The Epiphany

January 6, 2013

Church of the Holy Trinity, Guildwood

85 Livingston Road

Scarborough, Ontario

M1E 1K7

find us on Facebook: Church of the Holy Trinity (Guildwood)


416 261 9503

The Rev. Stephen Kirkegaard, Incumbent

Welcome to Holy Trinity, Guildwood

At Holy Trinity, Guildwood, we welcome all who come to worship with us. Though we are people of diverse background, lifestyle, and opinion, we are one in our desire to follow Jesus Christ. We seek to live as diversity in unity, offering a community in which we can all grow together as one Body: God’s Church. We hope the order of service will help you find your way, but feel free to ask your neighbour for help. Hymns can be found in the blue hymnal “Common Praise”. We are truly pleased that you have chosen to worship with us. We hope to see you again. May this time of worship of God be for you a source of renewal, re-creation and joy.

Holy Communion: All are welcome in this church and at this altar. All baptized persons, including children, are invited to receive the bread and wine at Christ’s table. Those not receiving communion may wish to receive a blessing. Simply cross your hands over your chest to indicate you are not receiving communion. The Anglican Church supports the ancient use of the common cup. Those receiving the chalice are asked to assist the chalice bearer by grasping the cup at the base and guiding the cup to their lips. For health purposes the practice of intinction, dipping the bread into the wine, is discouraged. If you do not wish to drink from the common cup, please feel free to receive the bread only. Simply cross your hands over your chest when the chalice bearer passes by to indicate you do not wish the wine. The ancient teaching is that the whole Christ is received whether one receives only the consecrated bread or both bread and wine.

Children are always welcome at Holy Trinity. The Children are encouraged to take part in the wonderful age appropriate activities offered by Church School during the first half of the service (The Liturgy of the Word), after which they rejoin their families for the Eucharist. Parents are always welcome to join their children for some or all of the time downstairs if that is more comfortable. Mothers with babies are welcome to make use of the space in the loft with a playpen and rocking chair and continue to participate in the service. If you need directions or information, feel free to ask a sidesperson or greeter for information. For more information contact Denise Byard, Church School Coordinator 416-527-9104 or . If your family hasn’t had the opportunity yet this year to experience our ChurchSchool, we hope to see you soon - it is never too late for your children to join in the fun and adventure of growing in Christ.

The Order of Service for 8:00 a.m. is on Page 6. Please turn off your cell phones.

The Epiphany January 6, 2013– 8:0010:30 a.m.

The Holy Eucharist



PresiderAlmighty God,

Allto you all hearts are open,
all desires known,

and from you no secrets are hidden.

Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts

by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love you,
and worthily magnify your holy name;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.


The Gathering of the Community

Gathering Hymn#-160As With Gladness Men of OldDix


p. 185

PresiderGod of God

Light of Light

true God of true God

AllWe give you glory.

PresiderObject of the Magi’s search,

subject of an old man’s song,

fulfillment of the Baptist’s preaching,

AllWe give you glory.

PresiderMary’s son,

Joseph’s son,

God’s only son,

AllWe give you glory.

Glory to God #702

The Collect of the Day please remain standing

The Proclamation of the Word

First Reading Isaiah 60:1-6

Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 p. 797

Second ReadingEphesians 3:1-12

Gospel Hallelujah #324

The Holy GospelMatthew 2:1-12

SermonThe Rev. Stephen Kirkegaard

Silence for reflection

Our Response to the Word

The Nicene Creed please standp. 188

Prayers of the People(see page 7) please sit or kneel

Invitation to Confessionp. 191

AllCreator God, you have called us to live in the light of your eternal love. You have sent us Jesus, the light of the world, to show us the way. And you have honored us by entrusting to us the responsibility of being reflectors of that light. But we confess that we have lived for ourselves. We have silently passed by the hungry and the poor and the stranger walking in the cold, alone. We have chosen to follow other stars. Forgive us, O God. Turn us around and help us journey through this new year in the light of your love, as shown to us in Jesus the Christ. May we be true reflections of him. We pray in the name of Christ who is our Way, our Truth, and our Light. Amen.


The Peace please standp. 192

The Celebration of the Eucharist

Offertory Hymn –We Three Kings of Orient Are (see insert)

Prayer over the Gifts please remain standing

PriestWe open here our treasures and our gifts

and some of it is gold

and some is frankincense

and some is myrrh;

for some has come from plenty,

some from joy, and some

from deepest sorrow of the soul.

