September 30, 2014
Official Minutes
I.Roll Call
/ X / Allemand, Kristina / Eiermann, Jason / X / Smith-Martin, Arrianna / (Non-Voting Members)Boudreaux, Natalie / X / LeBlanc, Becky / X / Theriot, Les (SGA) / Andrews, Robin
X / Bourgeois, Claire / X / Lefort, Tiffany (SGA) / Thibodeaux, Bill / X / Mauldin, Shawn
X / Breaux, Kevin / X / Plaisance, DesLey / X / Rodrigue, Kelly
X / Davis, Earl / X / Scott, Brigett / X / Tonn, Anke
Meeting called to order at 2:55p.m. with quorum.
- Approval of Minutes
- Old Business
- New Business
Presentations for Teacher Education
1)Request to change a course / TEED: Request to add co-requisite of FCED 232 to EDUC 313 course. This will cover the Birth-to-Five majors.
Motion: D. Plaisance moved to accept. Seconded: C. Bourgeois. Vote: unanimous approval.
2)Request to change a course / TEED: Request to add prerequisite FCED 232 to EDUC 382 course.
Motion: K. Breaux moved to accept. Seconded: C. Bourgeois. Vote: unanimous approval.
3)Request to change a course / TEED: Request to add to FCED 130 course description. Add “CDAS, BFED, and SEFC majors only.”
Motion: D. Plaisance moved to accept. Seconded: B. LeBlanc. Vote: unanimous approval.
4)Request to change a course / TEED: Request to change prerequisite for FCED 435 course. Change from FACS 232 to FCED 232.
Motion: C. Bourgeois moved to accept. Seconded: K. Breaux. Vote: unanimous approval.
5)Request to change a course / TEED: Request to add a prerequisite to FCED 437 course. Add EDUC 312 or FCED 232 prerequisite.
Motion: K. Breaux moved to accept. Seconded: B. Scott. Vote: unanimous approval.
6)Request to change a concentration / TEED: Request to change a concentration. Remove ENGL 363 course from Secondary Education, English Concentration (SEEN) and replace with ENGL 485 or ENGL 486. Remove ENGL 490 and replace with ENGL 496.
Motion: D. Plaisance moved to accept. Seconded: C. Bourgeois. Vote: unanimous approval.
7)Request to change a concentration / TEED: Request to change a concentration. Remove FCED 335 course from Secondary Education, Family and consumer Sciences Concentration (SEFC) and replace with FCED 135.
Motion: D. Plaisance moved to accept. Seconded: K. Breaux. Vote: unanimous approval.
Presentations for Psychology, Counseling and Family Studies
1)Request to change a course / FACS: Request to change courses FACS 131, 448, and 464.
FACS 131, 464 - add to description: Family and Consumer Sciences and Addictive Behaviors minors and General Family and Consumer Sciences majors only.
FACS 464 – change from “Must be taken semester before FACS 495” to “Must be taken semester before FACS 493 and 494.
FACS 448 – add to description: Addictive Behaviors minors and General Family and Consumer Sciences majors only.
Motion: K. Breaux moved to accept. Seconded: A. Smith-Martin. Vote: unanimous approval
2)Request to revise an existing academic degree program / GFCS: Request to revise the General Family and Consumer Sciences Program description:
Remove minimum grade of C requirement for MATH 101. Remove FACS 495 from Core Courses and replace with FACS 493 AND 494. Discussion was held on the removal of the C requirement for Math 101.
Motion: A. Smith-Martin moved to accept. Seconded: C. Bourgeois. Vote: 8 approve, 2 opposed
3)Request to change a course / PSYC: Request to add SU to course offering.
Motion: A. Smith-Martin moved to accept. Seconded: B. LeBlanc. Vote: 9 approve, 1 opposed
Presentations for Nursing
1)Request to revise an existing academic degree program / NURS: Request to limit total of repeated courses for entry into NURS 225. After discussion it was decided to bring this before the Academic Policies and Standards Committee.
V.Other Business
/ Revision of GENED. There are criteria/guidelinesto define what is considered GENED. Changes to course syllabi should come before Courses and Curricula, so that there is an official record. Student Learning Outcome Objectives should be the same for each section of a course. B. Scott will inform Faculty Senate that the syllabi need to be submitted to Courses and Curricula for approval but full presentations to the committee are not required.Motion: D. Plaisance moved to accept. Seconded: B. LeBlanc. Vote: unanimous approval.
The Committee’s next meeting will be on October 14th.
- Adjournment
APPROVED xx/xx/14______
Kristina Allemand, Chair, University Courses & Curricula Committee