1/Fall 2016/Gempeler


English 101, FALL 2016 Tentative Course Schedule of Assignments

This is a “tentative” course schedule, and I reserve the right to make changes as I deem appropriate and necessary throughout the semester. Assignments--readings, homework (HW), essays, discussions, class activities, reflections, grammar exercises, etc.-- appear adjacent to the date they are DUE. Assignments should be typed/double spaced and in MLA format unless otherwise specified (grammar exercises are to be completed in a spiral notebook in BLUE or BLACK INK—NOT TYPED). I DO NOT accept emailed assignments OR late assignments. Discussions and activities will focus on readings/assignments for that week unless otherwise noted. Reflections are to be completed after each class you are present for beginning Week Two. You are required to bring text/readings to class on dates reading logs are due.


Weds, 8/10 Introduction to class, discussion of syllabus, texts/readings, course requirements, logistics, and

Haiku. Receive materials/instructions for Email Etiquette Assignment and for HW #1.

CLASS Activities

Thurs, 8/11 Introduction to class, discussion of syllabus, texts/readings, course requirements, logistics, and

Haiku. Receive materials for Email Etiquette Assignment and for HW #1.

WEEK TWO *Reflections (R) begin

Mon, 8/15 Continue course intro. Intro to Essay 1 (Rhetorical Analysis)

Late Start (L/S)

Reflection (R) 1

Wed, 8/17 HW #1 Practical Argument (PA) Reading/Reading Log due (Ch. 1 pp. 3-50, Ch. 2 pp. 53-73 &

Ch. 4 pp.89-111)

R 2 Lecture: Readings *bring the course text (PA) to class for class discussion

Intro HW #2/Essay 1

Fri, 8/19 HW #1 Written Work Due: See handout/articles/email etiquette ppt distributed on day 1 (20 pts.)

R 3 Discuss HW #1 Readings (cont) and Writing

MLA – Basic Formatting – Bring to class The Bedford Researcher

Intro HW #3


Tues, 8/23 HW #2 Due: bring to class Speech and Op Ed article for Essay 1 (2 pts)

R4 Class Activity—Rhetorical Analysis of your HW #2 Articles

Thurs, 8/25 HW #3 Due: Readings PA: Chapter 5 pp. 113-183 *be prepared for discussion with reading log

Lecture-- Logical Fallacies

R 5 Peer Review Essay 1 Draft 1 (*bring 1 typed copy of your Essay 1)/peer reviewed essays will be

submitted with final draft

Intro HW #4


Mon, 8/29 Essay 1 Due (25 pts) (due to Turnitin.com by 12 AM AND in hard copy form with draft in class)

L/S Lecture/Class discussion: Finding Logical Fallacies in Visual Arguments

Deduction vs Induction

R 6 Intro HW #5

Weds, 8/31 HW #4 Due: Read PA Chapter 3 pp. 75-87 *be prepared for discussion with reading log

R 7 Intro Essay 2 (Visual Argument

Fri, 9/2 HW #5 Due: bring in one compelling visual argument in color, good quality, hard copy form (1 pt.)

R 8 Discussion/Activities—Visual Arguments

MLA –Citing images

Grammar Review (5 pts)


Weds, 9/7 Essay 2 Draft 1 Due: bring to class two copies of your draft

Essay 2 Peer Review –these peer reviewed drafts must be submitted in addition to your final draft

R 9 Writing workshop/Conferences

Fri, 9/11 Continue activities and discussion/continue conferences

R 10 Intro HW #6


Tues, 9/13 HW #6 Due: PA p. 183 Exercise 5.17 and 5.18 (2 pts.) *use Draft 1 copies with peer review

R 11 commentary and clear labels for HW #6

Discuss HW#6

Intro HW #7

Thurs, 9/15 Essay 2 DUE (25 pts.) (due to Turnitin.com by 12 AM and in hard copy form in class; peer

reviewed drafts must be submitted in hard copy form in addition to your final draft)

R 12 Continue class discussion/activities

Grammar Review (5 pts.)


