St. Mary’s CatholicPrimary School
Accessibility Plan
Mission Statement
“Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”(Matthew 18:20)
This Accessibilty plan is to be read in conjunction with the Disability Discrimination Scheme.
Inclusion Statement
Improving the accessibility of schools is about increasing access in the widest sense to ensure that teaching and learning is fully accessible to all pupils. This is done through:
- Increasing the extent to which pupils with physical and learning disabilities can participate in the school curriculum
- Improving the physical environment of the school.
- Improving access to information for pupils with communication difficulties.
The school is committed to inclusion and to increasing the extent to which pupils with disabilities can participate in the curriculum and to improving the physical and learning environments to enable this to take place.
Definition of Disability
‘A disabled person is one who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’ (The Disability Discrimination Act 1996)
Areas of disability
- Mobility
- Manual dexterity
- Physical co-ordination/impairment
- Continence
- Ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects
- Communication, speech and language, hearing and eyesight
- Memory or ability to concentrate, learn or understand
- Perception of risk or physical danger
- Cognition and learning
- Emotional, behavioural and social difficiculties
Access to the Physical Environment
Main route, approach and parking
- The main routes to the school offer limited parking for parents as they drop off pupils by the three entrances. A new pedestrian pathway has been laid from the main entrance gates to the path of the conservation area. This is to ensure the health and safety of all who come into school via the main entrance gates.
- The main site entrance is both pedestrian and vehicular. It is close to the main building and within the vision of the main office.
- The two side gates are pedestrian only.
- Side gates are opened at 8.35 a.m. closed and locked at 9.10 am and re- opened at 3.05 p.m. They are locked at the end of the school day at 3.45p.m.
- The side gate at Bessemer Close is opened by St Mary’s Playgroup from 11.25am to enable parents to pick up their children from the morning session and locked by the playgroup at 11.45am. It is then opened again by the playgroup at 12.25pm to enable parents to drop off their children for the afternoon session and locked by them at 12.45pm. The playgroup take responsibility for this.
- Recent fencing all round the school has added to the security and prevents access to the playground from outside the school during the school day.
- A footpath has been put in place so that there is no need for anybody to walk in the staff car park.
- There is limited parking within the school grounds for members of staff and visitors.
- There is not any designated visitor parking.
- A designated accessible parking bay for disabled drivers has been put in place as part of the extension to the entranceway of the main building.
- There is space for a vehicle to get close to the main entrance in order to allow a disabled person to be dropped off.
- The car parking area and the out side areas of the building have security lights. There is also an external deterrent system warning trespassers to vacate the premises.
- All doors into the school have a secure access system.
- The entrance doors to the mobile class rooms do not have a secure access system.
- The school is secure because the two wooden gates that allow access from Bessemer Close and the car park are padlocked during the day.
- The mobile class rooms have access to a mobile phone so that they can communicate with the school office as the need requires.
Main school entrance and reception
- The route from the site entrance is suitable for wheelchair users with a wide path with a firm even surface.
- There is a door entry systemto the inner door leading directly into the school.
- A wheelchair user would have difficulty opening the entrance door unaided.
- The entrance door is clearly visible to the school secretary who operates the door entry system
External Area
- There is a soft play surface beneath the Agility trail.
- There is a quiet garden in the playground where children can sit quietly.
- There are play areas specifically designated for younger children.
- There is an enclosed outdoor play area for younger children to play which has a soft play surface.
- There is a large enclosed playing field.
- There is a conservation area which is accessed by the children with adult supervision. There is also a pond. This conservation area is fenced off.
Routes between the main buildings do provide independent access for wheelchair users and all external areas have wheelchair access
Access to the buildings
There are 3 exits/entrances to the main buildings.
2 exit/entrances to the main building have level access.
- 1 exit/entrances to the main building has ramp access.
- 2 fire exits in the hall have level access.
There are 3 entrances/exits to the double mobile building
- 1 exit/ entrance to the double mobile is by ramp
- 2 fire exits are by steps with handrails
Ramp Access
- Main access to the double mobiles is via a long ramp with a gradient suitable for wheelchair users. Handrails along side the ramp
- Access to the main building is from the playground via a long ramp with a gradient suitable for wheelchair users. Handrails alongside the ramp.
The proportion of the main building entrances with level access or easily used ramp access is 100%.
The proportion of the mobile buildings entrances with level or ramp access 100%
Wheelchair access to WC
There are two disabled WCs in the main building.
There is one in the double mobile.
WC 1 (in main building):
- Level entry
- Changing area/changing bed
- Manoeuvre space for wheel chair
- Tiles with coloured bandings
- Emergency alarm
- Accessible sink and taps
- Accessible shower controls
- A shower area/wet room incorporated into the disabled WC.
- Outward opening doors
- handrails
WC 2 (in main building):
- Level entry
- Outward opening doors
- Accessible sink/ taps and hand towels
- Alarm with sound and light
- Hand rails
WC 3 (in double mobile classroom)
- Level entry
- Manoeuvre space for wheel chair
- Accessible sink and hand towels
- Handrails
Internal circulation and access to facilities within the school
- Internal circulation routes are of adequate width for wheelchair users.
