Welcome to the South Cotswolds Team Ministry

Welcome to the South Cotswolds Team Ministry

Thank you for thinking about the House for Duty post in the South Cotswolds Team Ministry, caring for the communities of Castle Eaton, Kempsford and Whelford. You will find two able and enthusiaticPCCs and good supportive people to work with.

The South Cotswolds Team comprises some 15 parishes and 22 churches stretching from Ampney Crucis (near Cirencester) in the west to Lechlade in the east; and from Castle Eaton in the south to Winson in the north. We have four stipendary clergy and two house-for-duty clergy; as well as three curates at present, an SSM priest colleague, a number of Readers (one based at Kempsford) and supportive retired clergy colleagues. We also have a full-timeYouthWorker.

We are still working out what it means to be a ‘Team’ and how we use our skills, gifts and opportunities together to building the kingdom of God here in this place. The good news is that members of the Team get on really well together and enjoy working with each other! We believe in having fun – along with all the others things we have to do. You will be a keymember of our Team.

We are looking for someone who is willing to be a visible presence in the parishes of Kempsford & Whelford and Castle Eaton (two parishes); who will lead (or make sure there is cover) for Sunday Services and take pastoral care of the parishioners. There is a small CofE school at Kempsford (some 90 pupils) where there are very good relations between church and school. We would hope that you might like to be a Foundation Governor and lead collective worship regularly – but, if this is not your thing, another clergyperson in the team could take on this role.

The Team recognizes that ‘House for Duty’ can easily become a full time role and we are keen that the successful applicant will have sufficient support from us to be able to get the balance right. We would also like you – if you so wish – to offer your particular gifts or expertise to the wider team.

The Parsonage is located in Kempsford near the church. It is a good house with manageable garden. There is relatively easy access to Oxford, Swindon, Reading, Cheltenham, Gloucester and indeed, London.

The South Cotswolds is a beautiful place to live with excellent local schools and amenities. I very much hope you will consider applying for this post.

If you would like to have a conversation with me about the opportunities and possibilities this post offers, please do feel free to ring me on 01285 – 851309.


The Rev’d John Swanton

Team Rector

The Rectory, Ampney Crucis, Cirencester, GL7 5RY

01285 - 851309


The Parish of Castle Eaton is small with around 90 dwellings in the village and some 12 in the surrounding countryside. Local residents cover a wide range of age and social backgrounds. There are still families that have lived here for generations, together with newcomers who are keen to be involved with village life.

The village is set in a rectangle with the river Thames on the northern side, and working farms at either end. There is a thriving local pub – The Red Lion – and a village hall rebuilt in 2000 – a well used local facility and the focus for community events.

The Grade 1 church of St Mary the Virgin stands on the raised banks of the river within the local conservation areas. It is open daily from April – November and weekends during the winter months. The church has many visitors from all over the world, some walking the Thames Path nearby, some seeking past connections and people enjoy the history, peace and tranquility of the setting.

The church was re-roofed in recent years and the building is in good condition.

There is an active and supportive PCC who are involved in all aspects of church life – practical, administrative, pastoral and spiritual.

At present services are held each Sunday at 10am; one service a month is ably led by a local resident. Although there is a beautiful pipe organ and Yamaha piano, we currently do not have anyone with the skills to play them – so most of our music is from CDs – which gives us a wide choice of hymns and songs to sing.

The weekly congregation is relatively small (around 12) but very committed. The village is supportive of the church.

The parish comes within the civil boundary of the Borough of Swindon (Wiltshire), which is a unitary authority.


Kempsford lies between Lechlade and Fairford on the River Thames where Gloucestershire is separated from Wiltshire. The name comes from the ford over the river which at this point separated the old kingdoms of Mercia and Wessex and there are references in Saxon times to the site of a royal palace and manor. It has links with Henry Plantagenet and his daughters Maud and Blanc and with John of Gaunt. Remains of the old castle lie in the grounds of theOld Vicarage, now in private hands.

The parish of Kempsford with Whelford comprises about 500 properties with additional homes in the hamlets of Dunsfield and Dudgrove. In both communities there is a wonderful and diverse mixture of residents. Some can trace their roots back over several generations, others have moved into the area as a base for work. Both villages have residents of all ages, from the elderly to young families. Housing comprises privately owned, social and rented.

There is a pre-school, which is part of the Church of England Primary School in Kempsford. The village has a pub, The George, which like many in surrounding villages serves food. Kempsford cricket pitch is immediately behind this pub. Both Kempsford and Whelford have Village Halls, which are used for a variety of activities. Residents will find information on village activities and events listed on the notice boards in the villages and in Kempsford Parish News, the local publication delivered free to homes in the area.Kempsford Village Hall has a part time Post Office and café.Currently, there is a bus service into the town of Cirencester(11 milesaway) twice a week and also a weekly service to the Tesco superstore which lies on the outskirts of Cirencester.

Other facilities and services are to be found inthe nearby market town of Fairford, five miles away. These include the doctor’s surgery, dentist, optician, a Post Office, a pharmacy, a butcher’s,several small shops and restaurants, and a hotel. The local secondary school,Farmors, is also in Fairford. Market Day is Wednesday, when central car parking is closed off.

Each year the RAF Fairford base, whichlies between Kempsfordand Whelford,hosts the Royal InternationalAir Tattoo over a long weekend in July.Information can be found in Village News. This is a great spectacle and creates a wonderful atmosphere. However, extra care is needed when you are out and about because the one-way systems and large number of buses can cause confusion, especially for the elderly and excited young ones.

