Sodbury Town Council

Minutes of the Meeting of Finance & General Purposes Committee

27th September 2016, STC Offices

Committee Members: Cllrs. B Allen, J Gough, C Hays, P O’Rourke, P Rumney, P Smith, W Whittle & A Williams

Present:Cllrs.B Allen, J Gough, C Hays, P O’Rourke, P Rumney, P Smith, W Whittle & A Williams



All members present.

2.Declarations of Interest


3.Approval of Minutes of 16th February and 24th May 2016

Resolved the minutes of 16th February and 24th May 2016 are approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.

4.Matters Arising


5.Finances (circulated)

Resolved that the spend to date and bank reconciliation to 31st August 2016 is noted and approved.

The Clerk sought signatory of a cheque in relation to hiring of the Town Hall for the Remembrance Day Parade and confirmed the Town Lands Charity would reimburse the cost.

The Clerk was thanked for monitoring of budgets throughout the year.

6.Grant Applications

Each application was discussed in detail and it was Resolved that the following amounts are awarded:-

Application / Grant Awarded £
Grants with allocated Budgets
TIC / 2500.00
Sodbury in Bloom / 1000.00
Youth Services / 10,000.00
Churchyard maintenance C/S / 1500.00
Churchyard maintenance O/S / 1500.00
Budget £5,000
Grants already awarded:
Big Lunch
Food Festival / 460.00
Balance remaining / £4,040.00
Contribution from Mayor’s allowance / £250.00
Crib Festival / 500.00
CS Air Training Corps / 500.00
Festival Committee / 1000.00
CS School Greenpower After School Club / 250.00
Lions Club (Bunting) / 500.00
Old Sodbury Primary School / 250.00
Sodbury & District Twinning / 500.00
Victorian Day / 500.00
Balance / £290.00

A discussion took place with regard to a Service Level Agreement for the Tourist Information Centre (TIC) and it was agreed to review the grant on a year-by-year basis.

In relation to funding to the Youth Club, it was noted that in 2018, South Gloucestershire Council would no longer be funding the service. Agreement was made in principal for a grant of £10,000 for the 2017/18 financial year.

7.Items to report

Cllr A Williams updated following a ‘walk around’ of the September Mop Fair looking at potential sites for portable toilets. Various locations were considered, one being Broad Street by the War Memorial, although not considered ideal. Concern also raised with regard to bigger rides. Refer to Markets Committee.

Cllr P Smith reported that during the Mop Fair an ambulance was denied access to Wickwar Road. Matter to be referred to Markets Committee.

8.Date of next meeting – 29th November 2016 at 19:30 hrs STC offices

Meeting closed 20.25 hrs

Signed …………………………………. (Chairman)

Sodbury Town Council – Minutes of F&GP Meeting 27th September 2016

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