Description and Methodology of the UDRI survey 2011

Survey Description

In January and May 2011 the UDRI with the help of about 203 students from the ACADMEY OF ARCHITECTURE-RACHNA SANSAD, BHARTI VIDYAPEETH’S COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE and the IES COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE conducted a local ward level survey in Mumbai.

As part of the survey preparation for the first survey round in January, students from the Academy of Architecture were briefed about the survey and the filling of UDRI forms, overlooked by PrasafShetty, Pakaj Joshi and the faculty. About 200 students were separated in 10 groups, each focusing on one ward. Each student was asked to survey 10 people (from different economic backgrounds)from the ward assigned to them. In order to achieve a cross-spectral survey the students selected on their first field visit 20 people, which represented according to them a diverse spectrum of people (age, social background, income etc.). In agreement with their group leader, the students finally selected 10 of those 20. Within 3 weeks the students met their interviewee more than once in order to build trust and social relation. In the first round about 1600 filled forms from 10 wards (B, E, F, K, L, N, R, S and T ward) were gathered.

The second survey round was held in May 2011. About 23 students from the BhartiVidyapeeth’s college of Architecture and the IES College of Architecture went to 6 more wards (A, C, D, F South, G South) in order to collect further data. Within 2 weeks of field trip they gathered about 200 filled questionnaires.

At the end of the survey 1816 filled questionnaires were collected, representing ideally a cross-section of people from 16 wards in Mumbai.


The survey is a local ward level survey. The choice for a ward level instead of neighborhood level survey was made against the background that award is an administrative boundary and therefore officially recognized. The census is also held ward wise what makes the data comparable.

The interviews were conducted as face-to-face interviews. As the UDRI questionnaire form is very detailed and time-consuming the interviewer was asked to try and develop a personal connection with the interviewee. In case the interviewees would not understand the question it would be easier to provide the explanation by this method of survey. Verification of information provided in terms of the interview situation and the accuracy of the answers is also easier to by this methodology.