1. Our Dynasty
  2. About
  3. Team
  4. Partners
  5. News
  1. Practice
  2. Clients
  3. Implemented projects
  4. Gallery
  1. Services
  2. StrategicPR-campaigns
  3. Development of relations with mass-media
  4. Image creation and reputation management
  5. Special events
  6. Social communications
  7. Anti-crisis PR
  8. Marketing communications / BTL
  9. Relations with public authorities
  10. Intra-corporatePR
  11. OnlinePR
  12. Financial communications

3.2. Special offers

  1. Usefullinks
  2. Krasnodar
  3. Rostov-on-Don
  4. Sochi
  5. Novorossiysk
  1. Contacts

  1. Our Dynasty
  2. About
  3. Team
  4. Partners
  5. News


Dynasty PR consulting groupis a company offering full-cycle PR and communications services. Founders of Dynasty PR are professionals boasting great experience in all spheres of PR, corporate relations and reputation management.

Business area of Dynasty PR is the Southern Federal District of Russia. We offer our clients strategic programs dedicated to corporate positioning, reputation management, relations with the public authorities and mass media.

Our customers are large regional companies, branches of the national and foreign corporations. Orange Fitness sports and recreation club, Bonduel Kuban, Wimm Bill Dann. Foodstuffs, Celebration Academy catering restaurant, VEGA mall – this is but a short list of companies already enjoying our services. Teaming up with managers of the customers, consultants of Dynasty PR develop and implement effective image creation and market penetration programs.

1.2. Team

The major asset of Dynasty PR consulting group is the team o professionals, rapt and dedicated, having unique PR experience.

This valuable asset includes partners, managers and junior executives, all of them distinguished by the professional attitude to the projects, ethical nature, eagerness to use the latest and the best PR developments. Project management principles ruling the Dynasty PR’s operations ensure all the projects are tackled by the best specialists, competent experts and consultants. Unique management approach practiced by the Dynasty PR consulting group secures successful coordination and implementation of projects, makes the budget spending transparent and guarantees timely activity reports.

OksanaZenchenko, directorgeneral

Oksana is the top manager of the company, organizing its operations on the general level and inventing the development strategy.

She personally consults a number of customers on the issues related to strategic PR campaigns, relations with the mass media, social communications. Herexperienceasaconsultantexceeds 10 years.

Apart from being the head of the Dynasty PR consulting group, Oksana professes PR in the higher education establishments of the Krasnodar Region.

IzabellaKuleshova, CEO

Izabella manages internal affairs of Dynasty PR and supervises commercial projects. She is an able project manager, experienced in organization of events involving up to 10000 people and management of the high-budget projects. One of her most valuable traits is the creative approach she has towards each customer.

Izabella graduated from the Kuban State Technical University, holding a diploma in PR. Before joining the Dynasty PR’steam she was the top project manager of the Prioritet, Public Relations PR agency, and lead the PR department of the Transasia Trade company.

EllinaPiven, seniorprojectmanager

Ellina is a competent project manager, supervising activity of the project groups. She has great experience in planning and organization of marketing communication events.

Ellina’s primary occupation - development of integrated marketing communication campaigns, conduct of the large-scale marketing surveys, management of the customers’ funds allocated for the campaigns.

Ellina was in charge of the projects entitled “PR support of the official presentation of the VEGA mall” and “Opening of the Inter-Pochta subscription agency’s branch in the city of Krasnodar”. The project group carrying out the complex PR-campaign supporting the "Entire Kuban" art exhibition (with pictures from the private collection of A. Novichenko) enjoyed her leadership.

OlgaAndriyevskaya, seniorprojectmanager

Olga’s primary occupation are special events: corporate celebrations, marketing activities, private receptions. Professional skills of Olga include development of unique concepts, original sequences, management of the event budgets, organization of events gathering over 6000 people.

Due to her peculiar skills Olga practices non-standard approach when picking places to hold event at.

Olga also has some experience of managing catering activities.

Vladimir Alyayev, junior project manager

Vladimir’s professional achievements have to do with planning and organization of promo events and celebrations. He is always original in designing corporate festivals, and manages a large database of bands, actors, show groups, experienced promo people, locations, allowing the Dynasty PR group to offer its customers the most effective promotion solutions.

Vladimir is also in charge of logistic operations under the projects implemented by Dynasty PR.

IrinaRudobaba, juniorprojectmanager

Irina carries out the policy of Dynasty PR in communications with the mass media. Her primary occupation is media planning, relations with representatives of mass media, research and monitoring of the media, appraisal of efficiency of informational campaigns, preparation of analytical reports.

Irina organized the press tour ordered by the Fanagoriya integrated agricultural company and the press conference occurred at the official opening of the VEGA mall.

Kseniya Vasiliadi, designer

Kseniya is a unique artist, and simply a creative person. The perception of the world peculiar to Kseniya alone results in exclusive concepts and “off the beaten track” reflection of the ordinary things. Her ideas form the foundation of corporate identity of many customers of the Dynasty PR consulting group.