Mon, 9/19 HW #7: Read PA Chapter 13 pp. 439- 481 *be prepared for discussion with reading log


R 13

Wed, 9/21 Lecture--Causal Analysis (Cause and Effect)

R 14 Class Activity-- Identify causal chains in various media

Fri, 9/23 Begin Film Everything is Illuminated and take notes on causal chains

R 15 MLA Focus: In text citations (short) and fluid integration

Grammar Review (5 pts.)


Tues, 9/27 Essay 1 Revision Due (if not revising, turn in original essay with typed paper explaining specifically

R 16

why you chose not to revise) due to Turnitin.com by 12 AM and in hard copy form along with ALL


Finish film and discuss

Thurs, 9/29 Pre-Writing Discussion

R 17 Essay 3/Midterm: Causal Essay (50 pts.) *bring laptop


Mon, 10/3 Intro to HW #8

L/S R 18 Intro College Essay

Weds, 10/5 College Essay Workshop *bring to class your college/narrative essays for feedback and peer review.

R 19 Remember to put your student ID on the essay.

Fri, 10/7 College Essay Workshop

R 20 Grammar Review (5 pts.)


Tues, 10/11 HW #8 Due: Read PA Chapter 12 pp. 397-407 *be prepared for discussion with reading log

R 21 Intro Essay 4 (Definition)

Intro to HW #9

Thurs, 10/13 Class activities and discussion: Using the Argument of Definition

Intro Gladwell’s The Tipping Point (TP) and presentation requirements

R 22


Mon, 10/17 HW #9 Due: The Tipping Point (TP) Reading log/Pres

L/S Class activity: TP readings and research presentations

R 23 Intro to HW #10

Fri, 10/21 Continue presentations/discussion of TP

R 24 MLA –In text citations (long)

Grammar Review (5 pts.)


Weds, 10/26 HW #10 Due: TP Reading Log/Pres

R 25 Continue class discussion and presentations

Intro to HW #11

Fri, 10/28 Continue class discussion and presentations

Planning your essay

R 26


Tues, 11/1 HW #11 Due: TP AND PA Read Chapter 17 pp.589-626 *be prepared

R 27 for discussion of BOTH with reading log for BOTH

Intro to Ethical Arguments

Intro to HW #12

Thurs, 11/3 Essay 4 DUE (50 pts.)

Discuss Ethics and Elections

R 28 Grammar Review (5 pts.)


Mon, 11/7 HW#12 Due: Outline of ONE ethical argument from this election and using suggested model p. 599

R 29 in PA

Weds, 11/19 Continue Class Activities and Discussion

Intro HW # 13

R 30


Mon, 11/14 HW #13 Due: PA Ch. 15 pp. 517 – 557 *be prepared for discussion with reading log

L/S Intro Essay 5 (Proposal)

R 31

Weds, 11/16 Continue Discussion and Activities

Review and application of arguments with film (The Social Network)

R 32

Fri, 11/18 Continue activities

Intro HW #14

R 33 Grammar Exercises 7 Due (5 pts.)

*************************Thanksgiving break*********************************


Tues, 11/29 HW #14 Due: Annotated Bibliography Essay 5 outline that follows the Structuring a Proposal

R 34 Argument in PA on pp. 526-527 (2 pts.)

Intro to HW #15

Thurs, 12/1 HW #15 Due: Essay 5 Outline (see pp. 526-27 for model)

R 35 Whole Class Writing Workshop of Essay 5 RP Outline

Intro HW #16


Mon, 12/5 HW #16: Bring to class TWO copies (Use student ID instead of name) of Essay 5 (6 pts)


R 36

Weds, 12/7 Essay 5 Due (due to Turnitin.com at 12 AM and in hard copy form with outline and

all drafts

R 37 Prep for Final

Fri, 12/9 In-class writing/Metacognitive response (25 pts.)

R 38


Mon, 12/12 Prep for MC Final (date TBD) *I cannot give finals early, you must take your final in YOUR class period. This is a school policy.

Tues, 12/13 Prep for Final

Part 2 FINAL TBD MC Test focused on MLA (The Bedford Researcher) 40 pts.