Kempsford is a vibrant community, being runners up in the past for the most Vibrant Village award, with the recent‘Tidiest Village’ competition once again drawing everyonetogether. Kempsford amenities include a Cricket Club;Brownies and Rainbows packs; an active Village Hall Committee, organising several functions a year and a successful monthly lunch club; ballet classes; music tuition; and a growing young football group. The school organises an annual fun run. Nearby Whelfordalso has a village hall, which is actively used by the community to provide a wide range of activities. Several local ladies have organised fund raising events such as a musical gathering, a chariot race and fun themed dances to support cancer charities. Kempsford and Whelford churches welcome the community to events such as ‘Welcome to the Villages’, the annual fete and musical soirees.


Kempsford is part of the South Cotswold team Ministry which was established in January 2009 and consists of 15 parishes with 22 churches and currently 7clergy(four stipendary and two House for Duty and an SSM). It comes under the Deanery of Cirencester. There are team services three times a year (Candlemas, Ash Wednesday, and Ascension). Youth workis shared across the area - the Team Youth Worker organises clubs and lunch time activities at Farmors Secondary School in Fairford, residential weekends.

The parish consists of the church of St Mary TheVirgin, in Kempsford, situated on the edge of the village close to the Old Vicarage. At Whelford, the smaller St Anne’s Chapel of Ease, is situated right in the heart of the village of Whelford. Both churches are licensed for Weddings; and funerals and baptism are held in both locations.

Services at Kempsford

10 am Holy Communion held on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month

10am Family Service held on the 3rd Sunday of the month, led by members of our congregation

Services at Whelford

9am Said Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday of the month

10am Sung Holy Communion 5th Sunday of the month

In addition over the year the following services are held:

  • All Souls Service of Remembrance
  • Carol Services and concerts including carol singing at The George
  • Harvest Service at The George, Kempsford
  • RIAT service outdoors at The George, Kempsford
  • Occasional services including Choral Evensong and Compline;
  • Church services for the school celebrating important occasions in the Christian Year

The church is regularly used for a variety of festivals and concerts including a children’s holiday club, service of thanksgiving for animals and an annual nativity play complete with donkey, enjoyed by parents and children alike.

The main service on a Sunday is a Sung Eucharist with about 30 communicants, with thecommunion celebrated at the Nave Altar and received at the High Altar.

Lay members assist with the chalice. The choir,numbering around 12,is under the direction of a talented and enthusiastic organist/ choir mistress. They not only lead the congregation during the hymns but also sing a psalm or an anthem during the Communion. Following the service, coffee and biscuits served at the back of the church, provide an informal but important time to socialise after the service .

The village regularly echoes to the sound of bells rung by a wonderful team of bell ringers, alerting the community to services and celebrations.

The Family Service is led by a small lay team and the choir members sit with the congregation and are often joined by a small music group. The service is aimed at children, with activities for them included. They are encouraged to play musical instruments or do actions to the hymns and songs and often there are a good dozen youngsters of all ages in attendance.

The service at Whelford is more informal with tea and biscuits served afterwards by ladies from the Whelford community in the nearby Village Hall.

The Ministry Team are supported by

  • An enthusiastic and effective PCC and Church warden
  • Team Youth Worker
  • Deanery Youth Worker
  • Choir director
  • Bell ringers
  • Sidesmen

In addition, members of the community contribute in many different ways:

  • Cleaning the church and arranging flowers
  • Churchyard and graveyard maintenance
  • Clock winding and maintenance
  • Building maintenance
  • Bible study leaders
  • Helpers with children and youth outreach.
  • A team who visits the sick, lonely and elderly.


St Mary’s Kempsford

The most notable feature of St Mary’s is the painted tower ceiling in the centre of the church which records some of the most important families of the middle ages and their association with the village and its castle (no longer in existence). This heraldic ceiling intertwines power, wealth, people and history and underwent restoration in 2007. One of its most striking features is a circle of Lancastrian Roses, celebrating Kempsford as the birth place of the man who was to be the first Duke of Lancaster

St Anne’s Whelford

St. Anne's was designed by G. E. Street and built 1862-64. It is a fine example of G. E. Street's elemental geometry. It is built of stone with a round apse and has a tiled roof with wooden pyramidal lead-covered bellcote. There are three small trefoil-headed lancets in the apse. There is a simple wooden South porch. The interior of the church is simple, mostly retaining Street's furnishings. The river Coln runs through the village of Whelford.


St Mary’s Kempsford together with St Anne’s Whelford has sound financial reserves. It benefits from a number of legacies whichsupport the fabric fund and benefit the poor.

There are regular contributors to the Parish Giving Scheme and it is able to fund the annual payment of the Parish Share with regular giving and tax reclaim.

The Electoral Roll and Outreach

The Electoral Roll is formally reviewed on an annual basis. At last count, in October 2015, it stood at 98 souls, with the church outreach including many more villagers.

  • A regular weekly Bible Study Group meets in Fairford on a Tuesday evening.
  • A small team visits the primary school weekly to present Open the Book
  • House visits to elderly and infirm parishioners are made by several church members
  • The church supports a thriving youth club and football group
  • There are also strong links with Tajikistan, supported by the Scripture Union, resulting in visits by several young people to that country to support the work there, visits from people there to us, and a regular newsletter.