Subject Code / Name of the Subject / Instruction
period / week / Total Period / year /

Scheme of Examination

Theory / Practical/Tutorial / Duration (hours) / Sessional Marks / End Exam Marks / Total


/ 3 / - / 45 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100


/ Engineering Mathematics - I / 5 / - / 75 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100


/ Engineering Physics-I / 4 / - / 60 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100


/ Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies / 4 / - / 60 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100


/ Electronics Components and Materials-I / 4 / - / 60 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100


/ Basic Electrical Engineering-I / 4 / - / 60 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100


Engineering Drawing
/ - / 6 / 90 / 3 / 40 / 60 / 100


/ Electronics Components Lab-I / - / 6 / 90 / 3 / 40 / 60 / 100


/ Physics Lab -I / - / 3 / 45 / 3 / 20 / 30 / 50


/ Chemistry Lab -I / 3 / 20 / 30 / 50


/ Computer Fundamentals lab-I / - / 3 / 45 / 3 / 40 / 60 / 100
/ 24 /
/ 630 / - / 280 / 720 / 1000

English -I

(Common to All the Branches)

First Semester

Subject Code: EI-101

No. of periods per week: 3

No. of periods per Semester: 45


S. No / Major Topics / No. of Periods / Weightage of Marks / Short Answer Questions / Essay Type Questions
1. / Speaking / 9 / 26 / 8 / 1
2. / Grammar / 22 / 34 / 12 / 1 (Questioning)
3. / Reading / 6 / 20 / - / 2
4. / Writing / 8 / 40 / - / 4 (2 from paragraph writing,
2 from letter writing)
Total / 45 / 120 / 20 / 8

Objectives and Key Competencies

Sl. No. / Name of the Unit / Objectives / Key Competencies
01 / Need for English /
  • Understand the need to learn English
  • Find solutions to some problems of Learning English
  • Know the need to learn English
  • Identify the problems students face in learning |English
  • Discuss the various solutions to overcome them

02 / Classroom English /
  • Identify expressions useful in the classroom
  • Use classroom expressions meaningfully
  • How to greet the teacher and other students
  • Learn the expressions frequently used by the teacher
  • Practise to express one’s ideas in English

03 / Expressing Feelings /
  • Express feelings
  • Speak about what others feel
  • Know the structures to express feelings
  • Use the vocabulary related to feelings

04 / Expressing Likes and Dislikes /
  • Express likes and dislikes
  • Express likes and dislikes of others
  • Study the different ways to express likes and dislikes
  • Learn several words and phrases to express likes and dislikes

05 / Making requests /
  • Learn some ways of making requests
  • Learn some ways of offering help
  • Examine the various structures to make requests
  • Learn to make requests in formal and informal situations

06 / The Mighty Mountain and Little Lads of Telangana /
  • Comprehend the central idea
  • Learn about Expeditions
  • Understand the main idea
  • Practise to read aloud
  • Learn new vocabulary

07 / Adventures of Toto /
  • Read and comprehend the main idea
  • Appreciate a humorous narrative
  • Understand the central idea
  • Learn to make inferences
  • Learn new vocabulary
  • Complete a story

08 / Tiller Turns Engineer – An Innovation /
  • Read and understand the main idea
  • Improve vocabulary
  • Focus on minute details
  • Develop innovative skills
  • Present one’s view

09 / The Present Tense- I /
  • Differentiate between time and tense
  • Describe habits and facts
  • Learn the three broad categories of tense
  • Learn the action words and auxiliary words
  • Learn the simple present tense structure
  • Talk about routine, habits and facts
  • Make negative sentences

10 / The Present Tense- II /
  • Describe the actions happening in the present
  • Describe past actions as relevant to the present
  • Express the actions happening in the present
  • Express the actions that have been completed in the recent past
  • Make sentences in the present perfect continuous tense