- All ground floor areas are accessible to wheelchair users
- There are handrails along one side of the main school corridor.
- Doors into teaching areas are accessible to wheelchair users having clear opening widths, lever handles, and space to approach and open the door.
- Stairs have contrasting colours on edge.
- Banisters are open.
- There is access to the upper floor via a stair lift.
- Hazardous rooms are kept locked and are clearly signed.
- Pupils are not allowed in Storerooms unless accompanied by an adult.
- Vision panels are on doors in new extension
- All areas of the curriculum are accessible from the ground floor
- The ICT provision is networked throughout the school and laptops are used in classrooms which allows equal access to all.
Emergency Evacuation Plan
The school has an emergency evacuation plan
- Fire exits are clearly marked
- Routes for exits are clearly placed in all classrooms
- 100% of the main building is easily evacuated by wheelchair users
- 100% of mobile classrooms are easily evacuated by wheelchair users
- Fire practices are held termly
- The fire alarm system has been upgraded.
Disabled Persons Evacuation Procedure
In the event of an emergency evacuation, any disabled visitors will be assisted from the building to the assembly point by the person they are visiting.
As there are no disabled employees or children at person a procedure for the evacuation of disabled staff and children will be introduced when a disabled person is employed or when a disabled child is admitted to the school.
Access to the Curriculum
- Mechanisms exist at sub committee level for The Governing Body to be fully informed of the need for adaptations to the curriculum that impacts on funding;
- Teachers and Teaching Assistants (TAs) have had specific training to support pupils with physical, learning and behaviour disabilities
The following people or agencies have given specific training to TAs or teachers:
- Physiotherapist;
- School nurse;
- LA inclusion and SEN Advisors;
- Educational Psychologist;
- Occupational Therapist;
- Behaviour Support Team;
- Speech and Language team;
- Manual handling (Trainer on staff);
- Positive handling;
- ESS Physical, impairment/Hearing impairment Advisory teachers;
- DEMA ELA pupils use bi-lingual adults in school to support bi-lingual pupils.
Staff attend courses related to specific impairments;
- Use of outreach programmes e.g. Speech and Language programmes
- Liaison between play groups and Foundation Year staff and SENCO to ensure smooth transfer from one to the other with specific arrangements made for pupils who have special needs in terms of adaptation to the new environment.
- Liaison between Y6 teachers, SENCO and staff members of Secondary School to ensure smooth transfer at this point
- All pupils are encouraged to participate in music, drama and physical activities.
- All activities are adapted in order to ensure the inclusion of all pupils related to their disabilities.
- Specific equipment to enable wheel chair users to participate in PE lessons has been purchased.
- One-to-one TA support is directed at pupils with specific physical or behavioural difficulties when participating in physical activities.
- Alternative PE Programmes are planned for pupils who, because of physical restrictions or behaviour problems, cannot participate in gymnastic activities, which involve working on higher equipment or climbing frames.
- Sports day is also inclusive with events being planned so that all children can participate.
- Two members of staff participate in the water with year 3 swimmers so that all pupils feel secure and safe.
- School trips are inclusive of all pupils. Coaches with wheel chair access are hired where necessary. Individual risk assessments are produced for pupils with disabilities and arrangements are made to enable the inclusion of the pupil in school visits. A qualified first aider always accompanies school trips.
- All after school clubs are inclusive of all children.
- Laptops are used in all classrooms to enable equal access to all pupils.
- IEPs, IBPs for specific pupils, are agreed with SENCO and class teacher and pupils. They are communicated to parents for discussion. These are reviewed every 6 months.
- PEPs for ‘Looked After Children’
- Visual timetables, time and physical prompts are used to aid pupil understanding.
- An inclusion statement is included in all curriculum policies.
- Flexible grouping arrangements are used in classrooms.
- Speech and Language programmes are provided for individual and groups of pupils.
- Friendship Groups are arranged for pupilswith behavioural/social difficulties.
- Hand gym programmes and OT programmes are provided for pupils who require fine and gross motor skill development
- Use of ICT programmes are used to enhance and contribute to learning opportunities Clicker 4, Easy Type.
- FLS and Springboard programmes are used to support literacy and numeracy.
- Early identification and intervention is targeted at pupils with SEN and this supports improved attainment.
- In all classes pupils are involved in group and individual target setting.
- Liaison and sharing of expertise among cluster SENCOs are arranged at regular twilight sessions
Access to Information
- The school brochure contains all relevant information related to the school.
- Formal parent consultations are held in October and February. Parents are also given the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss the annual report as well as meeting with the teacher informally on request.
- Newsletters with important information and dates sent out every term.
- Staff members are available to interpret information for parents in Italian, Polish, French, Portuguese and Konkani.
- All classes contribute to a specific class page on the website that gives information on the curriculum including class blogs.
Reviewed September 2010