSS for J. R. Ragazzini Award

2006-2009 Elected member of the KU University Distinguished Professors Committee

2006-2009 Elected member of the KU Faculty Senate Research Committee

2006 Appointed Member of the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee as the Elected
IEEE Control Systems Society Liaison

2005 Nominated for Chancellor's Teaching Award

2004, 2000 Nominated twice for Higuchi/Endowment Research Achievement Awards

2004 14th Louise Hay Award, the Association for Women in Mathematics

2003 Selected by the Dean to represent the KU at the First Forum of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning on Preparing the Future Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Faculty , November 2003, Madison, Wisconsin

2003 Elected Member of the Board for Friends of the Lied Center in Lawrence

2003 Outstanding Educator 2003, Torch Chapter, Mortar Board National Honor Society

2002 Frank B. Morrison Teaching Award for distinguished teaching and the profound impact made in students' lives, University of Kansas

2002 HOPE or Honor for an Outstanding Progressive Educator Award, the first time mathematics professor had received the award

2002 Phi Beta Delta, Honor Society for International Scholars

2001 Elected a Fellow of IEEE for outstanding contributions to Identification and Stochastic Adaptive Control

2000 Leader of Control Systems Delegation to China, sponsored by the People to People Ambassador Programs

2000 IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Member Award

2000 IEEE Third Millennium Medal for outstanding achievements and contributions

2000 Inclusion in the fourth edition on Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 2000

1996 Inclusion in the fourth edition on Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 1996

1996 W. T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence and Advising in Public Outreach

1996 Senior Member of the IEEE Control Society

1999 G. Baley Price Award for Excellence in Teaching, Mathematics Graduate Students Association, University of Kansas

1991-1993 Career Advancement Award from NSF

1982 International Research Exchange Fellowship to U.S.A.

1980 (fall) On leave - Semester on Optimal Control, Banach International Center of Mathematics, Warsaw

1980 Award for research excellence from the Polish Central Planning Committee

1977-1978 Teaching Award and salary supplement from the Warsaw School of Economics

1978 Chancellor Award for outstanding Ph. D. dissertation from the Warsaw School of Economics

1976 Chancellor Research Award from the Warsaw School of Economics

1973-1980 Grant from the Polish Central Planning Committee

1975 National Teaching Award from the Ministry of Higher Education and Sciences - the highest National Teaching Award for Teaching and Research Excellence



2012- 2013 IEEE CSS Outreach Fund, PI

2011-2014 NSF Grant, Co-P.I.

2012-2015 AFOSR Grant, Co-P.I.

2010-2013 ARO Grant, Co- P.I.

2008-2013 NSF Grant: collaborative grant – Kansas Partnership for Graduate Fellow in K-12 Education (NSF), GK-12 Grant, Co-P.I. (with D. Lane, P.I., Civil and Environmental Engineering, S. Case, Center for Science Education, and J. Heppert, Chemistry/CEBC)


2008-2012 NSF Grant, Co-P.I.

2009-2011 AFOSR Grant

2008 NSF Grant, Co-P.I.

2006 NSF Grant Workshop for Middle and High School Teachers and Students, San Diego 2003 NSF Grant - Workshop for High School Teachers and Students, Maui, Hawaii

2005-2008 NSF Grant, Co- P.I.

2005-2008NSF Travel and Mentoring Grant for the Association for Women in Mathematics, Co-PI

2003-2004 NSF REU supplement

2003 NSF Grant - Travel Support to the CDC in Hawaii for Graduate Students

2002-2005 NSF Grant - (Co-P.I. with Tyrone Duncan)

2002 NSF Grant - Workshop for High School Teachers, Denver

2001-2005 NSF Travel and Mentoring Grant for the Association for Women in Mathematics

2001-2002 NASA EPSCOR (Co-P.I. with Tyrone Duncan)

2001 NSF Grant - Workshop for High School Students, Las Vegas

2001 NSF Grant - Workshop on Stochastic Theory and Control, University of Kansas, October 2001

2000 NSF Grant - Workshop for High School Teachers of Math and Science, Chicago 1998 Sprint Grant (Co-P.I. with Tyrone Duncan)

1998-2002 Sprint Grant - (Co-P.I. with Tyrone Duncan)

1998-2002 NSF Grant - (Co-P.I. with Tyrone Duncan)

1997-1998 P.I. (funding for an international conference at the University of Southern California)

1997 Sprint Grant - (Co-P.I. with Tyrone Duncan)

1997 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF Grant

1996-1999 NSF Grant - (Co-P.I. with Tyrone Duncan)

1996 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF Grant

1995 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF Grant

1994 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF Grant

1993-1996 NSF Grant - (Co-P.I. with Tyrone Duncan)

1993 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF grant

1992 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF grant

1991-1993 Career Advancement Award from NSF

1991-1992 NSF Grant - (Co-P.I. with Tyrone Duncan)

1988-1991 NSF Grant - (Co-P.I. with Tyrone Duncan)

1987 Summer Grant for research from University of Kansas

1982 International Research Exchange Fellowship to U.S.A.

1973-1980 Research Grant from the Polish Central Planning Committee


Referee NSF, IEEE, Mathematical Reviews, J. Optimization Theory and Appl., Automatica, J. Applied Math. and Stochastic Analysis, Stochastic and Stochastic Reports, J. Math. Systems, Estimation and Control, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Communications in Information and Systems, International Journal on Control,

2012-2013 Panelist on the NSF Review Panels

2013 Co-organizer and Co-chair of the Special Session: "History of Workshops for Middle and High School Students And Teachers: Ideas and Technology of Control Systems," ACC, Washington, D.C., June 19.

2013 Co-organizer and Co-chair of the Special Session: "History of Women in Control," ACC, Washington, D.C., June 18.

2013 Co-organizer and Co-chair of the Workshop for Middle and High School Students and Teachers: "The Beauty of Controls," ACC, Washington, D.C., June 17.

2012 Organizer and Chair of the Workshop for Middle and High School Students and Teachers: "The Ideas and Technology of Control Systems: The Power and Beauty of a Field that Spans Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)," CDC, Maui, HI, December 12.

2012 Organizer and Chair of the "Ideas and Technology of Control Systems Workshop" for High School Students and Teachers, 2012 IEEE MSC, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2

2012 Organizer and Chair of the Special Education Session: "New Challenges and Opportunities in Control Education: Control for Physicists," ACC, Montreal, Canada, June 28.

2012 Member of the International Organizing Committee of the 2012 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control

2012 Member of several IFAC Symposia and Workshops International Programs

2012 Member of the KU Women’s Hall of Fame Selection Committee

2012 Mentor for two women participating in the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Workshop at the American Mathematical Society (AMS) Meeting, Boston, MA

2011-present KU Spencer Museum Member of Advisory Board for Education Program

2011-2012 the 4th term as IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Liaison to the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Committee

2011-2012 the 10th term Member of the Technical Board of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) as the Chair of the Technical Committee on Control Education

2011 Keynote Speaker at the Orientation for International Students at KU

2011-2014 Reelected for the second term to the Technical Board (of 40 technical committees) of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) with 52 national organization members, as the Chair of the Technical Committee on Control Education by the IFAC Council at its meeting at the 2011 IFAC Congress in Milan, Italy.