(Common to all branches)
Subject title / : / Engineering Mathematics-I
Subject code / : / EI-102
Periods per week / : / 5
Total Periods per Semester / : / 75
Time Schedule with BLUEPRINT
S. No / Major Topic / No of Periods / Weightage of Marks / Short Type / Essay Type
Unit - I Algebra / Theory / Practice / R / U / App / R / U / App
1 / Logarithms / 2 / 1 / 2 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
2 / Partial Fractions / 5 / 1 / 9 / 1 / 1 / 0 / ½ / 0 / 0
3 / Matrices and Determinants / 18 / 6 / 25 / 2 / 3 / 0 / 0 / ½ / 1
Unit - II Trigonometry
4 / Compound Angles / 4 / 2 / 14 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0
5 / Multiple and Submultiple angles / 6 / 3 / 16 / 1 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0
6 / Transformations / 6 / 3 / 17 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / ½ / 1
7 / Inverse Trigonometric Functions / 6 / 2 / 17 / 1 / 0 / 0 / ½ / 1 / 0
8 / Properties of triangles / 2 / 0 / 4 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
9 / Hyperbolic Functions / 2 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
10 / Complex Numbers / 4 / 2 / 14 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0
Total / 55 / 20 / 120 / 11 / 9 / 0 / 3 / 3 / 2
Marks / 22 / 18 / 0 / 30 / 30 / 20
R: / Remembering type / : / 52 marks
U: / Understanding type / : / 48 marks
App: / Application type / : / 20 marks




Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to:



1.0 Use Logarithms in engineering calculations

1.1 Define logarithm and list its properties.

1.2 Distinguish natural logarithms and common logarithms.

1.3 Explain the meaning of e and exponential function.

1.4 State logarithm as a function and its graphical representation.

1.5 Use the logarithms in engineering calculations.

2.0 Resolve Rational Fraction into sum of Partial Fractions in engineering problems

2.1 Define the following fractions of polynomials:

  1. Rational,
  2. Proper
  3. Improper

2.2 Explain the procedure of resolving rational fractions of the type mentioned below into partial fractions




1. Logarithms:

Definition of logarithm and its properties, natural and common logarithms; the meaning of e and exponential function, logarithm as a function and its graphical representation.

2. Partial Fractions:

Rational, proper and improper fractions of polynomials. Resolving rational fractions in to their partial fractions covering the types mentioned below:

Reference Books:

1. A text book of matrices by Shanti Narayan,

2. Plane Trigonometry, by S.L Loney


SubjectTitle:EngineeringPhysics - I





S.No / MajorTopics / No.of
Periods / Weightage ofMarks / Short
(2 marks) / EssayType
(10 marks)
1. / UnitsandDimensions / 08 / 08 / 4 / -
2. / Modern Physics / 12 / 28 / 4 / 2
3. / Heat and Thermodynamics / 12 / 28 / 4 / 2
4. / Elements of Vectors / 14 / 28 / 4 / 2
5. / Kinematics / 14 / 28 / 4 / 2
Total: / 60 / 120 / 20 / 8


UNIT TEST 1 : UNITS 1,2 and 3

UNIT TEST 2 : UNITS 4 and 5


Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to

1.0Understand the concept of Units and dimensions

1.1Explain the concept of Units

1.2Definethe terms

a) Physicalquantity,b) Fundamentalphysicalquantitiesand

c) Derived physicalquantities





1.7State RulesofwritingS.I.units







1.14StatetheapplicationsofDimensionalanalysis (without problems)

1.15Statethelimitationsof dimensionalanalysis

2.0Understand the concept ofModern physics


2.2Write Einstein’sphotoelectricequation

2.3Statethe lawsofphotoelectriceffect

2.4Explain the Workingof a photoelectriccell

2.5List the Applicationsofphotoelectriceffect

2.6Recapitulaterefractionoflightand its laws

2.7Define criticalangle

2.8Explain theTotalInternalReflection

2.9Explainthebasic principleofopticalFiber


2.11Listtheapplicationsof opticalFiber


2.13List the examplesofsuperconductingmaterials

2.14List the applicationsofsuperconductors


1.Units and Dimensions:

Introduction – Physical quantity – Fundamental and Derived quantities – Fundamental and Derived units- SI units –Multiples and Sub multiples – Rules for writing S.I. units-Advantages of SI units – Dimensions and Dimensional formulae- Dimensional constants and Dimensionless quantities- Principle of Homogeneity- Applications and limitations of Dimensionalanalysis.

