Recycling and Composting Schemes

We offer numerous opportunities for people to recycle their rubbish and dispose of their waste free of charge and properly.

We provide services and facilities across the District in partnership with other agencies and councils such as the burgundy bin scheme, household waste recycling centres and bring sites.

What is the burgundy binrecycling scheme?

The burgundy bin recycling scheme gives residents the opportunity to recycle a number of household materials that are collected from the edge of their property.

The scheme uses a burgundy bin with a caddy insert which is collected on a fortnightly basis.

How can I take part in the scheme?

By telephoning our Contact Centre on 01246 242424 and ordering a burgundy bin.

What can I put in my burgundy bin and caddy?

You can put plastic, glass bottles and jars, food and drink cans, empty aerosols, clean foil, cardboard and cardpackaging andsmall household batteries (in a clear bag) and textiles\shoes (in a clear bag).

Paper, magazines, catalogues, yellow pages, etc must be placed in the integral caddy.

We ask that residents rinse the jars and cans clean, in order to reduce health and safety hazards to the crew and make their job more pleasant.

You do not have to remove labels and windows from envelopes as these come off during the recycling process; however, it would help to reduce the amount of non-recyclable material if you do remove them.

Please visit refer to your most recent information leaflet for more information on what you can put in your burgundy bin.

What shouldn’t I put in my burgundy bin?

You shouldn’t put in shredded paper, sticky labels, pyrex or crockery, duvets and pillows, carrier bags, nappies, film from packed foods or polystyreneor any items which should go in the green or black bin. Please do not place any recyclables (other than small batteries, textiles and shoes) in plastic bags inside your burgundy bin.

If materials are found that are not acceptable the crew will leave a card explaining why your bin has not been collected.

These materials should be removed and the bin presented for your next collection.

When and where should I present my burgundy bin?

Your burgundy bin should be presented by 6am on the day of collection as per schedule, at the edge of your property where it meets the pavement and must be clearly visible and accessible to the crew.

Can I get assistance with presenting burgundy bin?

Weprovide assistance to residentswhere there is no one at the property physically able to present the burgundy bin at the kerbside.

If you already receive assistance with your black bin then you will automatically receive assistance with your burgundy bin if required.

If there is no-one else in your property who can present your bin for collection, then you can apply for assistance via our on-line form on the home page of our website our Contact Centreson 01246 242424.

What if my burgundy bin is split, damaged or lost?

If your burgundy bin is split or damaged you must telephone our Contact Centres on 01246 242424 to order a new one. A charge may be made for your replacement.

What if my burgundy bin is not collected?

If your burgundy bin is not collected on the day of your collection please report via our website ortelephone our Contact Centres on 01246 242424.

The crew or a supervisor will return and collect the burgundy bin later on the scheduled collection day or the next day.

We ask for your patience and consideration before reporting your burgundy bin as missed. The crews operate between 6am and 4:30pm on the day of collections and may not have yet reached your property.

If your burgundy bin is regularly missed then appropriate action such as monitored collections will be made to resolve the matter.

I am moving and need a burgundy bin at my new property - how can I request a burgundy bin?

We recommend requesting your burgundy bin when you have moved in by telephoning our Contact Centres on 01246 242424. We prefer not to deliver these items to empty properties in case they subsequently go missing. A charge will be made for bins at new properties.

What can I take to the Household Waste Recycling Sites?

You can dispose of your own waste such as garden rubbish, brick rubble, car parts, oil, carpets or DIY debris.

The site can be found at Buttermilk Lane, Duckmanton, also has a full range of recycling facilities for paper, glass, cans and garden waste.

The site is open from 8.30am to 6pm daily, but is closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year' Day.

The site can be very busy during the weekends and at bank holidays so there may be some queuing at these times.

What are Bring Sites?

Bring sites are containers located throughout the District giving people the chance to recycle paper, glass, cans, and textiles.

Where are these sites located?

We have numerous bring sites at various locations throughout the district. These can be found by visiting are usually sited in car parks of public houses or community venues. Alternatively you can telephone our Contact Centres on 01246 242424 to find your nearest site.

What is home composting?

Home Composting is one of the most cost efficient and friendly methods of waste disposal - and an easy way to cut down the bulk of your black bin by up to 30%.

There are several sized compost bins that you can use and we can offer you them at a reduced rate. Please telephone our Contact Centres on 01246 242424 to order one or visit

Once you have your bin, you can be enthusiastic or completely lazy - when it comes to composting and no matter which you are, compost will eventually happen - because it’s a natural process.

You’ll know the compost is ready when you can no longer recognise the original ingredients. It should be dark brown and have a sweet, earthy smell. When it looks like this then you can...Dig it into the soil…..Use it as mulch around plants….Use it in potting recipes!

Our standards are

  • To collect recyclable materials once a fortnight in accordance with our schedules.
  • To return your burgundy bin to its collection point after emptying.

July 2015