Issue 2.2 / Criteria to Qualify for Developing Economy Delegate Fees Funding / PAC-CBC-002
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Issue 2.2

Prepared by: PAC Secretariat1 September 2012

Issue Date: 8 August 2017

Application Date: Immediate

PAC-CBC-002.doc / Date of Issue: 8 August 2017 / Date of Application: Immediate
Issue 2.2 / Criteria to Qualify for Developing Economy Delegate Fees Funding / PAC-CBC-002
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2Common Criteria for All PAC Members

3Applicable Support

4Criteria For Selection


Annex 1: The World Bank Classification Of Economies 2017


1.1This document outlines the requirements and criteria that applicants must meet in order to qualify for funding to enable delegates from developing economies to attend PAC meetings.

2Common Criteria for all PAC Members

2.1Only those countries or economies which the World Bank Classification of Economies by Income and Region categorize as low or lower-middle income economies shall qualify.

2.2The table in Annex 1 is for information only. The World Bank classification as at the date the meetingis announced shall be considered for funding.


3.1The support will be in the form of a reduction in the cost of the registration fees for PAC Annual Meetings.

3.2Maximum support in any budget year shall be limited to the full registration fees of ONE delegate per eligible member.

3.3The PAC Secretariat may, in consultation with the Executive Committee, invite nominations from developing economies that are not already members of PAC. Funding for an individual non-member shall only be available for a maximum of two years, after which they would be expected to join PAC or fund their own attendance.


4.1The PACSecretariat shall invite nominations directly from eligible members and others as per clause 3.3 above.

4.2All nominations shall be assessed in accordance with the requirements of this document.

4.3Successful applicants will be expected to attend all of the open sessions during the PAC annual meetings, plus any supplementary training for which they are eligible, held in conjunction with the meetings.

4.4Funding of PAC members shall be available for the Head of Delegation only. Successful PAC member applicants must be able to make decisions and vote on behalf of the member they represent.

4.5In the event that an applicant is unable to attend the meeting, the relevant member shall notify the PAC Secretariat immediately. The funding may, at the discretion of the Secretariat, be transferred to another staff member of the same organisation no later than one week prior to the meetings commencing.

4.6Failure to attend any session of the meeting without a reason that is acceptable to the PAC Secretariat may result in that member being removed from the list of eligible participants for future allocations.


5.1Payment of the registration fees for eligible participants shall be made direct to the hosts of the annual meeting.

5.2The PAC Secretariat shall advise the member in writing when payment has been made.


Extracts from the World Bank Website:

Income group:For the current 2018 fiscal year, low-income economies are defined as those with a GNI per capita, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method, of $1,005 or less in 2016; lower middle-income economies are those with a GNI per capita between $1,006 and $3,955; upper middle-income economies are those with a GNI per capita between $3,956 and $12,235; high-income economies are those with a GNI per capita of $12,236 or more.

Low-income and lower-middle-income economies are sometimes referred to as developing economies. The use of the term is convenient; it is not intended to imply that all economies in the group are experiencing similar development or that other economies have reached a preferred or final stage of development. Classification by income does not necessarily reflect development status.

Notes:Income classifications are set each year on July 1. These official analytical classifications are fixed during the World Bank's fiscal year (ending on June 30), thus countries remain in the categories in which they are classified irrespective of any revisions to their per capita income data.

Economy / PAC Member Body (Member Type) / Eligibility
Low-Income Economies (2018)
Afghanistan / - / Invitation only
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic (North Korea) / - / Invitation only
Nepal / - / Invitation only
Lower-Middle-Income Economies (2018)
Bangladesh / BAB (Associate) / Yes
Bhutan / BSB (Corresponding) / Yes
Cambodia / CANC-DiDA (Associate) / Yes
India / NABCB (Full, MLA signatory) / Yes
India / NABET (Full) / Yes
Indonesia / KAN (Full, MLA signatory) / Yes
Kyrgyz Republic / KCA (Full) / Yes
Mongolia / MASM (Full) / Yes
Pakistan / PNAC (Full, MLA signatory) / Yes
Papua New Guinea / PNGLAS (Full, MLA signatory) / Yes
Philippines / PAB (Full, MLA signatory) / Yes
Sri Lanka / SLAB (Full, MLA signatory) / Yes
Vietnam / BoA/STAMEQ (Full, MLA signatory) / Yes
Kiribati / - / Invitation only
Lao PDR / - / Invitation only
Micronesia, Federated States / - / Invitation only
Myanmar / - / Invitation only
Samoa / - / Invitation only
Solomon Islands / - / Invitation only
Tajikistan / - / Invitation only
Timor-Leste / - / Invitation only
Uzbekistan / - / Invitation only
Vanuatu / - / Invitation only

Please see following World Bank link for current information:

PAC-CBC-002.doc / Date of Issue: 8 August 2017 / Date of Application: Immediate