Literature Log for Night by Elie Wiesel

Chapter 3 and 4; Due Friday 9/28

Instructions: Prepare for discussion of the reading each day by completing this literature log. You are to summarize, clarify, generate questions, present unknown vocabulary, select an important passage and respond to it, answer discussion questions, and name the chapter. We will be moving through this book quickly so use your time wisely in class and keep up with the homework.

Summarize and clarify: briefly summarize the chapter, including characters, conflict, and setting; also, write down some parts that need clarifying.

Generate Questions: come up with two open-ended questions that focus on the meaning of the text, and/or move beyond the scope of the text. Choose deep questions that others can engage in answering.



Vocabulary: select five words that are unfamiliar to you; write them down and define them.






Passage: select a passage that has a great deal of significance for the chapter, write it down, cite the page number, and elaborate in your own words as to why the passage is important.

Questions for Discussion: In groups, answer the following questions about the chapters.

Chapter 3

1.  What happens to Elie’s family when they reach the camp?

2.  What advice do Elie and his father receive from one of the camp prisoners?

3.  What occupation does Elie say he is?

4.  What happens to those who are skilled workers?

5.  Write an example of a metaphor found on page 34 (37).

6.  What do Elie and the others recite as they are nearing the crematory?

7.  What new name does Elie receive at the camp?

Chapter 4

8.  What happens to people with gold teeth or crowns?

9.  What type of treatment do the men receive at the factory?

10.  How does Elie manage to keep some of his teeth temporarily?

11.  What happens to people who disobey the rules of the camp?

12. Why does the hanging of the “pipel” stay in Elie’s mind?

Title the Chapter: come up with a clever title for one of the two chapters and briefly explain why you titled it as such.