TatyanaPoliit, officemanager

Tatyana’s duties include keeping contacts customers of the company alive, organization of meetings and events, everyday monitoring of the press, administrative tasks. She also takes part in arrangement of special events for the Dynasty's clients.

Tatyana freely speaks and writes English and Spanish.



Imageland Public Relations Agency, An Affiliate of Edelman, one of the leading PR-agencies in Russia. The company is the exclusive representative of Edelman Public Relations World Widein Russia and CIS countries.Several surveys show that Imageland PRnever fails to be one of the three best PR firms on the Russian market. This company was also rated the best business PR agency in Russia.

Kuban State University’s Research Institute for Social and Humanitarian Problems

KubanStateUniversity’s Research Institute for Social and Humanitarian Problems specializes in social and marketing studies. The Institute uses modern methods and tools, and operates on a big territory. These factors, combined with scientific approach to interpretation of the studies' results and recommendations easily applicable to practice, make it potent to research issues of various levels of complexity. The "30 dream employers" survey marked the beginning of partnership between the KubanStateUniversity’s Research Institute for Social and Humanitarian Problems and Dynasty PR.

KUB Internet Agency

KUB is one of the leading internet players in the Southern Federal District. The Agency’s profile is development and promotion of theme and industry-specific online projects, advertising campaigns, banner and context advertising within the projects developed and run by the Agency.

Partnership with theKUB Internet Agencylets us make all our daring ideas about online projects and dedicated portals come true, as well as effectively use the web to promote the business of our customers.

Celebration Academy Catering Restaurant

CelebrationAcademy is the leader of the Krasnodar Region’s catering market. The restaurant offers original menus and best service, and is ready to cater in the places most unusual. It completes the creative ideas and special events tailored by Dynasty PR perfectly. Presently, the two companies partner in organization of the summertime corporate celebrations and private parties.


03.07.2007 Dynasty PR launches the second annual Parade of the Kuban Cows.

On July 3 2007 the Parade of the Kuban Cows, annual charity event, starts in the Southern region of Russia. The Parade begins with the exhibition of plastic cows painted by famous citizens of the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation.

11.06.2007Dynasty PR organizes the press tour dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Fanagoriya winery

On June 11 2007one of the leading wine producers of Russia – Fanagoriya integrated agricultural company – celebrated its golden jubilee.

The celebration was not limited to formal procedures and praise of the veteran workers of the company, but also included the record that found its place in the “Book of Records of Russia”: simultaneous tasting Cabernet Sauvignon, dry red vintage wine, from the new Cru Lermont collection by Fanagoriya. The declared number of participants was 1000 people, but in reality this figure went up to 1100.

Representatives of mass media enjoyed a special program in the context of the celebration. The press tour for journalists of the Krasnodar Region was organized by the Dynasty PR consulting group.

08.06.2007Dynasty PR made the summer feel Hawaiian for members of Orange Fitnesssports and recreation club

On June 8 2007in the Equator water amusement park Dynasty PR organized a private party for members of Orange Fitness sports and recreation club.

The party’s program included shows by aerobics trainers of the club, unforgettable orient dancing and dynamic break dance acts.

The party was crowned by the fashion show covering summer wear and swimming suits presented by the Top League chain of sportswear and sports accessories stores. This show colored the evening in bright colors and instilled summer moods into those present.

The ever hotter night was opened with sounds of drums played by the Paprika band, and flakes of sparkling foam, marking the culmination of the party.

14.05.2007Dynasty PR organizes official presentation of VEGA mall in Krasnodar

On May 17 2007Dynasty PR organized the official presentation of VEGA mall in the city of Krasnodar. The presentation included press tour for journalists of the leading mass media of the region, banquet for partners and tenants, and launch of the Vegamania customer loyalty program.

04.04.2007Dynasty PR organizes grand opening of The Entire Kuban art exhibition featuring works from the private collection of Alexander Novichenko

Spectators could enjoy over 300 various works by more than a hundred of artists from Kuban. The exhibition covered all genres of the modern art: theme paintings, landscape, portrait, still life.

Preparing the opening of The Entire Kuban exhibition, specialists of Dynasty PR effected a complex PR support: they organized a large-scale advertising campaign, attracted mass media, developed the script and carried out the unforgettable opening, prepared and published catalogues offering the information not only in Russian but in English and German as well.

Virtual gallery of The Entire Kuban exhibition can be found at the website of Alexander Novichenko.

  1. Practice


2.2.Implemented projects


2.1. Clients

Orange Fitness sports and recreation club

CelebrationAcademy catering restaurant

Bonduel Kuban

Alexander Novichenko, collector

ZAO SU Krasnodarstroy (private corporation)

Wimm Bill Dann. Foodstuffs

Adecco recruiting company


OAO Fanagoriya integrated agricultural company (public corporation)

Inter-Pochta Krasnodar subscription agency

2.2. Implemented projects

2.2.1. PRcampaign supporting opening of The Entire Kuban art exhibition showcasing works from the private collection of A. Novichenko

Implementation term:March-May2007

Aims of the projects:

  • increase of the public awareness of the art by artists of Kuban;
  • creation of the positive image of private collectors that gathered and preserved the unique works by Kuban artists;
  • popularization of the modern artists of Kuban and their works among clerisy, students mastering creative professions, people of the Krasnodar Region and Russia.


