The public session of the meeting was called to order at 6:02pm by Mayor Samuel Schimizzi who led the assembled in the pledge of allegiance. Present were Mayor Samuel Schimizzi, TrusteeAnthony Fraboni, Trustee Gary Schmidt and Trustee Kevin Thornton, Superintendent of Streets, Parks and Cemeteries Don Perry, Fire Chief Charlie Scaptura, Sergeant Steven Decker and Village Clerk Donna Beardsley. Also present werePark Manager Michelle Hyde, Sewer Treatment Plant Supervisor Terry Wilcox and Martin Pierce from the Water Department. Trustee Laurie DeNardo was absent. There wereapproximately twelveother persons in attendance.
Trustee Anthony Fraboni made the motion to open the public hearing on the 2017-2018 General Fund Budget at 7:03pm. Trustee Kevin Thornton seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Carried. Trustee Fraboni gave an overview of the budget and explained the increase difference from the prior year’s budget.
Village of Burdett Mayor Dale Walter presented Mayor Schimizzi with a check for $1,000 as a contribution to the Summer Recreation Program. Mayor Walter stated that the Village of Burdett will be making an annual donation to the program.
Jo Pat Wright and Mary Cook as representatives of the Paradiso Family presented the Village Board with a check for $50,000 which is a bequest to the Village from their brother, Robert Paradiso, to be used for the improvement, preservation and beautification of LaFayette Park.
Eric Hallenbeck was present to request permission to hold the Saturday night event he previously discussed with the Board in the Village’s Third Street parking lot. He again requested that the open container law be waived for his event which he is planning to host the first Saturday of each month through September.
Bill Pylypciw thanked Minard LaFever and the electric department employees for their timely response to an electrical surge that happened inside of his home.
Minutes for Regular Meeting held May 1, 2017
Trustee Anthony Fraboni made the motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on May 1, 2017. Trustee Gary Schmidt seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Carried.
Minutes for Special Meeting held May 2, 2017
Trustee Anthony Fraboni made the motion to approve the minutes for the special meeting of the Board of Trustees held on May 2, 2017. Trustee Gary Schmidt seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Carried.
Parks Report April 29 – May 12, 2017, Codes Report Period ending May 12, 2017, Water Department Report May 1-14, 2017. Electric Department Report May 1-12, 2017, Superintendent’s Report-May 1-12, 2017.
Fire Chief Charlie Scaptura informed the Board that the Fire Department has been awarded a grant for $191,000.
Sergeant Decker discussed his recommendations for the upcoming Memorial Day parade and services. The Board directed that the routines that have been followed in the past should be followed again this year.
Trustee Gary Schmidtmade the motion to approve the Department Heads’ reports as presented. Trustee Anthony Fraboniseconded the motion and all were in favor. Motion Carried.
Trustee Anthony Fraboni made the motion to approve the following Resolution for UtilityWrite Offs.
WHEREAS, the following accounts are over 12 months old and therefore, deemed to be uncollectible; and
WHEREAS, proper accounting procedures require that any uncollectible accounts be written off occasionally so that they do not impact the current receivables of the Village;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following accounts be written off as uncollectible balances:
Account / Name / LocationA0200.13 / MACFARLANE, RYAN / 213 N FRANKLIN ST 2 / $5.61
A0210.13 / HOWARD, TIMOTHY / 213 N FRANKLIN ST 1 / $37.20
A0430.02 / DEGRAW, LAURANNA M / 311 N FRANKLIN / $668.74
B0190.02 / WILKENS, TIM / 406 S FRANKLIN ST / $349.75
B1000.06 / KAWSKI, ALESA SHAWN / 301 S FRANKLIN / $84.68
