
CPLP Study Guide


Core Coaching Competencies
Objective / Information
Define coaching. / ASTD definition:
Coaching is a conversation focused on helping other people (the clients) move forward relative to their goals, hopes, and curiosities. Goals are accomplishments yet to be achieved; hopes and curiosities are the rough material of future goals. For coaching to be helpful, it needs to tie to something the client wants to accomplish.
International Coaching Federation (ACF) definition:
Coaching is a professional partnership between a qualified coach and an individual or team that supports the achievement of extraordinary results, based on goals set by the individual or team. Through the process of coaching, individuals focus on the skills and actions needed to successfully produce their personally relevant results.
Discuss the role of the T&D professional as a coach. / To provide an effective and efficient performance improvement and provide transformational learning [like triple-loop learning].
Single-loop learning – new skill for incremental changes (single skill/action)
Double-loop learning – changing thinking patterns and behaviors
Triple-loop learning – people shift in how they view themselves and willingly alter beliefs and values (about themselves and/or world)
Table 87 identifies roles for coaches and clients.
List the core competencies of effective coaches. / ·  Good communication skills
·  Ability to motivate a client
·  Self management
·  Technical skills
Table 88 lists specific activities associated with each core competency.
List the techniques used to create effective communication in a coaching relationship. / ·  Ask questions
o  Provocative questions
o  Evocative questions
o  Socratic questions
·  Set expectations
·  Provide feedback
o  Evaluative feedback
o  Developmental feedback
1.  Ethical Guidelines
Discuss how ethical guidelines govern the coaching relationship. / Be ethical.
ICF provides a lot of ethical requirements including confidentiality, avoid conflicts of interest, and professional detachment.
Self-governing behaviors include: honesty, fairness, lawfulness, compassion, respect, loyalty, and dependability.
Detail the primary coaching issues with regard to privacy, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and coaching-relationship limitations. / Privacy – need coaching session to be in private without interruption
Confidentiality – Be objective (no personal / political agenda) and all information from sessions/interactions stays confidential
Conflict of interest occurs when a coach has an interest that impeded or interferes with the ability to act in the best interest of a client. Coaches should avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest.
Relationship Limitations – Coaching needs to be individually applied (customized). Coach-client relationship needs a certain distance and professionalism for being most effective for the client—helps to avoids the pitfalls: agreeing instead of challenging, being judgmental / rigid, going at speed not suited to client