But thou, O God, dost know

the gift is love,

our pledge of peace,

our promise of goodwill.

Accept the gift, accept the life we bring.Herbert Hines

The Great Thanksgiving – Eucharistic Prayer#3p. 198

Holy, Holy, Holy #722

Holy, holy, holy Lord,

Lord God of power and might

Heav’n and earth are full, full of your glory.

Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes, who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest.

The Lord’s Prayerp. 211

The Breaking of the Bread #6p. 212

The Communionp. 213

Lamb of God #745

Communion Hymn#622 –How Bright Appears the Morning StarWie Schon Leuchtet

The Sending Forth of the Community

Prayer after Communion please standp. 214

Closing Hymn #150 –On This Day Earth Shall RingPersonent Hodie

Blessing and Dismissal please remain standingp. 215

Please remember in your prayers this week

World: The Diocese of Kwoi in Nigeria, The Rt Revd Paul Zamani

Canada:The National Indigenous Anglican Bishop and the Anglican Council of Indigenous People

Toronto Diocese: St. Matthew the Apostle, Oriole; Archbishop Colin; Patrick, our area Bishop

Our Parish Family of Holy Trinity:Michael and Sandra Cooksey, Matthew; Donna Cressman, Natasha and Nicolas; Sharalyn and Adrian Crossfield, Shaniece, Ryanne and Hunter; and Stephen our priest

The Sick, Shut In, And Those In Need: Betty Annamuthado, Peggy and Robin Denman, Vera Ostapeic, Lola Qualtrough, Eileen Stratford, Agnes Wilson, Maureen Clarke, Muriel Docherty, Dorothy Gilliss, Cooper Hanna, Tom Kealey, Muriel Moffatt, Clive Parke, Asher Rooplal,Chelsea Tough, Gordon Wong, Gail and Derek, Sue, Marysia

The Prayers (Collect, Prayer over the Gifts and Prayer after Communion) for the Epiphany are found on page 280.

Prayers of the People – The Epiphany

On this feast of the Epiphany, you O Christ, are revealed as the light of the world.

By the light of your presence, “fill us with your glory”.

We pray for each person here. As each of us follows our star,

may we find Christ in our lives this coming year. By the light of your presence,

fill us with your glory.

We pray for the church…

We thank God for the Christmas season. We give thanks for the new sense of God’s closeness given to us this Christmas. By the light of your presence,

fill us with your glory.

In the spirit of the wise men, may we offer to the Lord the treasures of our hearts

and our lives. By the light of your presence,

fill us with your glory.

We pray for the sick and those in need…

In the midst of all the threats and dangers in the world, may God protect all who are vulnerable and defenceless. By the light of your presence,

fill us with your glory.

We pray that God’s Spirit will guide us as we search for the truth and the light;

may we grow in wisdom. By the light of your presence,

fill us with your glory.

We pray for our dead…

Gladden them, O Lord, with the light of your face. By the light of your presence,

fill us with your glory.

We praise you, O God, for your light come into the world and we say together. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Assisting in Worship are:

Presider ...... The Rev. Stephen Kirkegaard

Lay Assistant ...... Linda Epping

Chalice ...... Cathy Mathews

Readers ...... Colin and Beverley MacPhee

Organist ...... Peggy Wong

Altar Guild ...... Glenis Emmett, Nancy Lees,

Alberta Mathews, Cathy Mathews, Maureen Vasey

Sidespersons ...... Bob Harper, Jay Epping

...... Warren Lees, Sandra Wasney,Glenis Emmett

Welcome ...... (8:00)Penny Case

...... (10:30)Sandra Kirkegaard, Flo Schwerdtner

Coffee ...... Esther Tilley

How to contact us

IncumbentThe Reverend Stephen Kirkegaard

416 261 9503 – church; (416 266 8386 – home)

(647 822 9503 – cell)


Parish AdministratorLinda Rosling– 416 261 9503 – church


Parish NurseVivien Harris (416 703 5433)

Wardens Linda Epping (416 267 3635);

Karen Price (416 2811268)

Mike Henley (416 266 5217)

Sunday School Coordinator Denise Byard (416 527 9104)


Property Flo Schwerdtner (416 284 6269)