April 11, 2016
Dear Faculty Advisors,
Billeting Information for the 2016 CAIS Student Leadership Conference
Please find included in this letter the Billeting Agreement for the 2016 CAIS SLC. Below are the requirements that we ask to be addressed prior to the conference.
1. Please make TWO copies of each contract and send them home with the delegates. Ask each family to sign one copy and send it back to the school, keeping the other copy for themselves.
2. We will send you the contact information for all the host families of your delegates as soon as possible.
3. Please have your delegates’ families call their billeting families prior to departure to introduce themselves and pass on any concerns. Our host families should also be contacting the delegate families prior to their arrival.
Best regards,
John Davidson
Faculty Advisor
Seek Your Summit
2016 CAIS Student Leadership Conference
West Island College
Billeting Agreement –2016CAIS Student Leadership Conference
To: Delegates of 2016 CAIS Senior Student Leadership Conference
Re: Responsibilities of Delegates, Family, and School
1. Delegates will be billeted in pairs or more.
2. Delegates are expected to respect the rules established by their host family, as well as to demonstrate behaviour appropriate to being a guest in someone’s home. The use of alcohol, cigarettes and/or drugs will not be tolerated, and could result in immediate expulsion from the conference at the participant’s school and/or parents’ expense.
3. The delegates’ families will have the opportunity to make telephone contact with their host family prior to their arrival at West Island College.
4. The host school must be provided in advance with written information concerning specific needs of each delegate such as emergency contact numbers, dietary restrictions, allergies, and other pertinent medical information. All such information should be entered via the conference registration website by the advisor.
5. The host family will also be given a detailed itinerary describing arrival and departure information, a list of meals that will be required, transportation arrangements, and a cell phone number for the faculty advisor.
6. Host families will provide transportation to and from the conference. Should host or billet families wish to make other arrangements, this is to be agreed upon between the host family and delegate’s family.
7. The faculty advisor will have an ongoing dialogue with all billeted students to ensure that the billeting is progressing in a satisfactory manner.
I have read and agree to the expectations listed above.
(Faculty Advisor, Visiting School)Date
(CAIS Delegate)Date
(Signature of Delegate’s Parent/Guardian)Date