2.Modern Physics;

Photoelectric effect –Einstein’s photoelectric equation-laws of photoelectric effect-photoelectriccell–Applicationsofphotoelectriceffect- Total internal reflection- fiber optics- -principle of an optical fiber-types of optical fibers - Applications of optical fibers- concepts of superconductivity-applications


1. Intermediate physics Volume- I & 2Telugu Academy

2. Text book of physics Resnick & Halliday

3. Engineering physics Gaur and Gupta

4. Fundamental Physics Volume -1 & 2K.L.Gomber and K.L.Gogia


SubjectTitle:Engineering Chemistry and Environmental

Studies - I



Total periods per semester:60


S.No / MajorTopics / No.of
Periods / Weightage ofMarks / Short
(2 marks) / EssayType
(10 marks)
OFOCCCCHEMISTRY / 18 / 40 / 5 / 3
2. / SOLUTIONS / 10 / 18 / 4 / 1
3. / ACIDS & BASES / 10 / 18 / 4 / 1
4. / WATER TECHNOLOGY / 14 / 28 / 4 / 2
5. / ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES – I / 08 / 16 / 3 / 1
Total: / 60 / 120 / 20 / 8


Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to


1.0 Fundamentals of Chemistry

1.1Explain the fundamentalparticlesofanatom like electron, proton and neutron etc.,


1.3State the PostulatesofBohr’satomictheoryanditslimitations

1.4Explainthe concept of Quantumnumbers with examples

1.5Explain1.Aufbau’sprinciple,2.Hund’sruleand3.Pauli’sexclusion principle with examples.




1.9 Write the electronic configuration of elements up to atomic number 30

1.10Define chemical bond.

1.11Explain the PostulatesofElectronictheoryofvalency

1.12Defineand explain three types of Chemicalbonding viz., Ionic, Covalent, Coordinate covalent bond with examples.


1.14List the PropertiesofIoniccompounds

1.15Explaincovalent bond formation in Hydrogen molecule, Oxygen molecule, and Nitrogen molecule using Lewisdotmethod.

1.16List the PropertiesofCovalentcompounds

1.17Distinguish between ionic compounds and covalent compounds.

1.18Define the terms1.Oxidation,2.Reduction 3.Oxidation number 4. Valency, with examples.

1.19Calculate theOxidationNumber



2.1Definethe terms 1.Solution,2.Soluteand3.Solvent

2.2Classify solutions based on physical state.

2.3 Define solubility, unsaturated, saturated and super saturated solutions.


2.5ExplainMoleconcept with examples.‘

2.6Define the terms 1. Atomic weight, 2. Molecular weight and 3. Equivalent weight

2.7Calculate Molecular weight and Equivalent weight of Acids, Bases and Salts.

2.8Define1.Molarity and Normality.

2.9Solve NumericalproblemsonMole,MolarityandNormality




Atomic Structure: Introduction - Fundamental particles – Bohr’s theory – Quantum numbers - Aufbau principle - Hund’s rule - Pauli’s exclusion Principle- Orbitals, shapes of s, p and d orbitals - Electronic configurations ofelements

Chemical Bonding: Introduction – Valency,types of chemical bonds – Ionic, covalentand co-ordinate covalent bondwithexamples–PropertiesofIonicandCovalentcompounds

Oxidation-Reduction:ConceptsofOxidation-Reduction,OxidationNumber- calculations,


Introduction-concentration methods – Mole concept, Molarity, Normality, Equivalentweights,NumericalproblemsonMole,MolarityandNormality


