held on Wednesday 1 March 2017 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.05pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Rob Wilton. Sarah Allen, Bryan Webster and Mike Parker

Apologies :- Ben Howlett, John Adcock and Cllr Moriarty

In attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 2 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of


3 The minutes of the Council meetings of Wednesday 11 January and Monday

6 February 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 11 January and Monday

6 February 2017

Re-route of footpath near Pentney Abbey – After the 2017 pathway walk.

Footpath sign at Golden Gym – Chair awaiting a reply from NCC

Road sign at A47 and Pentney Lane has been reported to Highways to resolve

Garages associated with Church Close – With Freebridge to resolve

Car parked on Village Hall lay by – Matter resolved

Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – Chair reported unable to progress as no person

available to discuss. Will keep trying.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation.

Rubbish being tipped outside 10 Church Close is a health hazard. Sarah Allen will follow up

6 PlanningApplications

17/00289/LB – LB Application : Revision to approved scheme comprising relocation

of commercial kitchen and provision of 5 guest suites at Pentney Abbey, Abbey Road.

After discussion Council had No Objections to the application

17/00202/F – Mobile with no foundations for use as an indoor off water training facility,

Pentney Lakes

After discussion Council had No Objections to the application

17/00319/F – Wrap around single and two storey extension at Oak Trees,

Low Road, Pentney

Whist Council were concerned about the scale of the proposed building they could see

no reason to object to the application.

Regarding the application from Breckland (Ref 3PL/2017/0181/VAR) at Pentney Leisure

and Bowls Club, Council agreed that there was no action required.

7 Accounts.


Chq No 100927 – URM Bottle Bank (February 2017) £34.90

Chq No 100928 – Various expenses for Chair £113.19

Chq No 100929 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (January 2017) £157.43

Chq No 100930 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (February 2017) £140.43

7 Accounts continued. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 682

b)Accounts to 28 February 2017

Bank balance 1/10/16 £39,307.80

Receipts 1/10/16 to 28/02/17 £ 4,211.37

Bank intetc ------“------£ 4.50


Payments 1/10/16 to 28/02/17 £ 8,259.64

Ledger balance 28/02/17 £35,264.03

2017 2016

Current account £ 1,251.40 £ 1,612.27

Premier account £ 8,013.92 £15,507.84

Churchyard account £20,086.74 £12,080.04

Playing field account £ 5,911.68 £ 5,908.72

Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29

£35,264.03 £35,109.16

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors

There were no reports

9 Allotments

Clerk advised that the 31 March 2017 payments letters would be issued shortly.

10 Playing Field

The question of keys for the cabins on the field was discussed as no one on Council

have a set. Bryan Webster agreed to follow up with the previous users to the cabins

and issue to be resolved at the next meeting.

BryanWebster then updated Council on proposals for restoration of the playing surface

and quotations for various tasks on both playing field and churchyard for the next year.

(Copy of correspondence attached to these minutes and in principle Council accepted the

revised costs)

Council resolved to have Bryan take the following action :-

Renew the contract for the churchyard (Council approved the new rates)

Set up a one off action for the car park to be sprayed and the bushes etc cut back asap,

To arrange for the roadside verge, between Golden Gym crossroad and the bus shelter,

to be cut on a monthly basis during April to October.

To establish exactly how CGM would propose to chemically spray the field (how much

of the area) and what would they propose to do with the unsprayed area and the

associated costs of this and reseeding when appropriate.

The Chair agreed to establish if a grant was possible to assist with the cost (WREN)

11 Correspondence


NALC Newsletter 19/1, 26/1, 2/2, 9/2 and 15/2

Temporary Road Closure East Walton

Statement of Community Involvement Consultation

New Community Infrastructure Levy

Fields in Trust

11 Correspondence continued. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 683

NALC Planning for all Conference

Community Biodiversity Awards 2017

Storm Doris Information ref Electricity Supply

12 To consider issues relating to village matters.

War Memorial – The total cost for the project is £2,185 + VAT with no grant available

through War Memorial Trusts. Council agreed to action the work and apply to the

Parish Charity to see if some help towards the cost could be given.

Speed Signs – Bryan Webster reported that the recording sign was currently out of action

and was undergoing inspection. Copy of the latest record kept with these minutes

Keeping the Village tidy – Chair agreed to approach the Rangers Team again to see

If they are available to gives some paid help.

Telephone Kiosk – Get a revised quote for paint for painting to take place in

Spring 2017

Village Web Site – Now in regular use

PC Oil Buying Group – Rob Wilton to action the necessary signs and posters when

they become available.

13 Neighbourhood Plan

The Chair distributed a draft questionnaire and it was agreed that Councillors would

make comment to him before the next meeting on its suitability.

The plan would be to distribute to all households in the parish with a suitable letter

explaining the reasons for doing the exercise and a return envelope. Agreed that a

collecting box would be placed in the Church, Pentney Park shop and to return to any

Councillor’s home.

14 Any Other Business

Bus Shelter – Council considered the provision of a seat within the shelter. It was agreed to

construct one along the back wall. Bryan Webster will head the project.

Estimated cost of £250.

Church Footpath – The Clerk advised that the supplier was waiting for the weather to

warm up before doing the repairs. He agreed to speak to them about the surface weeds.

Chair reported that the WI had found it necessary to purchase a PA system for their

Village Hall meetings at a cost of £360. Council felt that some help should be given to

them as it could prove useful to other users. The Chair to make contact and offer £100.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 5 April 2017 in the village hall

commencing at 7.30 pm

Chairman:-Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE

Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL

Telephone:- 01553 775724