B1270.02 / CURREN, JOSHUA / 203 S DECATUR ST / $54.09
D0360.01 / PIERCE, ROXANE / 201 S GLEN / $446.74
D1150.04 / JAYNE, ASHLEY L / 240 S JACKSON / $140.42
D1570.03 / COVERT, ZENA / 254 LEE RD / $409.08
E0240.02 / DOYLE, MARIANNE / 309 E EIGHTH ST 3 / $94.00
E0550.02 / CAMPBELL, MICHAEL / 210 NINTH ST / $534.38
E0670.01 / RAMOS, ISRAEL L / 900 N PORTER 3 / $18.80
E0670.03 / ZIARNO, ANDY / 900 N PORTER ST 3 / $29.01
F0170.12 / TRAMMEL, ERIN / 308 N MONROE ST 4 / $52.93
F0170.13 / HOFFMAN, PETER / 308 N MONROE ST 4 / $34.99
F0360.09 / KINNEY, KYLE / 118 N MONROE ST / $106.91
F0400.10 / AGARWAL, MADHURIMA / 108 N MONROE / $23.94
F0640.07 / COOK, CARLA / 311 S MADISON AVE / $83.44
F0660.12 / PHILLIPS, TAYLOR N / 313 S MADISON AVE / $20.46
F0710.09 / DUNBAR, ANTHONY / 313 1/2 S MADISON AVE / $187.99
F0720.03 / SMITH, CLARA / 315 1/2 S MADISON AVE / $101.94
F0960.03 / BAKER & BUISCH INC / 110 W FOURTH / $242.74
F1104.08 / BACON, TERRYLYNN T / 215 S MADISON AVE 4 / $19.52
F1230.04 / FLUEGEL, DAVID / 108 N MADISON 2 / $392.62
F1240.09 / ROBINSON, CORY / 108 N MADISON AVE 3 / $72.23
G0450.05 / MORTIMER, TROY / 206 N DECATUR ST 3 / $175.31
G0460.03 / DICKINSON, LAURENCE / 206 N DECATUR ST 4 / $62.68
G0840.03 / PRENTISS, ABIGAIL / 201 E SECOND ST / $85.67
G1460.08 / WOODARD, MIKE / 311 E FOURTH ST / $274.25
G1505.03 / SUNSHINE NATURAL FOODS / 316 E FOURTH ST / $46.71
H0060.04 / CODY, TERRY L / #2 120 FIFTH ST / $138.19
H0070.13 / DAIGLE, TABITHA C / 120 FIFTH ST 3 / $85.00
H0070.16 / BASSETT, HEATHER / 120 FIFTH ST 3 / $32.72
H0290.01 / FAZZARY, STEVEN M / 602 MAGEE ST / $56.61
H0580.05 / TARGOSH, KELLY / 905 MAGEE ST / $12.48
H0840.07 / DAVIS, BENJAMIN / 800 1/2 N PERRY ST 1 / $6.60
H2050.08 / LEWIS, RUSSELL W / 107 E SIXTH ST 2 / $16.37
H2080.10 / FAZZARY, CONNER / 107 E SIXTH ST 4 / $11.48
Trustee Gary Schmidt seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Carried.
Trustee Kevin Thornton made the motion to approve hiring Cassandra Putman as a seasonal employee for this season. Trustee Gary Schmidt seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Carried.
Trustee Anthony Fraboni made the motion to close the public hearing on the proposed 2017-2018 general fund budget at 7:13pm. Trustee Gary Schmidt seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Carried.
Trustee Anthony Fraboni then made the motion to approve the 2017-2018 General Fund Budget. Trustee Gary Schmidt seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Carried.
Trustee Anthony Fraboni made the motion to approve the audit and add-ons in the following amounts. Trustee Gary Schmidt seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Motion Carried.
General / $27,446.72 / Sewer / $7,919.11Electric / $107.386/67 / Water / $4,784.42
Project Seneca / $126,184.65
Clerk Beardsley opened the single bid that was received for the bi-weekly curbside recycling pick up for 2017-2018. The bidder was Cardinal Disposal with a price of $3,000 per month. Trustee Gary Schmidt made the motion to
accept the bid from Cardinal Disposal. Trustee Anthony Fraboni seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Carried.
Clerk Beardsley reminded everyone that Summer Hours will begin for the front office on May 30th. Summer Hours are 7:30am – 4:30pm Monday through Thursday and 7:30am – 1:30pm on Fridays.
Clerk Beardsley also scheduled the fiscal year end Special Board meeting for May 31, 2017 at 4:30pm.
Trustee Anthony Frabonimade the motion to exit public session and enter executive session at 7:33pm. Trustee Gary Schmidtseconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Carried.
With no further business to come before the Board, TrusteeKevin Thornton made the motion to exit executive session and adjourn the meeting at8:05pm. TrusteeGary Schmidt seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned.
Respectively Submitted,
Donna J. Beardsley
Village Clerk