  1. Intermediate chemistry Vol 1&2Telugu Acedemy
  2. Engineering ChemistryJain & Jain
  3. Engineering ChemistryO.P. Agarwal, Hi-Tech.
  4. Engineering ChemistrySharma
  5. Engineering ChemistryA.K. De


Subject Title: Electronic Components and Materials

Subject Code: EI-105

Periods/Week: 04

Periods/Sem: 60


S. No / Major Topics / No. of periods / Weightage of marks / Short Answer Questions / Essay Questions
1 / Electronics Engineering Materials / 12 / 32 / 4 / 2
2 / Resistors / 18 / 38 / 6 / 2
3 / Capacitors / 18 / 38 / 6 / 2
4 / Inductors / 12 / 32 / 4 / 2
Total / 60 / 140 / 20 / 8

OBJECTIVES: On completion of the study of the subject a student should be able to Comprehend the following.

1.0 Understand Electronics Engineering Materials.

1.1 Classify materials.

1.2 Classify solids.

1.3 Explain the atomic structure.

1.4 Give the properties of conductors.

1.5 List the conducting materials.

1.6 List the mechanical properties of conductors.

1.7 Give the properties of semiconductors.

1.8 Explain the general properties like conductivity, Resistivity.

1.9 Define super conductivity.

1.10List the examples for superconductors.

1.11Define Insulating material.

1.12Give the properties of insulating materials.

2.0 Identify working and constructional details of different types of resistorsand their Uses.

2.1 Define the property of resistance.

2.2 Classify types of resistors.

2.3 Derive the relation R=ρl/a

2.4 List the specifications of a resistor, and state their importance.

2.5 Explain the necessity of preferred values in resistor.

2.6 Measure the Resistance Value by using Colour Code.

2.7 Compare the features of carbon film, metal film (thick and thin) and wire wound resistors with respect to


b)power rating

c) tolerance

d) temperature coefficient

e) applications

2.8 Describe constructional details of carbon and wire wound potentiometers.

2.9 Compare the features of carbon and wire wound potentiometers

2.10 Mention the need for tapering in potentiometers.

2.11 Describe the working of rheostat and mention its applications.

2.12 Define Positive

a)Temperature coefficient

b) Negative Temperature coefficient.

2.13 Explain the effects of temperature on resistance.

2.14 Define temperature co-efficient of resistance

2.15 Deduce the relation Rt=Ro(1+αot)

2.16 List the common faults in resistors.


1.Electronic Engineering materials: Materials-Classification-Solids-Atomic Structure-Conductors and semi conductors and their properties-super conductivity-examples - Insulating materials- properties.

2.Resistors: Classification of resistors,colour code, Specifications, preferred values of resistors, their properties and uses – Carbon film metal film wire wound resistors, characteristics and applications. Constructional details of carbon and wire wound Potentiometers - tapering. Effect of temperature on resistance. faults in resistors.

Reference Books

  1. Electronic devices and applications by B. Soma Nathan Nair, PHI.
  2. Electronic components by Dr.K.Padmanabham.
  3. Electronic Instruments and Systems by B.P Gupta TMH
  4. Principles of Electronics by V.K.Mehatha
  5. Basic Electronics by Grob., TMH
  6. Electronic devices & Circuits by Millman & Halkias, TMH
  1. Electronic Components by F.J. Waters.


Subject Title: Basic Electrical Engineering-I

Subject Code: EI-106

Periods/Week: 04

Periods/Sem: 60


Sl. No. / Major Topics / No. of Periods / Weightage of Marks / Short questions / Essay questions
1. / Basic principles of Electricity / 20 / 38 / 6 / 2
2. / Work, Power & Energy / 10 / 32 / 4 / 2
3. / Heating effects of electric Current / 16 / 38 / 6 / 2
4 / Batteries / 14 / 32 / 4 / 2
Total / 60 / 140 / 20 / 8


Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to

1.0Comprehend the Basic principles of electricity


a) structure of atom

b)electron configuration of elements.

