(this character indicates one complete late space)




First A AUTHOR*, Second A.AUTHOR **, Third AUTHOR*** etc.

First name(lower case), SURNAME (upper case), Times New

Roman Font, size 12 Bold, centered l.2 points line spacing

First Author’s Institution Name, Location Address, Phone,

Fax Numbers and Email** Second Author’s Institution Name,

Location Address, Phone, Fax Numbers and Email, ***Third…

Times New Roman Font, size 10 Italics, centered, 1.0 points

line spacing

Abstract(Times New Roman Font, size 10 points, Bold:

The test of the abstract is in Times New Roman font, size 11

point, normal, justified, with 1.2 points line spacing The

abstract will consist of approximately 150 words. It must not run over auto the next page.

Key words (Times New Roman Font, size 10 Italic); 6-8 key

Words, in Times New Roman font, size 10 point, normal,

justified, with 1.2 points line spacing

Main section heading

This should be set in 12 pt Times New Roman bold, with one

complete line space above and below. The test following a

main heading should not be indented.

Paragraphs should be indented 5 character-spaces( except

after heading –see above), with no line space between

paragraphs. Use Times New Roman font, size 10 point,

normal, justified, with single line spacing for the main text of

the paper. Use a two-column format, with a 8 mm spacing

between columns.

1.1.Second level heading

This should be set in 12 pt Times New Roman bold, with one

complete line space above and below. The text following a

secondary heading should not be indented.

1.1.1.Third level heading

This should be set in 12 pt Times New Roman bold, with one

complete line space above but none below. The test following

a third grade heading should not be indented Fourth level heading. This should be set in 12 pt

Times New Roman bold, with one complete line space above

Leave two character spaces after the heading, and run the text,

as shown here.


  • Page setup: Use A4 (210 x 297) paper size
  • Margins setup: top, bottom, left and right 20 mm each
  • First page style: See model
  • Page 2…8 style: use the full page area.
  • Text format: 2 columns , 8 mm distance between columns
  • Minimum number of pages: 4
  • Maximum number of pages 8
  • The last page must have balanced columns


Tables must be set as part of the test. All tables should be numbered sequentially at right, i.e. “Table 1”. Leave one line space above and below tables. Large tables may be set landscape, i.e. sideways on the page, reading up.

Table T( 11 points, Bold)


Captions to diagrams and illustrations should be centered below the figure. All figures to be numbered sequentially “Figure 1. Velocity fields”. Leave one line space between caption and text.

Figure 1. Velocity fields. (Times New Roman, size 10 points, Italics)

Illustrations should be drawn or printed on a hard paper using a black ink. Illustrations should be placed … the top or bottom of the page type area, positioned central the width of the column and close to their text reference illustrations can be laid on to the whole page. Illustrations should not appear on the … page (first page) and all fig must fit within the text page.

Displayed equations

All equations must be already set. When referring to equal in the text, preface the number with the word “equ” and p. number between brackets. Displayed equation should numbered simply (1), (2), (3). etc. The numbers should … at the right extreme of the line.


References should be collectedat the end of the paper in numerical order and set in following order:

Author initials, surname, title, publication, page range, year


[1] P. Verdethe, G. D. Marques – “Bi-directional AC/DC power converter with independent reactive power control SPEEDA, pg. 124-130, Tamisa, 1994.

In the text, a reference is shown by the author’s name, follow by the number in square brackets (e.g. [1]) .

When finished, please number each page LIGHTLY IN BLACK PENCH at the top, or on the reverse, of each sheet