The briefing dedicated to the exhibition's opening was attended by over 20 journalists representing 17 business, social and political and industrial newspapers, magazines and TV channels: Krasnodarskiye Izvestiya, Kommersant Yug, Volnaya Kuban, Nebo Kubani, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Municipal TV and Radio Broadcasting Company Yekaterinodar, RBC-Kuban, Domashny channel etc.

The reception dedicated to the opening enjoyed about 800 guests, including representatives of artistic and business elite of Krasnodar, honored artists.
Mass media monitoring results: 70 online publications, 27 printed publications, 10 TV items.

2.2.2. PRsupportoftheofficial presentation of VEGA mall


PR support of the official opening of the VEGA mall, including:

  1. development of the events dedicated to the official presentation of VEGA mall;
  2. conduct of the marketing campaign with the aim to inform the target audience of the VEGA mall;
  3. relations and cooperation with mass media;
  4. organization of the reception for partners of the VEGA mall.


Over 23 journalists from 16 regional media. The result: 16 printed publications, 34 online publications, 6 TV items.

2.2.3. PRsupportofthemarketingloyaltyprogramlaunchedforVEGAmall

Implementation term: May 2007


Establishment and stimulation of loyalty of prospects and existing customers to the VEGA brand.

Vegamania marketing loyalty program included:

1. advertising and informational campaign designed to inform prospects of the opening of VEGA sales and entertainment center;

2.development of the pattern and organization of the Vegamania lottery;

3.organization of the premium drawing of the Vegamania lottery.


70000 leaflets and 5000 branded slippers were spread during the event.

Throughout the Vegamania days – May 19, 26 2007 – the center was visited by about 10000 people, many of them received gifts from the VEGA tenants.

Daily number of visitors increased 15%.

2.3. Gallery

Parade of the Kuban Cows, 2007


“Foam Party” for members of Orange Fitness sports and recreation club

Creative & Business Partycharity event

Prize drawing, Vegamania program, VEGA mall

Reception dedication to the official opening of the VEGA mall

“Jolly Milkman” festival, Days of the Kuban Journalism


  1. Services


Development of relations with mass-media

Image creation and reputation management

Special events

Social communications

Anti-crisis PR

Marketing communications / BTL

Relations with public authorities

Intra-corporate PR

Online PR

Financial communications

Special offers

3.1.1. StrategicPRcampaigns

Development of the complex strategic programs designed to effectively inform target audiences and reate positive image of the customer in the local community.

3.1.2. Development of relations with mass-media

Development and implementation of effective programs dedicated to relations with the mass-media. Authoring of press releases, texts and appearance speeches. Organization of press-related events: press conferences, briefings, press tours. Massmediamonitoring.

3.1.3. Imagecreation

Image audit, development of the image philosophy and concept with regard to the key community groups, development of identity and presentation materials: corporate videos, multimedia presentations, printed materials, websites.

3.1.4. Special events

Organization of conferences, round table discussions, trainings, seminars, celebrations. Setup of the brand launch events, development of concepts of effective participation in exhibitions.

3.1.5. Socialcommunications

Development and supervision of charity programs, corresponding informational campaigns. Development and implementation of the complex social programs, creation of the image of a socially-responsible business.

3.1.6. Anti-crisisPR

Forecasting potential crisis, development of the communication strategy helping to withdraw from the crisis while preserving the existing business reputation.

3.1.7. Marketingcommunications/ BTL

Communication support of marketing programs, development of a complex of events to promote brand, stimulation of sales, organization of promo-events, consumer & trade promotion

3.1.8. Relationswithpublicauthorities

Development of relations with public authorities, political, social and trade organizations, businesses. Informational campaigns to influence authorities of various levels to promote and lobby corporate and industrial interests of the customer.

3.1.9. Intra-corporatePR

Creation and introduction of the corporate culture, holding of informational sessions and trainings for the employees, organization of intra-corporate events.

3.1.10. OnlinePR

Creation of the company's image online, web positioning, development of corporate websites, further administration and promotion.

3.1.11. Financialcommunications

Increase of the investment appeal of the company through implementation of the complex programs designed to develop relations with investors. Informational campaigns to grow the cost of the company’s assets. Organization of a number of interrelated informational and analytical public events, preparation and distribution of financial papers with the aim to establish and develop communication between investors, shareholders and partners of the company.

3.2. Special offers

Dynasty Event consulting group in cooperation with the CelebrationAcademy catering restaurant have to offer interest ideas and places to hold summer corporate events.

Make your event an academic one!

  1. Usefullinks
  2. Krasnodar
  3. Rostov-on-Don
  4. Sochi
  5. Novorossiysk
  1. Contacts:


Headquarters:Russia, 350004, city of Krasnodar, ul. Bryusova, 19

Office #1:Russia, 350000, city of Krasnodar, ul. Krasnaya, 113, office 604

Phone: +7 861 259-49-20
+7 861 259-46-92
+7 861 255-12-25


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