1.2Define valence electron.

1.3Distinguish between conductors, insulators and semiconductors.

1.4Explain the concept of electric charge.

1.5State SI unit for charge.

1.6Explain the concept of potential.

1.7Mention S.I. Units of potential.

1.8Explain the concept of potential difference.

1.9Mention S.I. Units of potential difference.

1.10Explain the concept of E.M.F.

1.11Mention S.I. Units of E.M.F.

1.12Explain the concept of electric current.

1.13Differentiate between conventional electric current and electron current.

1.14State and explain Ohm’s law.

1.15Explain the concept of electrical resistance.

1.16Mention S.I. Units of electrical resistance.

1.17Explain the concept of electrical conductance.

1.18Mention S.I. Units of electrical Conductance.

1.19State the parameters affecting the resistance.

1.20Define specific resistance.

1.21Mention S.I. Units of specific resistance.

1.22Explain temperature Coefficient of resistance.

1.23Solve simple problems on variation of resistance with temperature.

1.24Derive the expression for equivalent resistance when resistances are

connected in series.

1.25Derive the expression for equivalent resistance when resistances are

connected in parallel.


2.0Explain the concept of work, power & energy

2.1Explain the concepts of work done in electric circuit.

2.2Mention S.I. Units of work.

2.3Explain the concepts of Energy expendedin electric circuit.

2.4Mention S.I. Units of energy

2.5Explain the concepts of power dissipated in electric circuit.

2.6Mention S.I. Units of power.

2.7Express work in different Units of

a) Electrical

b) Mechanical

c) Thermal .

2.8Express power in different Units of

a) Electrical

b) Mechanical

c) Thermal

2.9Express energy in different Units of

a) Electrical

b) Mechanical

c) Thermal

2.10Define efficiency.

2.11Solve simple problems on calculation of electricity bill for domestic


  1. Comprehend the Basic principles of electricity:

Atomic Structure, Differences between conductors, Insulators and semi conductors, Concept of Electric charge, Concept of Potential, Concept of Electric Current, Ohms law, Concept of Electrical resistance, parameters affecting resistance, specific resistance, temperature coefficient, work power and energy, Series, parallel and series parallel circuits.

  1. Work, Power & Energy

Units of work, power and energy.-Conversion of Units-Efficiency-Simple problems on calculation of electricity bill for domesticconsumers.


1. Electrical Technology Vol.I by B.L.Theraja

2. Basic Electrical Engineering by T.K.Nagsarkar & M.S.Sukhija – Oxford.

3. Electrical Technology by Hughes

4. Electrical Techology Vol.I by J.B.Gupta

5. Elements of Electrical Engineering by G.B.Bharadhwajan & A. Subba Rao.

6. Basic Electrical Engineering by D C Kulshreshtha.

7.Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering by D.P.Kothari &


8. Basic Electrical Engineering by Abhijit Chakrabarthi,Sudipta nath, Chandan

Kumar Chada.


Subject Title:Engineering Drawing-I

Subject Code:C–107


Periods Per Year:90


S.No /

Major Topics

/ No. of Drawing plates /


Answer Questions /
Essay type


1 / Importance of Engineering Drawing / -- / 01 / - / - / -
2 / Engineering Drawing Instruments / 01 / 05 / - / - / -
3 / Free hand lettering & Numbering / 01 / 06 / 05 / 1 / -
4 / Dimensioning Practice / 01 / 09 / 05 / 1 / -
5 / Geometrical constructions / 03 / 24 / 25 / 1 / 02
6 / Projection of points, Lines, Planes & Solids / 03 / 21 / 25 / 1 / 02
7 / Sectional views / 03 / 24 / 20 / - / 02
Total / 12 / 90 / 80 / 04 / 06

The Course is aimed at developing basic graphic skills so as to enable them to use these skills in preparation of engineering drawings, their reading and interpretation


Upon completion of the subject the student shall be able to

1.0Understand the basic concepts of Engineering Drawing

1.1 State the importance of drawing as an engineering communication


1.2State the necessity of B.I.S. Code of practice for Engineering Drawing.

1.3 Explain the linkages between Engineering drawing and other subjects of

study in diploma course.

2.0 Use of Engineering Drawing Instruments

2.1Select the correct instruments and draw lines of different orientation.

2.2 Select the correct instruments and draw small and large Circles.

2.3Select the correct instruments for measuring distances on the drawing.

2.4 Use correct grade of pencil for different types of lines, thickness and

given function.

2.5 Select and use appropriate scales for a given application.

2.6 Identify different drawing sheet sizes as per I.S. and Standard Lay- outs.

2.7 Prepare Title block as per B.I.S. Specifications.

2.8 Identify the steps to be taken to keep the drawing clean and tidy.

Drawing Plate 1: (Having Four exercises)

Competencies and Key competencies to be achieved by the student

S.No / Major topic / Key Competency
1. / Importance of Engineering Drawing /
  • Explain the linkages between Engineering drawing and other subjects of study in Diploma course.

2. / Engineering Drawing Instruments /
  • Select the correct instruments to draw various entities in different orientation



1.B.I.S Specification should invariably be followed in all the topics.

2. A-3 Size Drawing Sheets are to be used for all Drawing Practice Exercises.

1.0 The importance of Engineering Drawing

Explanation of the scope and objectives of the subject of Engineering Drawing Its importance as a graphic communication -Need for preparing drawing as per standards – SP-46 –1988 – Mention B.I.S - Role of drawing in -engineering education – Link between Engineering drawing and other subjects of study.

2.0 Engineering drawing Instruments

Classifications: Basic Tools, tools for drawing straight lines, tools for curved lines, tools for measuring distances and special tools like mini drafter & drafting machine – Mentioning of names under each classification and their brief description -Scales: Recommended scales reduced & enlarged -Lines: Types of lines, selection of line thickness - Selection of Pencils -Sheet Sizes: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Layout of drawing sheets in respect of A0, A1, A3 sizes, Sizes of the Title block and its contents, Care and maintenance of Drawing Sheet, Drawing plate:

Lay out of sheet – as per SP-46-1988 to a suitable scale.

Simple Exercises on the use of Drawing Instruments. Importance of Title Block.


Engineering Graphics by P I Varghese – ( McGraw-hill)

Engineering Drawing by Basant Agarwal & C.M Agarwal - ( McGraw-hill)

Engineering Drawing by N.D.Bhatt.

T.S.M. & S.S.M on “ Technical Drawing” prepared by T.T.T.I., Madras.

SP-46-1998 – Bureau of Indian Standards.

Subject Title : Electronic Components Lab-I

Subject Code : EI-108

Periods/Week : 06

Periods/Sem : 90

S. No. / Major Topic / No. of Periods
1 / Identification of components / 30
2 / Soldering Practice / 35
3 / Wiring practice / 25
Total / 90
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the subject the student shall be able to

1.0 Identification of components

1.1Identify different types resistors with different wattage

1.2Identify different types capacitors with different wattage

1.3Identify different types Inductors

1.4Identify colour coding of different resistors


2.1 Get familiarised to use of various soldering tools, Components & different cables.

2.2 Assemble and disassemble components using soldering irons.

2.3 Use different types of soldering irons.

2.4 Use solder squeezer on electronic PCBS.

2.5 Use instant soldering gun.

2.6 Solder on printed circuit boards using passive and active components.

  1. Wiring Practice.

3.1 Familiarise with various tools used in electric wiring.

3.2 Fundamentals of house wiring. Types of wiring and types of

wires used for light points and power points.

3.3 Study of different types of switches used in electrical wiring.

3.4 Connection of one lamp with switch.

3.5 Simple staircase wiring – one lamp control with two switches.

3.6 Connection of tube light with function of choke, tube and starter.

3.7 Connection of ceiling fan and reversing the direction of ceiling